The Myth of Planetary Overpopulation

The Myth of Planetary Overpopulation

DR. JACQUELINE KASUN professor of economics at Humboldt State University in California, observes in her 1988 book The War Against Population that:

(1) No more than 1-3% of the Earth’s ice-free land area is occupied by humans.

(2) Less than 11% of the Earth’s ice-free land area is used for agriculture.

(3) Somewhere between B and 22 times the current world population could
support itself at the present standard of living, using present technology.

(4) This leaves 50% of the Earth’s land surface open to wildlife and conservation areas.


The Night of The Long Knives At Amesbury 1st May 472

The Night of The Long Knives At Amesbury 1st May 472

ON THE 1ST MAY 472 THE SAXON HENGIST MASSACRED ALL BUT ONE of Britain’s Celtic chiefs in an ambush that became known as the ‘Night of the Long Knives’. Possibly.

The massacre may not have actually happened, and if it did, there’s every chance it wasn’t on that particular date – I’ve gone into more detail about the date of the Night of the Long Knives below – so please take the following with a large pinch of salt!

The Original ‘Night of the Long Knives’

The Saxon Hengist is ‘a real historical figure’. He is mentioned by Bede[2], and by the authors of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles – historical sources who are generally seen as being reliable[3].


The Master Minds of Stonehenge

The Master Minds of Stonehenge

THIS SMALL BOOK BEGAN ORIGINALLY AS A HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE PAPER by its author, a member of Lord’s Covenant Church, and then, just 18 years old. His conclusions as to the type of people who must have built Stonehenge were so different from that which is generally presented in the High School text-books, that we thought it a service to a growing generation, which is so horribly ignorant of the true nature of our ancestors, to put it in book form that they may read it, and think. In this day when the present and past history of the White Race is so distorted, we do hope this may shed some little light on those who lived so long ago, from whom many of our people in America are descended.

What Lies Beneath Stonehenge

What Lies Beneath Stonehenge

GAFFNEY’S LATEST RESEARCH EFFORT, the Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project, is a four-year collaboration between a British team and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology in Austria that has produced the first detailed underground survey of the area surrounding Stonehenge, totalling more than four square miles. The results are astonishing. The researchers have found buried evidence of more than 15 previously unknown or poorly understood late Neolithic monuments: henges, barrows, segmented ditches, pits.

To Gaffney, these findings suggest a scale of activity around Stonehenge far beyond what was previously suspected. “There was sort of this idea that Stonehenge sat in the middle and around it was effectively an area where people were probably excluded,” Gaffney told me, “a ring of the dead around a special area—to which few people might ever have been admitted–– Perhaps there were priests, big men, whatever they were, inside Stonehenge having processions up the Avenue, doing–-something extremely mysterious. Of course that sort of analysis depends on not knowing what’s actually in the area around Stonehenge itself. It was terra incognita, really.”

Was Stonehenge Stolen or Moved from Wales?

Was Stonehenge Stolen or Moved from Wales?

THE true origin of the ‘Blue Stone’ used to build the Solar Temple at Stonehenge can be traced to the Preselli Hills in Pembrokeshire, Wales. Excavations in 2018, in the same area, revealed the site of the Third largest known Stone Circle/Solar Temple in Britain – ‘Waun Mawn’

The circle, a virtual identical copy of Stonehenge features a 320 feet diameter circle which aligns to the rising Sun on June 21st (Summer Solstice) and once contained some 30 – 50 stones.

It is my belief that the legendary Stonehenge is actually in the wrong place and once stood at ‘Waun Mawn’. In fact one of the bluestones at Stonehenge has an unusual cross-section which precisely matches one of the holes left at Waun Mawn, whether or not the Stones were actually moved on purpose or stolen?? is a subject I find well worthy of debate! All that can be seen of this once monumental site are 4 recumbent stones; whichever way you look at them, now one question remains: Who Moved The Stones?!!

Ernst Zündel and the Wicked Silence

Ernst Zündel and the Wicked Silence

I CAN’T THINK OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO HAS HAD A LARGER IMPACT on the way people think than Ernst Zündel. By standing up to the powers that be, and with a lot of help from his friends, he got the Supreme Court of Canada to eventually and begrudgingly validate the truth of what he was saying.

He got Holocaust Revisionism verified as a real subject with real questions about the historical record, and about the lies that continue to be told that utterly distort the truth of the world.

Of course, the truth never matters when it opposes the designs of the ever present Deep State, that notorious Jewish succubus which sucks the life out of all states and all people.

So far from being able to celebrate his landmark legal victory with his friends, instead Zündel suffered years of imprisonment (at least seven, that we know of) and a permanent ban on public speaking that lasted right up until a few days ago when a heart attack took him away forever.

And all this because they found him innocent!

The charges were all spurious, never clearly defined. He was initially charged with a hate crime for publishing a book by Richard Harwood (a pseudonym) titled “Did Six Million Really Die?” Two trials drew Revisionist experts from all over the world, and they demolished all the fictional Jewish claims. Somewhere along the line somebody blew up Zündel’s house.

