Lost Foundations

Lost Foundations

MOST CHURCH GOERS WILL SAY THAT THEY BELIEVE THE BIBLE, but the question is, WHAT BIBLE?  If pinned down to specific answers, they will discount the Old Testament about 90%.  They are sceptical of its history, they give no credence to its miracles, they know only utter confusion as to its prophecies and they reject its laws as being repudiated by the New Testament.  For their beauty of language, they will accept part of the Psalms, those which are not “controversial”, which could not offend even the most wicked, but they reject all the others which sternly call the Christian to the duties he wants to evade.  Ask them “What else?” and they can point to nothing.  They will, however, say that they are “New Testament Christians.”

Well, what about the New Testament? Challenge them to produce from it the basis of their faith.  They will confidently assert several doctrines, but be hard put to find the source of them in the New Testament, but they were told that these are Christian.  In fact, no one can find certain of these doctrines in the Bible, for the real author of a number of doctrines now being taught as Christian is not Matthew nor John, not Mark nor Peter, not Luke nor Paul, but KARL MARX.(Son of a rabbi, note added.)  Some of the most monstrous evils of the age, cancers which have recently sprung up to attack the very existence of our civilization and our Race are World Government ruled by Pagan and Satanic powers.

Destruction of the White Race by integration and mongrelisation, are now being taught by many in the name, falsely taken, of religion. They are being taught as a so called “Christian duty” to destroy everything that has made us great and brought civilization to the world and in its place to enthrone in power everything evil and debasing, against which we have had to fight throughout the centuries.  Only a rejection of the Bible can account for this, for it does not really come out of the New Testament.  Its real purpose is to destroy the laws given by God.

Looking For The Lost Heirs

Looking For The Lost Heirs

HAVE YOU EVER STOPPED TO QUESTION THE INTENSE HATRED there is in the world for white Christians? The written intention of our heavenly Father Yahweh is expressed in His prayer when we pray, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

In keeping with this, is Yahshua’s statement that Yahweh’s servants have been on earth for thousands of years? The first of Yahweh’s people was Adam. When Yahweh couldn’t find a mate from among all the races then existing on earth, he made a mate for Adam out of one of his ribs. This servant race was and is to be the servants of Yahweh on earth, until every knee shall bend at the feet of Yahshua, our coming King.

The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is about one race of people Israel, in the Old Testament and also the New Testament. The enemies of our Christ hated him, and still do, with such a bitter hatred, they broke every then existing law to have Him suffer and die upon the cross. We know that this crucifixion could only happen because He had come to die for us, that we might enjoy eternal life with Him.

The bitterness of the slayers of Yahshua has never ended and they are just as determined now, as they were two thousand years ago, to destroy Christianity. These anti Christ Jews want to keep the family of Christ in constant ridicule.

The white race has been kept in darkness about their status and destiny on earth. Let’s look at the facts of the Bible as they show up in history. We then challenge you to examine the facts, as we present them to you from the Bible and history.

Like All Other Nations

Like All Other Nations

THE OLD TESTAMENT AND THE NEW EACH TELL EXACTLY THE SAME STORY: there is as much Christianity in the Old Testament as in the New, but people whose religion is too shallow to make any study of it have always overlooked this both 2,000 years ago and again today. There is the same firm insistence upon the national message in the New Testament as in the Old but again shallow religion fails to see it.

When Jesus Christ first came they were not willing to receive Him as Savior or Redeemer because they would not accept the whole message, but only the national half of it. The Pharisees of today’s churches are just as wrong: while they now accept the half concerning personal salvation they reject just as contemptuously the national half, and this error will be as disastrous as the other. When Jesus Christ returns He will not come again as Savior of the individual, for that work He has completed (as He said upon the cross. It is finished). He is coming as King of a very real kingdom upon this earth and it will not do to reject Him again, to deny Him His crown and meet Him only with a cross.

Lift Up Your Heads

Lift Up Your Heads

GOD KNEW THAT THE CONDITIONS AND EVENTS OF THE LAST FEW YEARS of this age would be very terrible, so He has provided many scriptures to encourage us as we find ourselves in the final, titanic death-struggle between good and evil. The scriptures tell us plainly that the awful events we see are marks of the end of the Age and therefore mean that our Savior Jesus Christ will soon thereafter return. If they did not reveal our position in history, they would be of no comfort: what good are mere platitudes to a person who is wondering if his family is about to be fried in an atom-bomb explosion? But these scriptures bring hope because they show that we have reached almost the very end of our troubles.

