The Coronation Stone or Lia Fail

The Coronation Stone or Lia Fail

IN ST. EDWARD’S CHAPEL AT WESTMINSTER ABBEY IN LONDON, sits an ancient, nondescript wooden chair. Covered with graffiti and worn with age, this chair surrounds and encloses an even more ancient block of sandstone known as the “LIA FAIL” or Coronation Stone of the Scots. For more than a thousand years the kings and queens of England and Scotland have been crowned over this stone and, as the history of IRELAND reveals, the Milesian kings before them.

British-Israel proponents, and the Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W. Armstrong, claimed that this stone was brought to Ireland by Jeremiah the Prophet after the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians. In the Church booklet entitled “The United States and Britain in Prophecy” — which enjoyed a circulation reaching into the millions — the following statement is made: “Besides the royal family, Jeremiah brought with them some remarkable things, including a harp, an ark, and a WONDERFUL STONE CALLED ‘LIA FAIL,’ or ‘STONE OF DESTINY.’—many kings in the history of Ireland, Scotland, and England have been coronated sitting over this stone — including the present Queen. The stone rests today in Westminster Abbey in London, and the coronation chair is built over and around it. A sign beside it labels it ‘JACOB’S PILLAR-STONE’ (Genesis 28:18). (P.100).