The Hoskins Report – The Media Blitz

The Hoskins Report – The Media Blitz

Cloak of Nimrod

NIMROD HAD A CLOAK. When he wore the cloak all who heard him believed him and became his servants. He used these servants to build Babylon and the great Tower of Babel.

Esau hid in ambush and killed Nimrod and stole his cloak[1]. Fleeing from Nimrod’s bodyguards he rushed exhausted to Jacob and sold him his birth right in exchange for food. He believed that his birth right was worthless because he would soon be killed.

Esau lost his birth right, but his descendants obtained the Cloak and became powerful. They fought Jacob’s descendants and also fought among themselves. Their internecine warfare caused them more distress than had the war with Jacob, so they agreed never to be ruled by one of their own kind again. They agreed to always be ruled by a foreigner[2].

Turkey saw its greatest days when ruled by foreigners called Janissaries (Turkish – “white slaves”. Egypt became great ruled by foreigners who were slaves. These appointed slave-rulers abused their adopted countries and so the Turks and Egyptians slew them – and both countries immediately declined in power and wealth.

Today, Esau’s rulers are again appointed by strangers who operate under the shadowy name of The International Trade Cartel” (ITC).

Professor Carroll Quigley in his book Tragedy and Hope[3] had this to say about this system:

The Hoskins Report – Priests

The Hoskins Report – Priests

LYNCHBURG IS A CITY OF CHURCH STEEPLES. THIS IS THE WAY IT HAS BEEN SINCE IT RECEIVED ITS CHARTER IN 1786, and the way it has been described by travellers over the last two centuries. Churches everywhere with a God-fearing population to fill them.

There is also another Lynchburg. In the 1920’s, Lynchburg was said to have had more whorehouses, gambling joints, and booze establishments than any other city east of the Mississippi.

Billy Sunday Comes To Town

Billy Sunday came to town. He couldn’t believe what he saw. He vowed that he wouldn’t leave Lynchburg until it changed.

Putting action to his words he rented the fairgrounds near where Timberlake Road and the Airport Road meet, set up a tent, put sawdust on the ground, and started to preach – sunny days, rainy days, cold-wet-snowy-winter days, sweltering hot summer days – Billy Sunday preached under that big tent. He preached all the things the establishment churches didn’t preach. Sometimes he preached to a handful, at other times he preached to overflowing crowds.

One at a time, non-establishment Lynchburgers (and some establishment ones) walked the sawdust trail and accepted God’s Commandments to rule their lives. Gradually people stopped going to whorehouses, saloons, and gambling joints. One at a time these establishments closed up for the lack of customers. When Billy Sunday left Lynchburg, Lynchburg had changed. While “establishment Lynchburg” was the same, the rest had changed. Lynchburg was different.

A Remote Possibility

A Remote Possibility

HOW REALISTIC IS THE FEAR THAT AMERICAN WHITES COULD IN DUE COURSE FACE THE KIND OF EXISTENTIAL CRISIS NOW FACED BY SOUTH AFRICA’S WHITES? While useful for rousing the troops so to speak most normies would consider the idea to be preposterous. After all, Whites still represent a clear (though rapidly declining) majority of America’s population, while the South African equivalent is less than 8%. ‘Whites’ own and control everything, not least 90% of the guns.

Let’s hope the normies are right. But the experience of the Russian Empire in the first half of the 20th century offers food for thought. Because the Bolshevik Revolution saw a minuscule largely non-Russian minority seize absolute power, a power with which they then deployed to horrific effect on the native Russians. Tens of millions were slaughtered, while many more disappeared into the gulags, never to return or else to return broken in body and spirit. Russian historian Dmitri Volkogonov, head of a special Russian parliamentary commission, recently concluded that “from 1929 to 1952, 21.5 million [Soviet] people were repressed. Of these a third were shot, the rest sentenced to imprisonment, where many also died.” That unfortunate country, which historically has endured more than its share of misery, never experienced anything like it before or since.

Only a very small proportion of the Bolsheviks were ethnic Russians. As Putin himself acknowledged before a Jewish audience (who I can imagine shifting uneasily as he spoke), about 85% of the leading Bolsheviks were Jews though Jews represented a mere 2% of the overall population. Many of the remainder were ethnic Georgians, Armenians, Poles or Balts. (I’m including Ukrainians as Russians). Yet they seized power and unleashed a terrible vengeance on the Russian people.