Unfortunately, much of this is lost by mistranslation out of the Hebrew and Greek in which the Bible was written. Passages of clear, specific meaning in the original languages are mistranslated into vague uncertainty. One of these is found in Luke 21:25,26, where Jesus Christ is giving the signs by which we may recognize the end of the Age. As found in your King James Version, it reads thus: “. and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming upon the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”

Let’s Review The Diagnosis

Let’s Review The Diagnosis

YOU MAY BE ONE OF MANY AMERICANS who are concerned by the direction in which the nation is going. Possibly you are discouraged because conditions seem to be worsening despite your efforts to awaken your acquaintances and public officials. When a doctor’s patient fails to respond to treatment, the doctor generally will review his diagnosis. Our patient, the United States, is very sick and obviously not responding to our treatment. So let’s review our diagnosis of the nation’s ills. We may have overlooked something important and a correct diagnosis must precede the cure.

The chaos, which we see in the affairs of men, presents a startling contrast to the harmony in nature and in the heavens. Scientists tell us that our sun is only one of about 200,000,000,000 stars in the galaxy called the Milky Way. They say the Milky Way is but one of billions of huge galaxies. Trillions of suns or stars and their associated planets are whirling through space at incredible speeds, in mathematically precise orbits throughout the universe. Surely this reflects perfect planning. As the Psalmist wrote, “Truly the heavens declare the glory of Yahweh”. While we may marvel at the heavens, we must admit the existence of life and particularly man, the highest form of life, is an even more glorious declaration of the power of Yahweh. Is it reasonable to believe there is no plan for man, Yahweh’s greatest creation? After his creation, man was left alone to wander aimlessly without a specific purpose?

Let’s Examine The Evidence

Let’s Examine The Evidence

IN FAR TOO MANY CHURCHES TODAY, the people are taught the New Testament has done away with the Old Testament. This must be discarded and repudiated. In fact, many of them will not even so much as have an Old Testament, but carry only a New Testament, bound separately. This has been a terrible sin on the part of the clergy of these churches, to repudiate 3/5ths of Yahweh’s word. Most of Yahweh’s promises to us are contained in the Old Testament. Why should anyone teach that Yahweh’s word is worthless, and His promises broken? This only undermines the only foundation for the New Testament. Let’s examine the evidence and see if we have to cast aside most of Yahweh’s word as unworthy of belief. When you hear the evidence, I believe that you will decide as I have, it is all one book, which proclaims one consistent truth from Genesis to Revelation. Neither half of the Bible can be properly understood without the other You know the Old Testament is the history of the Adamic race. It is about the tribes of Israel, Yahweh’s chosen people. The only time any other people are mentioned is when they come in contact with Israel. Consequently there is no mention of Japan, China and many other countries that existed at that time. The Old Testament tells the history of Israel’s past and Yahweh’s prophecies and promises as to their future I know you have been taught that the Jews are Israel; no greater falsehood was ever taught to man! In my other lessons, I have given you the proof the real Israel of the Bible is what today we commonly call the Anglo Saxon nations. This includes Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, Holland, and parts of Belgium, France and Switzerland. It also includes some of the people of Italy, Spain, the people of the British Isles and the descendants of these nations in their former colonies of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

On The Kingdom of Heaven

On The Kingdom of Heaven

THERE IS SOME DISPUTE IN ECCLESIASTICAL CIRCLES, whether the Kingdom of God, so often mentioned by Jesus Christ, is to be on earth or only in heaven. This is based chiefly on the use by Matthew (ONLY) of the phrase “the kingdom of Heaven”: from which some have argued that the Kingdom must be only in heaven, being heaven itself as ruled by Almighty God. But neither Mark, Luke nor John refer to the Kingdom “of Heaven,” but only to the Kingdom “of God”; and even Matthew himself uses as an equivalent phrase “the Kingdom of God” 4 times (Matthew 6:33; 12: 28; 21: 31; and 21: 43); and in Matthew, Jesus Christ speaks of “the Kingdom of their Father” (13: 43) and “My Father’s Kingdom” (26: 29), both phrases being obviously equivalent to “the Kingdom of God.” Clearly, there is no distinction between “the Kingdom of HEAVEN” and the Kingdom of God.” Then why were the two phrases used?

