The Coronation Stone

The Coronation Stone

This analysis of the legends connected with the Coronation Stone was read by the author, as Senior Vice-President of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, at a Meeting of the Society held on the 8th of March last.

A limited impression is now published with Notes and Illustrations.

The latter consist of—

I. The Coronation Chair, with the stone under the seat, as it is at present seen in Westminster Abbey, on the rover.

II. The reverse of the Seal of the Abbey of Scone, showing the Scottish King seated in the Royal Chair, on the title-page.

III. Ancient Scone, as represented in the year 1G93 in Slezer’s
Theatnm Scotiœ, to precede page 1
a. Chantorgait; b. Friar’s Den; c. Site of Abbey; d. Palace.e. Moot Hill, with the Church built in 1024 upon it. f The river Tav.

I. The Coronation Chair as shewn by Hollinshed in 1577, page 1

II. Coronation of Alexander III., from the MS. of Fordun, contained in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. This is a MS. of the Scoticronicon, as altered, interpolated, and continued by Bower, opposite Latin description in the Appendix, page 47.

7th June 1809.

God’s Throne Upon Earth

God’s Throne Upon Earth


ISAIAH XLVL, 10—“I am God, and there is none like Me: declaring the end from the beginning.”

Isa. xiv., 24.—“Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand.”

Gen. xvii., 6.—“Kings shall come out of thee ” (Abraham).

Gen. xvii., 16.—“Kings of peoples shall be of her” (Sarah).

Gen xxxv., 11.—“Kings shall come out of thy loins” (Jacob).

I. Chron. v., 2.—“Judah prevailed above his brethren, and of him came the prince.”

Gen. xxxviii.—Twins (Pharez or Peres and Zarah or Zerah), born of Tamar the Hebrew, and Judah. Peres, ancestor of the Davidic Royalties to Zedekiah and his spared daughters, also of the Messiah, through David’s son Nathan, none of which line have yet reigned.

Zerah (with the scarlet thread), ancestor of the other Royal lines. The rank and file of Judah have descended from Judah’s Canaanite wife and daughter-in-law.

Gen. xlix., 8.—“Judah (praise) thee shall thy brethren praise. (To Royal section.)

A Lost People and a Vanished Sceptre

A Lost People and a Vanished Sceptre

I print these Lectures, on the “Lost Tribes of Israel,” delivered long years ago, for a double purpose.

FIRST, to add my feeble protest against what is known, in these days, as the “Higher Criticism”; which, propped by great names, is undermining the faith of many in the authenticity and inspiration of the Old Testament Scriptures. If unchecked, it promises to leave us without any “Holy Bible,” at all.

SECONDLY, I would like to help on, in a small way, the growing good feeling between the two great branches of the Anglo-Saxon family; that now, by constant travel, association, and especially by intermarriages, gives promise of ultimate close affiliation, and co-operation, in advancing the welfare of “all the families of the Earth.”

I think, I prove, in this little booklet, that this is the “manifest destiny,” because the Scripturally foretold mission, of the English speaking race.

The Land Beyond The Rivers of Ethiopia

The Land Beyond The Rivers of Ethiopia

THE CHURCHES OF TODAY TELL US THAT PRESENTLY THE ISRAELITES ARE REPRESENTED BY THE JEWS. It is however true that not all Jews are of the same race. This alone should make such a claim questionable. We should also know that the word Jew is a corruption of Judean. The Judeans in turn represented only a part of the Israelite tribes, 12 (13) in all. The greater part of all tribes went into Assyrian captivity and did not return to Palestine. The remnant’s descendants in Palestine went to Babylon. When they returned they found their land populated by other races who were also called Judeans, not racially but geographically. Just as today we have black, Chinese, and white Australians.

So where are all these (Assyrian captivity) Israelites?

In other booklets, I outline this in great detail, but here I will prove, in another way, who they are today. This book will also concentrate on only one land with an Israelite population and show a point of view, hidden by the media, church leaders and governments.

The following should be considered not only by bible students, but also those with an interest in world affairs. Both parties will soon see if they persevere (and keep an open mind) that all they are about to read is linked with each other and that one side cannot be taken without the other. We will study, as well, the Afrikaner.

Simeon The Last Tribe Scattered in Israel

Simeon The Last Tribe Scattered in Israel

WHEN THE AGED JACOB FORETOLD THE FATE OF HIS TWELVE SONS, he declared, ‘Simeon and Levi are brothers; weapons of violence are their swords. O my soul, come not into their council; O my spirit, be not joined to their company; for in their anger they slay men, and in their wantonness they hamstring oxen. Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce; and their wrath for it is cruel!

I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel[1]. Probably Simeon and Levi were thus cursed on account of their cruel treatment of the men of Shechem who had defiled their young sister Dinah: ‘Simeon and Levi, Dinah’s brethren, took each man his sword, and came upon the city boldly, and slew all the males[2].

Many years later the tribe of Levi redeemed itself on the occasion when Moses, returning from Mount Sinai with the tables of the law, found the Israelites worshipping the golden calf. ‘Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the Lord’s side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves unto him[3].

The Levites were then honoured by being made the priestly tribe, and the Lord said, ‘Command the children of Israel that they give unto the Levites of the inheritance of their possession cities to dwell in[4].


Notes on Zerah Judah

Notes on Zerah Judah

IT HAS BEEN WIDELY ASSUMED THAT THE DESCENDANTS OF ZERAH, son of Judah (and probably also the descendants of Shelah) migrated to Ireland before the Exodus, because after that, it is said, they disappeared entirely from the Bible story (see Bible Research Handbook Ser. 109h). Thus in the Genealogy of the House of David, published by the BIWF, a daughter of Zedekiah is said to have married a descendant of Zerah in Ireland.

