New Ensign 111 Nov 2018

New Ensign 111
New Ensign 111

November 2018 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

November 11 Remembrance Day

This month, in the UK and Commonwealth, those who gave their lives to fight for their country, in world Wars 1 and 2 will be remembered at ceremonies taking place in numerous communities including the Cenotaph in Whitehall.

Many who have made a point of studying the real history of world wars 1 and 2, know that the people of UK, Europe and USA were deceived into going to war, which was a war between kindred people. Rather than fighting for freedom, they were pawns and canon fodder for the New World Order. In hindsight and with sadness, it can be seen how the enemy within, with 2 blows, removed millions upon millions of our brave patriots, and thus weakening true Israel. Continue reading “New Ensign 111 Nov 2018”

New Ensign 110 Oct 2018

New Ensign 110
New Ensign 110

October 2018 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

Missionaries And Migration

Dear Reader –

It is probably true to say of those who were church goers in the 1950’s and later, were supporters of missionaries to third world countries and even many in the identity movement. However, praise Yahweh, he has been opening our eyes to this false doctrine of Universalism and that “God loves everybody” promulgated from the pulpits of our Judeao-churches. From which most of our present day troubles can be laid at the feet of the false Shepherds (Edomites) who have infiltrated the church down the centuries.

Continue reading “New Ensign 110 Oct 2018”

Apotheosis Of The Jew

(From British Union Quarterly, April/June 1937, pp. 45-54.)

By A K Chesterton

Some years ago I was present at a pantomime in which an incredibly dirty and unkempt beggar haunted one scene after another, receiving condescending kindness from the heroine, but from everybody else the disdain which his state appeared to warrant. Then, when the crisis of the play arrived, with the hero in direst need, there was a blinding flash which consumed the beggar’s rags and revealed him, bright-eyed, marcel haired, and in a suit of glittering armor, as no less a personage than our patron Saint—St. George for Merrie England. Gazing at the heroic figure thus disclosed I saw that his smug countenance was beyond all question Jewish. Here, expressed in unconscious symbolism, was indeed the apotheosis of the Jew. Continue reading “Apotheosis Of The Jew”