Because outwardly pious Jews had first taken the name of God, Yahweh out of the Scriptures, substituting the word “Adonai” (Lord) ‑‑ this in the 7th century B.C. At least as early as 200 B.C. they had begun to substitute “heaven” for “God.” (Even today, many Jewish publications. won’t use the word “God,” writing it “G‑d.” Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Bible Dictionary says: “KINGDOM OF GOD: Usage of terms:

A New Testament phrase based upon and expressing in its final form the Old Testament idea of the spiritual rule of God over Men. The phrase ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is used in the New Testament by Matthew only, and is an exact equivalent of the phrase ‘Kingdom of God.’ The substitution of ‘heaven’ for ‘God’ is based on the popular superstitious feeling in later Judaism which led to the avoidance of the Divine Names in common speech.”

I Come as a Thief

I Come as a Thief

A MAN CANNOT BE A PODIATRIST AND TRIM YOUR TOE CORNS without passing an examination to prove that he is competent to provide this service. But, any fool can become a legislator, and a lot of fools do become one. Consequently our laws, as a rule, are the products of unskilled labour. In trying to draft a statute, it isn’t too difficult to word it so that anybody who is trying in good faith can understand it. The big problem is to word it so that somebody who is trying in bad faith, to misunderstand it, can’t do so.

We have a somewhat similar problem with the Bible. Somehow, no matter how plainly the Bible states something, it is always possible for some little sect to pick some verse out of context, and manage to completely misinterpret it and then make it a principal doctrine and off they go. We are going to learn about one of these doctrines.

Today, some of our major churches don’t really believe in the return of Yahshua. They don’t require their ordained ministers to claim that they believe they believe Yahshua is actually returning. Even those who do believe it, can get some surprising differences of doctrine about this subject. As to what the return of Yahshua will be like, there is a good deal about this subject in the Bible and it seems to me to be pretty clear. I want you to learn what some of the churches have done with this information.
Confusion has arisen because in Revelation 16: 15 Yahshua says, “Behold, I come as a thief.” When a thief, or burglar, breaks into your house and steals something, ordinarily we don’t catch him in the act, he gets away without us seeing him. Because of this short passage, some churches teach Yahshua is coming back but nobody will know He is here.


The Cup of Wrath

The Cup of Wrath

IN STUDYING BIBLE PROPHECY SINCE EARLY 1933, I have been greatly impressed by the extreme accuracy of the prophecies. In a correct translation of the original language, we always find Yahweh says exactly what He means. Often the significance of apparently quaint or peculiar expressions is not seen until the time for fulfilment approaches, and then we see the great precision of expression. One of the prophecies, which has come to partial fulfilment, concerns the cup of wrath. Yahweh’s anger against wickedness is often spoken of as a cup from which the wicked must drink. For example Psalm 75:8 records, “For the cup is in the hand of Yahweh, with foaming wine, thoroughly mixed and he pours it out to one and another. Surely all the wicked of the earth must drink and drain its dregs”. Smith and Goodspeed translation
Beginning in the time of the prophet Jeremiah, Yahweh’s judgment on the nations began, in accordance with the principle that “Judgment must begin at the house of Yahweh”, I Peter 4:17. Israel and Judah were already under captivity, but all the nations of the world were rank with wickedness, so worldwide judgment must come. Until the time of the end however, another principle was followed, there would not be a single, universal judgment, but one nation punishing another one at a time. The great prophet Jeremiah, recorded in Jeremiah 1:10, had been commissioned by Yahweh to root out, to pull down, to destroy and to throw down many nations. Now Jeremiah was commanded to begin this work.

The Great Masquerade

The Great Masquerade

THE WHOLE BIBLE IS THE HISTORY OF THE CONFLICT BETWEEN OUR GOD AND THE REBEL, SATAN–carried on between their children, also. Didn’t you know that they both had children? (Yes, I do mean CHILDREN, not merely followers.) If you don’t know this, you should read your Bible more carefully.

Luke 3: 38 tells us that Adam was the-son of God: and surely you know that Adam had children and descendants down through our own generation. In many other places, God refers to His children: for just a few of these, consider Deuteronomy 32: 19, “And when the Lord saw it, He abhorred them, because of the provoking of HIS SONS AND OF HIS DAUGHTERS.” Again, Isaiah 43: 6, “1 will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring MY SONS from afar, and MY DAUGHTERS from the ends of the earth.” Isaiah 45: 11: “Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: Ask Me of things to come concerning MY SONS, and concerning the work of My hands command ye Me.” In Psalm 82: 6: “1 have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH.” In the New Testament, we read in John 11: 51-52 . he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; and not for that nation only, but also that He should gather together THE CHILDREN OF GOD that were scattered abroad.” And Paul, in Romans 8: 14, 16 says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, THEY ARE THE SONS of GOD … The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD.”