The Bank of Amsterdam Founded in 1609

The Bank of Amsterdam Founded in 1609

Abstract: The Bank of Amsterdam, founded in 1609, was the first public bank to offer accounts not directly convertible to coin. As such, it can be described as the first true central bank. The debut of central bank money did not result from any conscious policy decision, however, but instead arose almost by accident, in response to the chaotic monetary conditions during the early years of the Dutch Republic. This paper examines the history of this momentous development from the perspective of modern monetary theory.

Amschel Rothschild

Amschel Rothschild

BY THE MANNER IN WHICH A MAN IS KILLED WE CAN DETERMINE MUCH ABOUT THE REASONS FOR HIS DEATH. If we look at the past few important men found hanged, we can from the similarities found in each, they form a pattern that points both to the killers and why. These signposts are known to intelligence personnel as ‘tells’. Saddham Hussein fell out with the USA when he demanded oil payments be made in the Euro- not in the dollar, the group to find him was coincidentally called the 555’s, and Baghdad is on 33-33 N. latitude, a masonic line of power for human sacrifices so Saddham was hung. Tony Blair said at the time quote; ‘I stand four square behind the slaying of Saddham’ Tony’s election date was chosen to be 555, the same numbers as the Washington obelisk, and it’s interesting that the masonic initiation involves a noose round the neck for those who break the code of silence.

Who Stole All The Wealth

Who Stole All The Wealth

THE PATRIOTIC British author Emily Bronte who 100 years ago wrote the masterpiece of literature “Wuthering Heights” she said; “The tyrant grinds down his slaves and they don’t turn against him, they just crush those beneath him.”

Exactly 100 years ago in Emily Bronte’s time the British Empire covered a third of the world, but two ridiculous world wars for reasons historians cannot adequately explain, and waffle about an Archduke in Austria and agreements with Poland, explanations which just don’t stack up, have depleted Britain and other nations’ wealth but made the bankers rich beyond belief, this money stolen from us is actually loaned back to us at high interest by the IMF ( International Monetary fund) which is really Rothschild who stole the money in the first place.

The Absurdity of National Debt

The Absurdity of National Debt

IT is a remarkable proof of the ignorance of politicians in regard to matters of finance and, in consequence, of their unfitness to play the important part which of necessity they do in the conduct of the nation’s affairs, that neither the Conservatives, Labour nor Liberal Parties, not to mention the I. L. P., Communists and Common Wealth, have ever made any important statement of a policy in connection with the National Debt, nor shown the slightest indication that they realise that it is desirable to do anything about it.