Whom Will Ye Serve?

Whom Will Ye Serve?

TRULY, HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF WITH MONOTONOUS REGULARITY — for the reason that those who will not learn the lessons of history are condemned to re-live it. There is no evil existing today, no threat of calamity over us today, which is really new: our ancestors faced the same thing, in basic principle, many times. Each time, they proved by agonizing, bloody experience, that there Is only one way to peace, prosperity and liberty; and all other ways lead only to horrible disaster. And each time, the lesson was forgotten with the passing of the generation which had paid the bitter cost, and the drift toward disaster was resumed.

You will find the story in your Bible in the Book of Judges, which records that “the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great works of the Lord, that He did for Israel, but all that generation were gathered unto their fathers, and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord nor yet the works which He had done for Israel. And the Children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and served idols.” Naturally, this brought its inevitable consequences: military defeats, finally conquest and years of servitude under another nation.

In the bitterness of their slavery, they remembered the God they had abandoned, and prayed to Him for deliverance––which He mercifully gave them. But the lesson lasted only 40 years, and again the people were disloyal to their God, again resulting in 18 years of servitude to their enemies before the awful lesson brought them back to their God. And so the process was again repeated, through seven such periods of defeat and servitude; because each time God rescued them, the lesson was not Impressed upon their children, who repeated the old mistakes and paid the old penalty

Published: 9th July 2019

Ye Are The Light of The World

Ye Are The Light of The World

OUR GOD HAS ALWAYS MANIFESTED HIMSELF TO US IN LIGHT, for that is His nature, and He is the source of it. In I Timothy 6:16, Paul speaks of Him as “dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see”. Physically, in darkness we are lost, helpless: only in light can we find our way. Likewise, morally, spiritually, without the true light of God’s word, we are lost, helpless. Nothing could demonstrate this more clearly than the poor and evil conditions of life in those nations and races which lack this light. Psalm 119:101 speaks truly, “TV WORD is a lamp unto my feet, and a light upon my Path.” Hence, Jesus Christ used this same simile, spoken by the prophets before Him, in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light or-life.”

This, alone, is the true spiritual light: as the Apostle John says, “In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in-darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. And this is the condemnation: that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.  “(John 1:4-51 3:19) But spiritual truth is real and eternal: if we ignore it now, we must still face it eventually. As Jesus Christ said, He that rejecteth Me, and receiveth not My words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last days. (John 1-277)

With Healing in His Wings

With Healing in His Wings

SURELY ALL OF YOU HAVE HEARD OF DIVINE HEALING OF VARIOUS DISEASES. PROBABLY SOME OF YOU DOUBT THAT IT HAS REALLY OCCURRED: you think that it was just the imaginary healing of an imaginary disease. But I can assure you that I personally know of many cases of very real diseases which were healed far more quickly than the best physicians could accom­plish it. One who never saw the City of Chicago might doubt that it exists; but one who has been there knows that it is real. So it is with divine healing: we who have seen sicknesses healed by God know that this is real.

Possibly some of you have hoped for divine healing of your own sicknesses, but have not received it; and you have wondered, Why can’t I have it? I shall try both to answer that question, and to show you how you can be healed. You know that God CAN heal; you know that he DOES heal; but you still don’t know HOW or WHY.

First, let us find out WHY THERE IS SICKNESS IN THIS WORLD? God gave us a code of laws, set out in the first five books of the Bible. These laws covered all phases of life and civilization. They were not concerned only with your morality — though, of course, God always has required that you try to live a good life. They covered every phase of life that can affect our well-being: they were POLITICAL laws to keep us free; ECONOMIC laws, to keep us prosperous: AGRICULTURAL laws, to keep our land productive and our crops nourishing; DIETARY laws, to keep us strong and healthy; and RELIGIOUS laws, to keep us true to the one God, Who has given us all good things, even our very lives; and, of course, the shortest part of all, the MORAL laws, to keep our personal conduct such that our God could stand to associate with us. He promised that, if we would obey all of His laws, we would have peace, prosperity, good government, long life — and GOOD HEALTH.

Why Do You Quote That One?

Why Do You Quote That One?

