Cinderella – A Bible Story

Cinderella – A Bible Story

CINDERELLA is that old, old Saxon folk tale about the poor little girl in rags and ashes who married the Prince of the realm and lived happily ever after. It has come down to us generation after generation, and it is still cherished and enjoyed.

The story of the little girl with the glass slipper has been printed in numerous books in uncounted versions of the original story. It has been made into plays, movies, cartoons, and television productions; and still the magic of Cinderella lives on. Perhaps it is the hand of God because, you know, there really is a Cinderella, there really is a Prince, there really will be a wedding, and they really will live happily ever after!

Cinderella Story — A Parable

The story of Cinderella is a magnificent, prophetic parable of the Prince of Peace and Israel. As we go along through the story, we shall attempt to explain the real-life characters that fit in this ancient, yet still unfinished, story, which has survived so long in Anglo-Saxon folklore.

According to the original story, the pretty little girl’s mother died and her
father remarried. Soon after the stepmother and her two grown daughters
moved in, the father left on a long trip. All three of the women were very hard and cruel to the little girl.

A Revealed Knowledge of The Prophecies and Times

A Revealed Knowledge of The Prophecies and Times

Richard Brothers’ A Revealed Revelation, is said to be one of the first identity Books, although he refers to the Jews as Hebrews, but he goes on to say that there were many Hebrews in The British Isles who did not know they were Israelites.

We further have to remember that prior to the 1600’s Jews were shunned as being the murderers of Christ. In the early 1600’s it was a man by the name of Robert Maton (1607–1653?), who wrote a book titled Israel’s Redemption and Christ’s Personal Reign on Earth. This was all part of the carefully crafted plan, to associate the Edomites as being God’s chosen. Also that Christ would not return until they were back in the Holy Land of Israel.

Marton, would be followed by Richard Brothers in the 1700’s who published his book in 1797, it was only four decades later that John Henry Newman left the Church of England to join the Roman Catholic Church, because of his disgust that the British Israel teaching was about to become official Doctrine of the C of E! It was reported at that time that there were over two million Identity adherents in the UK and USA!

Obviously The Jews who Richard Brother associated with, saw him as a God send for their cause, and once he had served their purpose, he was sectioned, finishing his days in an asylum!

Ancient Israel in Spain and Britain

Ancient Israel in Spain and Britain

MOSES MARGOLIOUTH was a learned and respected minister in the Church of England of the nineteenth century. As his name might indicate, he was also of Jewish extraction. Born in Suwalki, Poland in 1818, he arrived in England in 1837 and converted to the Christian faith the following year. McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia adds the following:

“In 1840 he entered Trinity College, Dublin, and, after completing his studies, was ordained in 1844. He held various positions in the Episcopal Church, and at the time of his death, Feb. 25, 1881, he was vicar of Little Linford, near Newport Pagnell, Bucks, England. He is the author of many works: Fundamental Principles of Modern Judaism Investigated (London 1843); History of the Jews in Great Britain (ibid., 1846); A Pilgrimage to the Land of my Fathers (ibid. 1850, 2 vols.); History of the Jews in Great Britain (expanded 1851, 3 vols.); Abyssinia, its Past, Present, and Future (1866); The Spirit of Prophecy (1864); Sacred Minstrelsy: A Lecture on Biblical and Post-Biblical Hebrew Music (1863); The Oracles of God and their Vindication (1870); Vestiges of the Historic Anglo-Hebrews in East Anglia (eod.); The Poetry of the Hebrew Pentateuch (1871); The Lords’ Prayer No Adaptation of Existing Jewish Petitions (1876). Besides, he left a great many works in manuscript.”