A Story of The Original Ku Klux Klan

A Story of The Original Ku Klux Klan

PULASKI, THE COUNTY SEAT OF GILES COUNTY, TENN., birthplace of the original Ku Klux Klan, is a town of about four thousand population, situated on the L. and N. Railroad, eighty miles south of Nashville, Tenn., and at the crossing of the highways extending from Nashville to Birmingham and from Chattanooga to Memphis.

The town was in antebellum days and still remains the seat of much culture and wealth. It’s citizenship is, and has always been composed of representative old families of the South. Many of their beautiful, old colonial homes have passed away and are passing day by day to decay.

Many still remain as monuments to the classic architectural ideas of their builders and to the high-bred, hospitable people who once possessed them and whose spirits still seem with aristocratic, stately mien to tread their vaulted corridors, with “the tender grace of a day that is dead.” Early settlers of this country came largely from North Carolina and Virginia, and there has been very little immigration from elsewhere.

Most of these rare old homesteads had splendid plantations connected with them. The situation was ideal for these plantations occupying as they did. in the language of another Tennessee writer, the “Dimple of the Universe.”

The owners of these homesteads and plantations were also owners of large numbers of Negro slaves whose occupation it was to work in these fields of cotton and of corn. The relation between slave and slave holder here in Middle Tennessee was nearly always one of mutual trust, kindness and friendly interest. It may not be generally known, but it is a fact, that Tennessee freed her own slaves and was not included in the emancipation proclamation.

Megaliths and Stone Circles in South-West Britain

Megaliths and Stone Circles in South-West Britain

THIS PAPER CALLS ATTENTION TO A PREVIOUSLY NEGLECTED ELEMENT OF THE BROAD REPERTOIRE OF MONUMENTAL MEGALITHIC STRUCTURES that characterize the later third and second millennia BC across the British Isles – extremely small standing stones. Despite their frequency and the complex arrangements and associations they embody, these miniliths are rarely recorded in detail and frequently marginalized to a generic background.

As a result, they are largely absent from interpretative accounts. Drawing upon recent debates regarding materiality and monument form, alongside the results of excavations explicitly targeting tiny stone settings, the discussion argues that the phenomenon of raising and fixing small uprights was not only widespread and persistent, but sheds important light upon the beliefs and ideas driving monument construction during the later Neolithic and Bronze Ages.

Things Christians Need to Know

Things Christians Need to Know

IN 1914, AT THE ANNUAL DINNER OF THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, JOHN SWINTON, the editor of a well-known newspaper, was about to retire. In his retirement speech he said: “There is no such thing as an independent press in America, if we except those of the little country towns. You know this, I know it! Not a man among you dares to utter his honest opinion. Were you to utter it, you know that it would never appear in print. . . I am paid to keep my honest opinion out of the newspaper for which I write.

You too are paid for similar services. Were I to permit a single edition on the newspaper for which I write, to contain an honest opinion, my occupation . . . would be gone in less than twenty-four hours. The man who would be foolish enough to write his honest opinion would soon be walking the streets in search of another job. It is the duty of the New York journalist to lie, distort, to destroy, to revile, to toady at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country, and his race, for his daily bread, or what amounts to the same, for his salary.

We are tools and vessels of the rich (International Bankers and their affiliates such as the C.F.R.) behind the scenes. We are marionettes. These men pull the strings and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our capacities, are all property of these men – we are intellectual prostitutes.”

These words are more true today than when they were spoken over 75 years ago. We do not have a “free press, in America. It is completely “controlled,” and we hear exactly what the “masters,” want us to hear.

The Sussex Zodiac

The Sussex Zodiac

THE TERRESTRIAL ZODIAC is one of the places where earth mysteries and strange phenomena meet and wink at each other. Those whose personalities are dominated by cynicism will sneer at the concept / phenomena out of hand. But such unconsidered criticism should be ignored. Reality is relative and so strange in places that to dismiss things without consideration is to live in ignorance and illusion. The earth mysteries – strange phenomena – paranormal fields lie at the edge of reality. Those who familiarise themselves with their contents may well gain a better grasp on reality, in total.
Ed. The Zodiac and its signs is Scriptural, His story written in the sky and reflected on earth.

