The New World Order – Thirteen Families Effectively Control The Central Banks

The New World Order – Thirteen Families Effectively Control The Central Banks

THIRTEEN FAMILIES EFFECTIVELY CONTROL THE CENTRAL BANKS of all the hard-currency countries. These “control banks” all practice FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING, which is perfectly legal in the US. Fractional reserve banking means that the bank is only required to hold on hand the small fraction of money (5%) that is needed to cover the fraction of deposits likely to be drawn upon and cashed. Moneys deposited in accounts go into a reserve upon which credit can be issued. In the US credit can be issued to seven times the reserve, in international banks (off shore establishments) twenty times the reserve can be issued as credit. It is important to understand this concept in order to understand the larger picture.

In the mid 1970’s, the final phase of System 2000, a “global creditors’ unilateral totalitarian plan” was put into effect. A Pentagon official and three other US officials went to the Prime Minister of Nigeria and offered him fifty million dollars in cash to double the price of light crude oil. Nigeria is one of only two countries in the world that produce light crude, which is an extremely pure form of oil whose price sets the standard for all other forms of crude oil.

Armed with the knowledge that, because of their deal with Nigeria, the price of Mid-east oil was about the skyrocket, the international bankers went to the Arabs and said, “We will send the price of crude oil as high as you want if you will promise to invest some of the money you make in the United States.”

The Great Red Dragon or London Money Power Part 2

The Great Red Dragon or London Money Power Part 2

THE SEVEN HEADS AND TEN HORNS APPEAR THREE TIMES IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION: 1) In the 12th chapter, upon the body of the Great Red Dragon; 2) In the 13th chapter, upon the body of the Beast like a leopard, that rises up out of the Sea; and 3) In the 17th chapter, on the body of the Scarlet-coloured Beast, that has a Woman upon its back, called the Beast from the Pit.

In all cases, the seven heads have the same signification.

The following is the text of the passage where the Seven Heads and Ten Horns appear upon the body of the Dragon:—

“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.”  Rev. xii: 3.

The following is the text of the passage where these Seven Heads and Ten Horns appear upon the body of the Beast from the Sea:—

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”  Rev. xiii I.:

In the 17th chapter of Revelation, where the Seven Heads and Ten Horns appear upon the body of the Beast from the Pit, they are elaborately described by the angel to John.  The following is the text of the passage:—

“So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon scarlet-coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abomination and filthiness of her fornication: and upon her forehead was a name written, mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.

The Great Red Dragon or London Money Power

The Great Red Dragon or London Money Power

This work is divided into three parts:—

Part I gives a History of the Rise of the London Money Power.

Part II proves that this Imperialism of Capital — the London Money Power — is foretold in prophecy, under the symbol of the Great Red Dragon.

Part III gives the Remedy for the industrial evils that afflict our country.  (And, I did not scan this part)

There are many persons, perhaps, who will be deeply interested in Part I, and Part III, Who will feel but little interest in the prophetic portion of the work .  The work is so arranged that all such persons can skip Part II, and pass from Part I to Part II, without any break in the connection of thought:  though they will miss the most striking delineations of the character and the activities of the Money Power.

On the other hand, those who are interested in the prophetic aspect of the work, will find its structure in proper logical arrangement as a prophetic exposition;  since it is necessary to present the history of the Money Power, before the symbols of prophecy can be applied to it.

This work is the outgrowth of a life of thought, largely directed to the study of Prophecy, History, and Political Economy.  Indeed, the work is the product of original thought.  Its historical portion is the history of an Imperialism whose existence has been hitherto unrecognised—Its remedy is based upon principles of Political economy that have never before been presented to the world.—Its Prophetic Exposition is part of a System of Prophetic Interpretation that is entirely new .  The Author may therefore claim the indulgence due to a pioneer, whose movement is over a pathway un-smoothed by the progress of earlier thought.

The Great Banking Deception

The Great Banking Deception

Have you been cheated?

In order for any contract to be valid, there must be ‘full disclosure’, ‘good faith’, ‘valuable consideration’, and ‘clean hands’. Here is what the banks advertise: “Come to our bank. We have money to loan you”. Is this really what happens?

Did you really get a loan when you contracted to borrow money from the bank to pay for your home? Or was it just an exchange (your note for cash), but the bank called it a loan? Or did two loans occur?

When you entered into a loan contract with a bank, you signed a note or contract promising to pay the bank back, and you agreed to provide collateral that the bank could seize if you did not repay the loan. This contract supposedly qualified you to receive the bank’s money. But did the bank provide ‘full disclosure’ of all of the terms of this agreement? Read the following and decide for yourself if the bank was acting in ‘good faith’, that you received ‘valuable consideration’, and that your ‘signature’ on that agreement is valid.

Bankers want you to believe that depositors deposit money at banks, banks lend the money to borrowers and the borrowers repay the money and the money is returned to the depositors who funded the loan. If you think this is how American or Canadian banking works, you have been lied to and deceived.

The fact is the economics of today’s banking system is similar to stealing, counterfeiting and swindling and that is why the bankers cannot explain the loan details or answer specific questions. Bankers are terrified that the details might be exposed in public court.

Lines of Credit Ropes of Bondage

Lines of Credit Ropes of Bondage

LINES OF CREDIT: ROPES OF BONDAGE is about the financiers, their fellow conspirators and the plot to destroy Western Christian civilization. It was written for the concerned American – not for the skeptic.