Ancient Hebrew Sea Migrations

Ancient Hebrew Sea Migrations

MODERN SCIENCE and archaeology in recent years have made tremendous progress in uncovering facts about our forgotten past. Not only has much of the Sacred Story been confirmed as fact, but many misconceptions about it have been proven untrue. A common misconception of yesteryear was the idea that although the Phoenicians traded and established colonies throughout the Mediterranean area, their Israelite neighbours never set foot on a boat or visited distant lands in ancient times. This idea persisted in spite of the fact that the word, ‘Hebrew’ itself is known to have signified “a colonist.” Modern research has in fact now documented that ancient Semitic colonization in Europe, including Hebrew, was “enduring and significant,” according to Dr. Cyrus H. Gordon, whose extensive research was highlighted throughout an entire issue of BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGIST magazine (March, 1996). Having written over 20 books and learned over a dozen languages, Dr. Gordon is widely considered the leading American archaeologist and antiquarian of the twentieth century. His research has established that “no longer can we… consider Israel the vacuum-packed miracle from Sinai. Rather must we view Greek and Hebrew civilizations as parallel structures built upon the same East Mediterranean foundation.” (“HOMER & BIBLE,” page 72).

A Royal Priesthood

A Royal Priesthood

THE VAST BULK of organised Christendom today teach that this verse refers to the Church, the mystical Body of Christ, and yet a closer examination of the text will show that this is not the case.

Peter began his epistle with the words “to the strangers scattered throughout Asia. ”

The Greek word for stranger means a sojourner or a temporary resident. It is the same word used by Paul in Ephesians 2:19 where it is translated as foreigner. In verse nine which we are considering Peter uses the pronoun ‘ye’ which is emphatic in the Greek and therefore he is implying that the people he is addressing in his letter are distinct from those amongst whom they live. So a picture is building up not of a multi-racial Christian Church, but of a chosen generation (better translated as race) who were only temporary dwellers in their present location, strangers or foreigners living among people who were not of the same ethnic background.

The United States is Still a British Colony

The United States is Still a British Colony

THIS IS THE LATEST FROM A MAN WHO VISITS ME QUITE OFTEN. He and another man researched my theory that we have never been free from the British Crown. This disc shows the results. I have states that we will never win in their courts. This shows conclusively why. We have the hard copy of the treaties that are the footnotes. This predates Schroder’s material, my research of the 1861 stats by Lincoln that put us under the War Powers confiscation acts, and John Nelson’s material. All our material supports that the real Principal, the King of England, still rules this country through the bankers and why we own no property in allodium. This is why it is so important to start OUR courts of God’s natural (common) Law and break away from all the crap they have handed us.

This is one reason Virginia had a law to hang all lawyers but was somehow, by someone, (the King) set aside to let them operate again. Some good people put in the original 13th amendment so that without the lawyers the King could not continue his strangle hold on us. James shows how that was quashed by the King. I am happy that James’ research of six months bears out my theory, that most people would not listen to me, that we are still citizen/subjects under the kings of England. My article called “Reality” published in the American Bulletin and the article of mine on the “Atocha case,” wherein Florida in 1981 used it’s sovereignty under the British crown to try to take away the gold from the wreck found in Florida waters supports this premise. James makes mention of the Law dictionaries being England’s Law Dict. you will notice lists the reign of all the Kings of England. It never mentions the reign of the Presidents of this country. Ever wonder Why? Get this out to as many people as you can.

The Most Exclusive Club

The Most Exclusive Club

DURING MY 30 ODD YEARS AS A “BELIEVER” and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ I had a continual urge to learn more about what was written for us and how it affected Christians. In the interim, I have studied many different documents and listened to many “learned” teachers. In almost every case the source of the information was the Holy Scriptures. From early childhood I was taught that the King James Version was directly descended from the teachings of the prophets and that anything else was suspect. Where there were points that were just not quite logical and didn’t fit with other known facts the reason was normally given as translation discrepancies or language problems. For a while this sufficed and I went on with the learning process and was “growing” in the knowledge of the purpose of the bible.