(Since that time, officials at the Auschwitz site have lowered their supposed death toll from 4 million to 1.4 million, but using Jewish mathematics, commentators on the Jewish TV networks continue to use the 6 million figure.

Britain Betrayed

Britain Betrayed


Long ago it was realised that if any group could control the mass communications media that group could control most minds in a country. Numerous well informed people have unanimously declared that all of the media, TV, radio, newspapers, advertising, book publishers etc has long been firmly under the ruthless control of one minority group: International Jewry headed by a few super-rich billionaires at the pinnacle of which sit the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. In his book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century – an in depth exposure of the 6 million fraud – Prof. Arthur Butz described all of the media in the West as “a Lie Machine”.

Money rules this world. The people who create and control money Control Everything, politics and politicians, secret societies, the police, the judiciary, education, the military, the church ad infinitum. The puppet politicians at Westminster have long represented Banking and Moneyed Interests, not the interests of the British people. Bankers look after their lackeys and creatures well. For services rendered, lucrative positions, handsome directorships and fame and fortune while the British people rot and their country is given away.

The controlled media has long been pumping out misinformation, distortions, downright lies and masses of trivia to keep the public occupied and amused with sweet nothing. Now, in more recent years, a deluge of rampant degeneracy, obscenity, blasphemy and violence to undermine and destroy all morality. As people see, hear and read, so They (Politicians of all parties) are guilty of the Greatest Treason in All of Our History. They have flooded our tiny Island home with millions of the coloured races and implemented oppressive and evil Race Laws to force the British to submit to this policy.


Plea For The Flat Earth

Plea For The Flat Earth

AFTER STUDY AND RESEARCH, A THOUGHT PROCESS OF YEARS, the revolutionary idea of this author was in principle made public in the press, the renowned cartographer by the name of Eric Dancy stated three months later in the “International Echo”: “Future historians will refer to this date as the year of the geographic revolution that will turn on the world to a whole new view.”


Suppose, that you have been longing for a considerable time to live in a home in the dunes and that this wish of yours – as was the case with me – suddenly became reality. You wouldn’t of course be as selfish to enjoy such a precious possession all on your own by yourself. Me neither, that’s exactly why I had “Welcome” painted on the front. Nevertheless most of the time I was here all alone by myself, of which I’m by the way not averse to, although that was precisely right now not my intention. At this moment however I have company — they are friendly holiday-folk from around, with whom 1 got engaged in a relation on a pleasant manner. As it happens they have shown to be interested in my research in such a heartfelt manner, that I invited them, three ladies and three gentlemen, to a lecture to be held by me. Two pairs of them are already present, I’m on the look-out for the third pair …. The exact appointment time is really passed quite extensively; they will probably be prevented somehow and can’t call me here.

Billions For The Bankers and Debts For The People

Billions For The Bankers and Debts For The People

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” -Thomas Jefferson

AMERICANS, LIVING IN WHAT IS CALLED THE RICHEST NATION ON EARTH, seem always to be short of money. Wives are working in unprecedented numbers, husbands hope for overtime hours to earn more, or take part-time jobs evenings and weekends, children look for odd jobs for spending money, the family debt climbs higher, and psychologists say one of the biggest causes of family quarrels and breakups is “arguments over money.” Much of this trouble can be traced to our present “debt-money” system. Too few Americans realize why our founding fathers wrote into Article I of the U.S. Constitution: Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value Thereof.
They did this, as we will show, in prayerful hope it would prevent “love of money” from destroying the Republic they had founded. We shall see how subversion of Article I has brought upon us the horrors of which Jefferson had warned.

Far Above Rubies

Far Above Rubies

IN the following biographical sketches of the more famous women of Israel an attempt has been made to supply what can hardly be said to exist already: a short historical work which might enable the reader of the Bible to realize that the women of both the Old and New Testaments were characters worthy of our highest esteem and very little removed in feeling and thought from ourselves. If this little work has any real value it is as a picture of manners and customs, a drama in which the personages are living characters and not mere historical names.

In the beginning woman was the equal of man in every respect; in patriarchal times she had an independence surpassing even today, and was entrusted with the administration of her husband’s property as well as her own.

The women of heathen nations were the first to lose this independence which was retained by the women of Israel until the captivities. Upon the return of the Jewish captives from Babylon to Palestine a marked change is discernible; family life was never again the same. The women of both Houses of Israel had become degraded to the level of the women of their captors, and a woman was viewed by her husband as a mere chattel and his slave.

Perhaps no better illustration of the gradual decline in the status of women of ancient times could be found than that to be seen in the Gizeh Museum, near Cairo. Here there is displayed a long line of Egyptian monarchs in stone; at the end where the most ancient were placed the queen sat by the side of the king, of equal size and importance. A few centuries down the line the queen is found to be smaller than the king; progressing farther down the line the queen is found to be much smaller and to sit on a lower level than the king.

Lastly, the queen is no longer carved out of a stone block, she is merely sketched in portraiture on the stool upon which the king sat or upon the arm of his throne.