In likelihood, the skeptic will, without ever having read it, dismiss this – with a roll of the eyes and wave of the hand while at the same time declaring it to he outrageous fiction – just another attempt to promote the “conspiracy theory of history.”

Quite honestly, I did not write LINES OF CREDIT: ROPES OF BONDAGE with a hope or intention of convincing those “doubting Thomases” who, unlike the Apostle Thomas who finally believed, will continue to deny the existence of the conspiracy in spite of overwhelming and conclusive evidence to the contrary. Actually these skeptics are important to the conspirators; they are the “useful idiots” so cherished by Lenin.

Primarily, this work was written for anyone who suspects that there is much more to modern European and American history than can be learned from the standard and approved history textbooks. This work is written for the God-fearing citizen who finds it difficult to believe that our country fought two world wars and spilled the blood of our sons supposedly to make the world free for all mankind, when in actuality we made it possible for two bloodiest empires in history to enslave over a fourth of the world’s people in godless communism.

Kosher Food Racket Costs Consumers $ Millions

Kosher Food Racket Costs Consumers $ Millions

A strong offence is often the best defence. This truism, applicable to football! Contests and military engagements, is likewise pertinent in the defence of Christianity from mounting attacks launched against Christian principles and practices.

Banning prayer and Bible reading while permitting immoral sex educa­tion and humanistic values clarifica­tion courses in public schools, promotion of abortion on demand and homosexuality; showing of such sacrilegious films as Hair, Godspell and Nasty Habits; and the widespread dissemination of pornographic movies and reading materials are only a few of the many tactics employed to erode and eventually destroy Christian foundations of Western Civilisation.

The Historical Influence of International Banking

The Historical Influence of International Banking

THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANKERS WERE THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, a secretive society created and sponsored by an even more secret society known as the “Priory De Scion” during the time of the Christian Crusades to recapture the Holy Lands from Muslim control.

The “Priory De Scion” has had considerable historical influence in Europe from the time of the Crusades to the present.  The reason that most persons have not heard of the “Priory De Scion” is that they work secretly behind the scenes.

Christopher Columbus was a secret member of the “Priory De Scion” and on his voyage of discovery to the “New World,” his Flag Ship had the Templar Cross emblem on the Main Sail. This was unusual because the Templars had been outlawed by that time in history.

A list of the “Grand Masters of the Priory De Scion” would include such notables as Leonardo Da Vinci and Sir Isaac Newton.  This secret organization still wields extraordinary secret power in  modern Europe and has exercised a large influence in creating the present European Union.2

The  Knights Templar were required to take oaths of poverty and chastity to become members. Their stated mission was to guard the roads to the Holy Land.  Their popularity became so great that they became a political force with which even kings had to reckon.

The Greenback Dollar Its History and Worth

The Greenback Dollar Its History and Worth

In 1861, when the resources of the country seemed exhausted, when the last dollar had been expended, when it was found that the whole volume of the national currency was inadequate to meet current expenses, when our imperial cousins across the deep, instead of coming to our aid, had already recognized the belligerency of our foes, and stood, cat-like, ready to pounce upon the fragments of a shattered Republic, E.G. Spaulding and Erastus Corning, of New York, and Samuel Hooper, of Massachusetts, were appointed a sub-committee under the House Committee of Ways and Means to devise some plan of prosecuting the war, perpetuating the Union and paying current expenses.  The country was rich in patriotism, men and munitions of war.  All that was needed was money, or a medium of exchange, to move the armies and purchase supplies.  Under the urgent pressure of necessity the best and ablest thought and talent of the nation were brought into requisition.  A happy thought conceived the idea of applying the “nation’s wealth to the nation’s needs.”

God or Mammon

God or Mammon

PEOPLE are increasingly aware that there is a great deal wrong with the world, and that every aspect of life seems to have deteriorated since World War II. Although it is now obvious that this deterioration could not have happened by chance, the catch-phrase: “I don’t believe in the Conspiracy Theory” is frequently heard if the role of the international bankers is questioned, while people who touch on sensitive matters are denounced as “anti-Semitic”.

We could begin by asking: just what is meant by the term “anti-Semitism”? Strictly speaking it should mean some form of attack on people who are Semitic by those who are not Semitic. Currently it is being used in a quite different way: as an offensive weapon, based on a falsehood. To understand this use of the term we must consider the historic background.

Money and The Price System

Money and The Price System

Clifford Hugh Douglas was born in 1879. He was educated at Cambridge University, and was an engineer. Douglas developed a view of the role of money, and a monetary system, which he called Social Credit. He presented his ideas to the Canadian government in 1923 before the Committee of the House of Commons on Banking and Industry in 1923.

His books, including “Social Credit”, influenced the Farmers Co-operative (the UFA) in Canada, to which Douglas became a financial adviser in 1927. From those beginnings, the Alberta Social Credit Party was formed in 1935, with popular educator and radio preacher William Aberhart as its leader. That party came to power and, in 1935, Major Douglas became the chief reconstruction adviser to Premier Aberhart. Differences between Douglas’ views and the party’s policies resulted in Douglas’ resignation as adviser. Douglas published many books on his views concerning money, banking, and the globally influential and powerful. His other books include Economic Democracy (1920), The Monopoly of Credit (1931), The Use of Money (1935), and The Alberta Experiment: An Interim Survey (1937). Douglas died in 1952.