Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 5

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 5

1. The Great Pyramid of Giza
2. The Seal of the U.S. and the Pyramid

QUESTION: The Great Pyramid of Giza, is there a connection of this Pyramid and the one of the U.S. Seal, and what about the Sphinx?

ANSWER: This is a three part question, and before we consider the Pyramid we should study the Sphinx, for the two are connected in symbolism, and the same people built the Pyramid, the city of ON with its Temple, and the Sphinx. First then, the Sphinx.

This is a symbolic Temple, it has its relationship to the Masonic order which originated in the ancient Mystery Schools founded by Enoch and Job. The Sphinx is an incumbent Lion with a human head. Symbolically this is YAHSHUA the ‘Lion’ of Judah who would be the ruler of the nations of Israel. The Sphinx marks the end of the Zodiac as well as the beginning, for a figure of the Sphinx was placed in the Star Map on the dome of the Temple in the city of ON, between Virgo and Leo, thus beginning with Virgo and ending with Leo, is the story in the heavens.

The symbolism in the Sphinx is also contained in the Pyramid but in greater detail. The incumbent Lion with the human head carrying forward the symbolism of the chambers inside the Sphinx which come together in the Pyramid in the areas known as the Chambers of the Kingdom.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 4

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 4

1. None of Israel blotted out of the Book of Life.
2. The Cave of Treasures
3. Asenath the wife of Joseph.
4. The Essene company at the time of Jesus.
5. The Zohar
6. The Star Bible
7. The Phoenix Bird

QUESTION: You say that none of Israel will be blotted out of the Lamb’s Book of Life. A minister I have been listening to says no name can be added but your name can be blotted out. Would you please explain?

ANSWER: There is some mistranslation but this is found in the King James Bible in the message to the church ages of Revelation 3:5; ‘To the church at Sardis. He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed with white raiment, and I will not blot his name out of the Lambs Book of Life. I will confess his name before my father and before his angels’. This is a positive statement even though the translators have God divided into two parts as father and son, where as HE is YAHWEH‑YAHSHUA or Saviour.

In the Ferrah Fenton Bible it says: To he who overcometh I give the white raiment of righteousness because his name is written in the book of life from whence it can never be erased.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 3

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 3

1. Enoch into the Heavens
2. The Valley of Dry Bones
3. Kingdom Age and the Millennium

QUESTION: Is it true that Enoch was carried into the Heavens to meet God? If so what did he learn? What did he see? How do we find his report of his experiences??

ANSWER: I think it rather important that we understand that there is two great sources of information as to the facts of pre‑existence of YAHWEH’S Household. These are sources from Enoch of the Old Testament and the Apostle Paul of the New Testament. Both were escorted far from earth and into different dimensions and plains. Both recorded what they saw and hard after they had returned to earth. Both wrote volumes for us in earth so as to help explain the Mysteries of the Universe and our place in it.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 18th August 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 18th August 1965

QUESTION: Why did the Mayans welcome the Manasseh people?

ANSWER: They were received by the Central American Indians because they thought this was the return of the Children of the Sun, who had come to their chronology in the great time clock of the Mayas, 800 B.C. which was the time when some of the house of Manasseh were supposed to have crossed the sea in the ships. But this was only a part of Manasseh, as this Bible tells us that Manasseh would cross the sea in ships. But the bulk of the Manasseh people moved out with the bulk of Ephraim and Manasseh as they migrated in their period of time, thus this does all tie in. But most of the tradition of South America leans toward the west instead of the east, to the west out of Lemuria. And the artefacts, and the images, and the religious symbolism of South America which are Pre‑Adamic, and which come out of the oldest stratums comes out of the oldest Temples, and it is the same as that coming out of Easter Island, the Steppes of China, and also from Samoa. So this land was one time tied together in one orbit. Some of the finest work on these studies are by Kabar and Dubbs. In fact he is one of the experts on the Pacific Islands, and their civilization and antiquity. This proves that the Bible talks about things which man didn’t find out about until just lately.