In refutation, it is only necessary to point out that:

1) A census of the tribes present in the wilderness taken shortly before the Israelites entered Canaan, says that “the sons of Judah after their families were: of Shelah, the family of Shelanites: of Pharez, the family of Pharzites: of Zerah, the family of Zarhites” (Numbers 26:20).

2) Achan, well known as the one who stole the loot at Jericho, was a zarhite, “For Achan–-the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took the accursed thing” (Josh. 7:1, cf. 7:16‑18). Again 1 Chron. 2:7 names Achar (Achan), son of Carmi, as the troubler of Israel, among the descendants of Zerah. 1

3) Individual Zarhites are named in 1 Chronicles 27, verses 8, 11 and 13, as in the time of David.

4) 1 Chronicles 9 records that representatives of all three sections of Judah dwelt in Jerusalem after the captivity, namely the children of Pharez (v.4), the Shilonites (v.5), and the sons of Zerah (v.6). See also Nehemiah 11:5 and 11:24

The History of That Holy Disciple Joseph of Arimathea

The History of That Holy Disciple Joseph of Arimathea

This pamphlet is a facsimile of a tract published and printed by Hewitts of Glastonbury, and given by one Mary Whitehead of Meare to her niece Sarah Ann Whitehead, in 1871

Wherein is contained, The true Account of his Birth, his Parents his Country, his Education,, his Piety; and how he begged of PONTIUS PILATE the Body of Our Blessed Saviour, after his Crucifixion, which he buried in a new Sepulchre of his own.

Also the Occasion of his Coming to ENGLAND, Where he first preached the Gospel at Glastonbury in Somersetshire; and where is still growing that noted White-Thorn, which buds and blossoms every Christmas on the Place where he pitched his staff in the ground.

With a full Relation of his Death and Burial

The Fall and Rise of Abraham’s Kin

The Fall and Rise of Abraham’s Kin

THERE ALWAYS SEEMS TO BE SOMETHING TO WRITE ABOUT ALTHOUGH I NEVER KNOW BEFOREHAND WHAT IT WILL BE. God always finds something and always the subject is thought provoking. The following subjects are those that really ought to have our whole nation thinking. Of course, the ‘thought-shapers’ (Media, churches, schools) have their pet subjects all worked out, so no chance (yet) of a ground swell fascination for things other than their themes. Nevertheless, God uncovers things for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Once in every several weeks I go along to a Bible study group, where, on one occasion a certain student told me of a wonderful find a friend of his came across whilst working overseas. “This friend I know called Peter heard about fair-skinned tribes living in the Hindu Cush, not far from the Tarim Basin,” he said, “Some say that the Tarim Basin was the site of the Noahic flood.” So I asked him if he could contact this friend to get me more details. While this was going on another friend phoned me and asked “Have you heard of the Urumchi Mummies?” He began telling me about an article he read in a weekend edition of one of the national papers, some radio interviews he heard and a recent book he bought about these mummies. The book outlines the mummies as looking Nordic or Celtic and that they were buried north of the Tarim Basin in western China. Some of the mummies are over 3000 years old.

The writer of the book as well as the media were guessing as to what had become of the race of people of whom these mummies belonged. Nor, it seemed, could they work out why their culture died and if descendants live today .. if so, then where are they?

The Hebrew-Celtic Connection a Missing Link in Fulfilled Prophecy

The Hebrew-Celtic Connection a Missing Link in Fulfilled Prophecy

IN THE 8TH CENTURY, B.C., THE ASSYRIAN EMPIRE WAS AT ITS PEAK, and its armies threatened the nations on the eastern Mediterranean seaboard, including Israel. The Assyrians were a brutal, fearsome people, the most terrible, perhaps, in all the earth’s history. Conquered lands were literally plundered of everything of value – even people, who were taken to slavery in foreign lands. The wall murals of the Assyrians, some of which now bedeck the British Museum in London, depict scenes of horrible savagery and torture. Men were sometimes skinned alive, or impaled on poles to slowly die outside the gates of a city.

Earned archaeologist, Sir Austen Henry Layard, rediscovered and unearthed the ancient Assyrian cities, and graphically described the scenes on the wall murals he found: “Captives… were stretched naked at full length on the ground, and whilst their limbs were held apart by pegs and cords they were being flayed alive. Beneath them were other unfortunate victims undergoing abominable punishments. The brains of one were apparently being beaten out with an iron mace, whilst an officer held him by the beard. A torturer was wrenching the tongue out of the mouth of a second wretch who had been pinioned to the ground. The bleeding heads of the slain were tied round the necks of the living who seemed reserved for still more barbarous tortures.” (“Discoveries In The Ruins Of Assyria And Babylon,” p. 456)

The Remnant of Judah Revealed in Germany

The Remnant of Judah Revealed in Germany


“Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the LORD. For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.”

This subject is unusual in our circles regarding the kingdom message. I have entitled this message “The Remnant of Judah revealed in Germany”. I did a study a few weeks ago on the union of the two crowns, explaining how James VI of Scotland became James I of England. That, coupled with my recent visit to Hanover, raised the subject that has always been of interest to me.

However, it is a controversial subject in Kingdom circles. It is the question of a remnant of Judah being found in Germany.

Remember what the Scripture says. God said He would sift the House of Israel as grain is sifted in a sieve, yet He would not let those grains be lost. We know that the bulk of the grain was gathered into the appointed place, but we know that, as the exiled Israelites migrated across Europe, grains were left here and there and we should not be blind to that.