YOU HAVE NOTICED THAT SOMETIMES I POINT OUT TO YOU SOME MATTER ON WHICH YOUR KING JAMES VERSION OF THE BIBLE IS NOT ACCURATE, or I may quote a verse from another translation in not quite the same words you find when you look it up in your King James Version. Some of you probably wonder, “Why doesn’t he just stick to the old King James Version with which we are all so familiar?” Here is the answer: I do this because you are entitled to be told THE EXACT TRUTH as to just what the Word of God really says. If I couldn’t tell you the exact truth, I’d stop broadcasting. No matter how old an error is, no matter how we have become accustomed to it or have grown to love it because of its familiarity, IT WON’T DO TO BE MISTAKEN ABOUT WHAT GOD REALLY SAID.

Am I attacking religion or the Bible by correcting errors in this way? Not at all. RELIGION IS THE SUPREME TRUTH, and only when we get man­made mistakes out of it can we have the purest religion. So what about the Bible? Well, let’s start at the beginning.

As you know, the Bible was written many centuries before there was any such language as English. The Old Testament was originally written in the Hebrew language; and about 300 B.C., a group of 70 scholars in the city of Alexandria translated it into Greek — and their translation is called the Septuagint (meaning “seventy”). The New Testament was originally written in the language which Jesus Christ spoke — Aramaic (a language closely related to Hebrew) — later translated into Greek. All Catholic versions of the Bible were translated from the Greek into Latin, by Jerome, whose translation was called the Vulgate; and from the Vulgate into English. Protestant Bibles are nearly all translated into English from Hebrew manuscripts of the Old Testament and Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. Thus, in these repeated translations, there were multiplied opportunities for errors to creep in

Whom Did Moses Marry?

Whom Did Moses Marry?

YOU ARE ALL FAMILIAR WITH THE FAMOUS SAYING, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” This is true: A LITTLE knowledge is never enough; it never gets beyond half-truths which mislead one into false beliefs. This is more consistently true in the field of religion than in all other fields. I am frequently challenged on some point by someone who has just this little half-truth knowledge and thinks that he has found a fallacy in the Bible’s great truth that God’s people Israel are known today as the Aryan, Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Teutonic peoples, and they they are, and always have been, under God’s command to keep their race pure.

One instance of this, is the challenge frequently made, “Why should­n’t Whites marry Negroes? Moses married an Ethiopian woman.” They base this upon the way Numbers 12:1 reads in their King James’ Version Bible, “And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman.” Christian­ity has never laboured under a greater curse than the many mistranslations in the King James Version — and some of them are even followed in some other translations because these errors have become traditional. Bible scholars know that there are many thousand mistranslations in the King James’ Version of the Bible; the eminent scholar Robert Young, author of Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible and of Young’s Literal translation of the Bible says in the preface to his Literal Translation, that in the King James’ version, “there are scarcely two consecutive verses where there Is not some departure from the original * * and these variations may be counted by tens of thousands, as admitted on all hands.”

What is Religion?

What is Religion?

OF THE MANY VOICES COMPETING FOR THE NATION’S ATTENTION, very few dare tell a really substantial part of the truth in the fields of politics or economics; and those few who do are subjected to the most evil and vicious smear campaign imaginable. Even in the field of religion, very few dare tell all the truth; and those few are called “bigots”. Not very many have the courage to face such a campaign of abuse, so many who know the truth are silent. Naturally, nothing like this could escape the foreknowledge of God: it is one of the signs of the Time of the End. So God prophesied, in Amos 5:13, that “The prudent shall keep silence in that time, for it is an evil time.”

Therefore, only a small portion of the people have the opportunity, today, to hear the full truth in any of these vitally important fields -‑‑ which today are becoming literally “matters of life or death.” Instead, they hear the constant repetition of propaganda aimed to influence public action or inaction in a way to serve the interests of those who control the media of public information. Particularly unfortunate is the fact that most people do not get to hear the word of God on these matters ‑‑- ­matters which God considered important enough to give us specific warnings about. But again, this was foretold by God Himself, also through the Prophet Amos: “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land: not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos 8: 11)

Christian Identity What is it?

Christian Identity What is it?

“For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.” Deuteronomy 7:6

AS THE WORD IDENTITY IMPLIES, IT IS THE CONDITION OF BEING THE SAME AS SOMETHING DESCRIBED OR ASSERTED. Christian Identity establishes who the true Israel is today according to the Holy Bible and world history. There is more than adequate and convincing proof that the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic and kindred peoples are the racial descendents of the tribes of Israel.

It becomes readily apparent that there has been a case of mistaken identity when associating Jews with the claim of being the “chosen people”. The Jew has an identity, but it is that of a thief who has stolen the history and nomenclatures of the really true Hebrews and Semites. For the sake of understanding it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the terms Israel, Judah and Jewry, because of the careless, thoughtless and often purposely deceptive usage by both religious and political leaders.

