Lost Foundations

Lost Foundations

MOST CHURCH GOERS WILL SAY THAT THEY BELIEVE THE BIBLE, but the question is, WHAT BIBLE?  If pinned down to specific answers, they will discount the Old Testament about 90%.  They are sceptical of its history, they give no credence to its miracles, they know only utter confusion as to its prophecies and they reject its laws as being repudiated by the New Testament.  For their beauty of language, they will accept part of the Psalms, those which are not “controversial”, which could not offend even the most wicked, but they reject all the others which sternly call the Christian to the duties he wants to evade.  Ask them “What else?” and they can point to nothing.  They will, however, say that they are “New Testament Christians.”

Well, what about the New Testament? Challenge them to produce from it the basis of their faith.  They will confidently assert several doctrines, but be hard put to find the source of them in the New Testament, but they were told that these are Christian.  In fact, no one can find certain of these doctrines in the Bible, for the real author of a number of doctrines now being taught as Christian is not Matthew nor John, not Mark nor Peter, not Luke nor Paul, but KARL MARX.(Son of a rabbi, note added.)  Some of the most monstrous evils of the age, cancers which have recently sprung up to attack the very existence of our civilization and our Race are World Government ruled by Pagan and Satanic powers.

Destruction of the White Race by integration and mongrelisation, are now being taught by many in the name, falsely taken, of religion. They are being taught as a so called “Christian duty” to destroy everything that has made us great and brought civilization to the world and in its place to enthrone in power everything evil and debasing, against which we have had to fight throughout the centuries.  Only a rejection of the Bible can account for this, for it does not really come out of the New Testament.  Its real purpose is to destroy the laws given by God.