The Lost Apostle

The Lost Apostle

THE ORIGINAL TWELVE APOSTLES ARE NAMED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT as Simon (Peter), Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Levi (or Matthew), James (the less), Jude (perhaps also named Thaddeus or Lebbaeus), Simon (the Zealot or Cananean) and Judas Iscariot. It is obvious that they fall into two main groups: those who were former disciples of John the Baptist and those who were members of Jesus’s extended family. Of the former group are Simon Peter, his brother Andrew, Philip, and probably Bartholomew and Thomas. Family

3 members are Jesus’s brothers James (the less), Jude, Simon the Zealot and Matthew/Levi, along with his cousins, James and John the sons of Zebedee. Judas Iscariot could be in either group as he is described as the ‘son of Simon’ and it is not clear if this means that he is a son of Simon Peter, Simon the Zealot (Cananean) or some other Simon that we don’t know about.

Thus at least six, possibly seven, of the original twelve were family members. However, there is one important name missing from the list of apostles and this is Jesus’s other brother Joses (or Joseph) who, like James the less, is definitely named as being a son of both Mary and Alpheus. Why should he alone not have been included in the twelve?

It seems to us that the answer to this question is hinted at in several places in the New Testament, most specifically in the Crucifixion story. When Jesus is being tried by Pilate, the latter is clearly willing to release him, making use of an alleged custom among the Jews that a prisoner of their choice should be freed at the Passover. However, the crowd shout out for someone called Barabbas, with the result that he, instead of Jesus, is released.

Our Last Occupation

Our Last Occupation

Gas, Chemicals, Bombs: Britain Has Used Them All before in Iraq

NO ONE, LEAST OF ALL THE BRITISH, SHOULD BE SURPRISED AT THE STATE OF ANARCHY IN IRAQ. We have been here before. We know the territory, its long and miasmic history, the all-but-impossible diplomatic balance to be struck between the cultures and ambitions of Arabs, Kurds, Shia and Sunni, of Assyrians, Turks, Americans, French, Russians and of our own desire to keep an economic and strategic presence there.

Laid waste, a chaotic post-invasion Iraq may now well be policed by old and new imperial masters promising liberty, democracy and unwanted exiled leaders, in return for oil, trade and submission. Only the last of these promises is certain. The peoples of Iraq, even those who have cheeredpassing troops, have every reason to mistrust foreign invaders. They havebeen lied to far too often, bombed and slaughtered promiscuously.

Iraq is the product of a lying empire. The British carved it duplicitously from ancient history, thwarted Arab hopes, Ottoman loss, the dunes of Mesopotamia and the mountains of Kurdistan at the end of the first worldwar. Unsurprisingly, anarchy and insurrection were there from the start.

Palmoni or The Numerals of Scripture

Palmoni or The Numerals of Scripture


This is called “free Inquiry,” because it is strictly such : the subject with which it deals being entirely an open question, and the investigation of it being con- ducted with all due deference (I trust) to prejudices which it may disturb, but without any appeal to mere authority, whether of the early Church or the modern. In some parts of the work the ground has been broken by others, and I have of course availed myself of the advantage of their labours. The chronology, for example, has been learnedly explored by Browne, in his Ordo Sæclorum, a book frequently referred to in the course of this Inquiry. But I have not simply followed Browne. A mistake of his, in one important point, led me to work out the whole scheme de novo et ab ovo. The result has been that, with the exception of this one point, I find my effort to harmonize in the main with his, and so far as the principle is concerned to be more than corroborative of his remarkable conclusions.
In that part of the work which will be the newest to most readers, and in which I may have to entreat them to “strike, but hear,” the leading idea is one familiar to the early Church. It does not appear, however, that it was ever subjected to a rigorous scientific examination.
As to the connection between these parts, the application of mystic numbers as a key to sacred dates, I do not know whether any one has been before me. The famous Mirandula professed to have found the secret of Spiritual Arithmetic but what he made of the subject, or whether he put his discoveries to the severe proof of connecting them with Chronology, I have not been able to ascertain. Hoping the effort may be useful, at least in calling attention to an interesting subject, I submit it to the judgment of the candid and thoughtful reader.

M. Mahan.
General Theological Seminary, N. Y., June 9th, 1863.