January 2019 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF
2019 – Europe in Turmoil
From the closing of 2018 and into the start of this New Year of 2019 has seen momentous events taking place here in Europe and other parts of the world and in particular the yellow jacket protests in France, which have been going on for several weeks now. There has been a D-Notice placed on the British and French press restricting reporting on the situation in France.
Here in the UK we have the Brexit distraction, now with an exit date of the 29th March given, although in the meantime, while the exit negotiations have been proceeding, all EU laws have been written into the British statute book and our military merged with EU. So if we do eventually leave we will be subject to EU law under the guise of British law and without an army under our control.
In the closing month of last year saw the jailing of David Noakes who pioneered the use of GcMAFF, who was successful in reversing cancer in thousands of patients, many of which were treated free of charge. However, the authorities need to maintain the illusion that cancer can only be treated by their chemotherapy or radiation to protect the vast profits of big pharma. The court room was packed at the trial of David Noakes, so the authorities may well have shot themselves in the foot.
The end of last year saw Gateshead Council, placing an injunction on Mark Steele, who has been warning residents there of the dangers of 5G and led light street lighting. However a sympathetic judge lifted the injunction, but in the meantime, Gateshead Council is endeavouring to have Mark jailed on a trumped charge of harassing councillors. The authorities are determined to prevent the public becoming aware of the extremely dangerous military technology that is being rolled out unawares across the country.
The authorities heavy handedness, not only here but across Europe and in other white countries has only served to wake up people to their true agenda of genociding the white race, but praise Yahweh, they won’t succeed!!!