However, some of the promises that I found in the scripture didn’t seem to fit into the present day concept of the Jew/Gentile world and indeed many of them could never be fulfilled by the Jew as we know them today. The little nation of Israel, while holding a position of endearment
among most of the evangelical community, had few if any of the traits identified as belonging to the biblical Israel. There were numerous quotations in the Old Testament as well as some of Jesus’ statements that just didn’t mesh with the modern day teachings. Bringing up such subjects as the “lost tribes of Israel” or questioning the propagation of the entire earth and all its various races from Noah and his wife (by the way, her name was Naamah, the daughter of Enoch) alone were certain to get you ostracized in most congregations. So, in addition to the promises I started to study the application of the various covenants, both in the Old and the New Testaments. This brought out the fact that every one of them was directed to a specific person or people and to no one else. The term “Lord God of Israel” is found over a hundred times in the bible and never is he referred to as the “Lord God” of anyone else. That caused me to investigate the quotations where God and/or the prophets spoke and to whom they were Directed.

The Lost Tribes of Israel

The Lost Tribes of Israel

BEFORE THE TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL were settled in the promised land, they were warned by the God/s that had created and fashioned them into a people of thirteen tribes, that they were not to commit idolatry or evil against themselves or their neighbours – if they were to do so, then God’s warned that they would be scattered out of the land that was given to them. But as they were punished forty years in the desert for idolatry, this time once in the promised land they would be punished seven times. A ‘time’ in the Hebrew calendar is 360 years, so 7 x 360 years = 2520 years. 2520 years, was to be Israel’s punishment years if they go against the laws laid down for them! Israel split into two nations in the year 970 BC, ten tribes in the North, and two tribes in the South.

The ten tribes in the North were called the ‘House of Israel’; the two tribes in the South were called ‘The House of Judah.’ The House of Israel in the North did decline into idolatry, and the Assyrians in 720/722 BC invaded the territory of Ephraim, Ephraim’s punishment period had begun. Manasseh’s punishment period began when their territory was besieged a little earlier in 731/733 B.C.. Although they deceived God’s with their backsliding, all the Tribes would fulfil the covenant – especially Ephraim, who received the full covenant from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel).

This is British Israel

This is British Israel

ALTHOUGH the Bible is one of the most widely read books of the day, it is perhaps the least understood in all the realm of literature. The individual message which it contains has been taught for centuries and Christians thank God for the assurance of salvation which is theirs. The national message of the Bible, however, is ignored, and this is contained in the Gospel of the Kingdom which extends from Genesis to Revelation. This, British-Israel Truth explains and teaches – through a study of prophetic passages – that present events can be identified in the Scriptures as the period known as “the Divine Judgement of the nations”

Yet British-Israel teaching is no new persuasion. Its origin can never be traced with certainty, chiefly because throughout the ages scholars, and people generally, knew of the identity of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples with ancient Israel, it being only in comparatively recent times that this knowledge became obscured.

This is no new religion; it is basic to Christian doctrine. Believers include representatives of all the many Christian churches. The differences which have split the Protestant Church into so many separate denominations centre largely in doctrinal matters. These matters do not form the basis of British-Israel Truth and are left to the convictions of the individual.

The Coronation Stone or Lia Fail

The Coronation Stone or Lia Fail

IN ST. EDWARD’S CHAPEL AT WESTMINSTER ABBEY IN LONDON, sits an ancient, nondescript wooden chair. Covered with graffiti and worn with age, this chair surrounds and encloses an even more ancient block of sandstone known as the “LIA FAIL” or Coronation Stone of the Scots. For more than a thousand years the kings and queens of England and Scotland have been crowned over this stone and, as the history of IRELAND reveals, the Milesian kings before them.

British-Israel proponents, and the Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W. Armstrong, claimed that this stone was brought to Ireland by Jeremiah the Prophet after the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians. In the Church booklet entitled “The United States and Britain in Prophecy” — which enjoyed a circulation reaching into the millions — the following statement is made: “Besides the royal family, Jeremiah brought with them some remarkable things, including a harp, an ark, and a WONDERFUL STONE CALLED ‘LIA FAIL,’ or ‘STONE OF DESTINY.’—many kings in the history of Ireland, Scotland, and England have been coronated sitting over this stone — including the present Queen. The stone rests today in Westminster Abbey in London, and the coronation chair is built over and around it. A sign beside it labels it ‘JACOB’S PILLAR-STONE’ (Genesis 28:18). (P.100).