The time has come when the hidden Israel nation is being revealed to those having eyes to see and ears to hear. It is being positively identified. Only one race answers to the Holy Bible scenario of Israel in the latter days and that is the White Race. These people are in possession of what Israel was to possess and they are doing what Israel was to do according to God’s covenants and promises which Christ came to confirm. Only these people have the Bible, believe in Jesus the Messiah, call on His Name, are called by His Name, have used His Laws for their civil government and are now the object of a worldwide attack by the enemies of Jesus Christ who are organizing all the heathen under the Red banner of Anti-Christ World Communism.

What Happened to Cain?

What Happened to Cain?

WHAT HAPPENED TO CAIN? is a question in the minds of many believers and non-believers as well. The Bible does not trace Cain very far, and yet the fact is that Cain is a definite historical character of whom you can learn as much outside the Bible as you can from the Bible itself.
Do not let anyone tell you that these Old Testament people are myths. They are not. They are definitely a part of history. The Bible states that Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden; EASTWARD, evidenced by the Cherubim being placed at the east of the Garden to guard it against their possible return.
If they had gone to the south or to the west, guards at the east side would not have meant a thing. Obviously, they went to the east; and, as we learned when we were studying Noah’s flood,
Adam’s migration actually took him and Eve into the Tarim Basin, in what is today called Sinkiang, in the extreme south-western part of China. The migration undoubtedly took a considerable period of time; as it was a very long way to walk, but they had time in those days, for Adam lived over 900 years.
In the area where they settled, Eve gave birth to two children: Cain and Abel. Much is lost in the mistranslations in your King James Version. Genesis 3:15 establishes the theme of the entire Bible, and all the rest of it is a development of that theme. .

Unfaithful Shepheards

Unfaithful Shepheards

A FEW YEARS AGO, THE THEN PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES WARNED AGAINST what he called “the danger that the great religious awakening which is taking place in our country might become fanatical and be carried into our political and business life.” This is perhaps a fair sample of the “lead­ership” of most of our churches: no leadership at all, because the leaders have no faith in the religion to which they give empty lip-service. For lack of faith in the Bible, they don’t make it a force in our national life. For lack of faith, they pay no attention to what II Peter 1:19 calls “a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place.” But to these blind leaders of the blind, all is darkness: they cannot lead because they don’t know where to go. They turn their backs on God, and tell us to become more “Liberal”, and learn to get along with Red China.

Never were the word of prophecy, and the laws of God, more needed than to­day, with all civilization crumbling in the end of an age. More Christians have been murdered within our own genera­tion than in all past history.

The Mystery of The Ages

The Mystery of The Ages

IT IS AMAZING HOW MUCH THERE IS IN THE BIBLE which is not known even to the most devout Christians, because it is concealed from them by the many mistranslations in the commonly‑used King James’ Version of the Bible. Because of these mistranslations, many false doctrines have developed among people who faithfully believe what they have read‑‑‑not knowing that what they read is sometimes mistaken. One of these errors which has mis­led many is the mistranslation of the Greek word “aion”‑‑‑meaning “an age” ‑‑‑as everlasting”, “eternal”, etc. For example, we see many places where the King James’ Version speaks of “everlasting life” and many others where it speaks of “eternal life”: and some fine, devout people have worked up elaborate doctrines about the supposed difference between “everlasting” life and “eternal” life.

Will it shock you to learn that the Bible actually makes no such dis­tinction at all? The New Testament is where we find these references; and you know that almost all of our English New Testaments are translated from ancient manuscripts written in the Greek language. In Greek, “aion”, com­monly called “aeon” in English, means “an age”‑‑‑a period of time of long, but indefinite, duration. And the Greek word “aionios”, commonly called in English “aeonian”, means “to the age”‑‑‑that is, to the end of the age. If you will look up in a good Concordance every reference to “everlasting” life, you will find that in every case the word translated “everlasting” Is this Greek word “aionios”, meaning “to the end of the age.” Now also look up every reference to “eternal” life, and you will see that, in every case but one, this, also, is the same Greek word, “aionios”.    The translators simply got tired of always using the same English word, and thought it made a better literary style to use sometimes the word “everlasting” and some­times the word “eternal”. Where now do you find the elaborate distinct­ions between the two kinds of life? Not in the Bible surely; only in the mistranslation.