And it speaks about these things with accuracy, and the explanation of these things is proven. The Bible says; let every man be found to be a liar (or Mistaken) and God be true. This is what happens, they think they have an exact and absolute science, and then they find out that the record was here in the Bible all the time. If they could have only understood it. However your race carries this capacity to be led to this discovery when all things are understood, when you reach the peak of ‘All Truth’.

QUESTION: Up to the time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob there must have been a lot of Sethites and Noahites, but all we hear about are the 12 tribes of Israel, but there must have been a lot of people out there somewhere?

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 16th June 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 16th June 1965

QUESTION: What is the deeds of the Nicolaitans which Jesus said that He hated, who are these people of Revelation 2?

ANSWER: (Revelation 2:18‑26) These things saith the Son of God who hath his eyes like flame. This is of course is the church of Thyatira which has some of the same conditions remaining in it which is Baalism, and Nicolaitanism. There is also another passage where it refers to this similar condition, and that is in the church of Pergamos. (Rev. 2:14‑15) This doctrine of the Nicolaitan was a sort of hold over of ancient Babylonian order, which was established by ancient Jewry in ancient times.

Now, remember that Mystery Babylon the Great is the carrying forward of all the Political, the Social, the Economic, and the Religious programs of the Anti‑Christ. But to do all that he must set up some sort of symbol, some pattern, some sham in order to move in on the Kingdom. And ancient Babylon at the time of Nebuchadnezzar when they had captured Judah and Benjamin, was under the control of the Baal Priests who had a great organization. Baalism, and Baal Priests had a powerful order, in fact there were thousands of Priests, and they maintained great and tremendous Monasteries for these Priests of Baal. They kept within it like keep today in the upper Tibet and in India, under Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, and Kali in their pagan worship these thousands of Vestal Virgins. But these Vestal Virgins are virgins in name only.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 15th September 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 15th September 1965

QUESTION: II Kings 4:38,39; I wondered about this, but I did not bring my Bible and I don’t know just how it reads?

ANSWER: “And Elijah came again to Gilgal; and there was a drought in the land, and the sons of the prophets were sitting before him; and he said unto his servant, set on the great pot, and see to the potage for the sons of the prophets. One went out into the filed to gather herbs and found a wild vine, and gathered there of wild gourds, his lap full and came and shred them into the pot of potage, for they knew them not. So they poured out for the men to eat, and it came to pass, as they were eating that they cried out and said, o thou man of God there is death in the pot, and they could not eat there of. But he said: bring meal and he cast it into the pot; and he said; pour out for the people every man eat, and there was no harm then in the pot.”

Now, in one of the earlier texts it was that there were deadly toadstools instead of mushrooms in the pot. And it said as they put a spoon in the pot it tarnished so they knew they had death in the pot. Some of the men had eaten of it so he cast meal in the pot and they were healed. It is just as simple as that. It did take a miracle, but the prophet prayed and they put whatever it took to counteract, and some places it says meal, some places ground powder, but whatever it was it just neutralized the poison. It doesn’t have any secret meaning, that is just what happened.

QUESTION: But God told him what to do?

ANSWER: Yes, God gave him the knowledge of what to do. Elijah was the type of prophet who could understand these things, could talk in those terms, that is rather interesting as there are many things talked about in the old records.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 14th July 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 14th July 1965

QUESTION: Matthew 10:16‑17, serpents, men?

ANSWER: Behold I send ye forth as sheep in the midst of wolves; be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men; for they will deliver ye up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues. These are serpent men, beware of the Jews they have the synagogues. Jesus is making this clear to His disciples. When He said: I send you forth as sheep among wolves, He is already telling you what kind of men to look out for. Sheep is the symbol of Israel, and the sheep of His pasture, His Household and race.

So He says: I send you forth as sheep among wolves, these workers for Lucifer, Lucifer’s helpers. And then He goes on: Be ye just as wise as the serpents and as harmless as doves. In other words be diplomatic, be careful, but beware of these men who move up to you and say, come into our council. Don’t let them persuade us, don’t be taken in by them, because if you do they will deliver you up to their synagogues and scourge you. But you will be brought before governors, and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the nations they control, see? So when they deliver you up, don’t worry about what you are to say, for in the same hour this shall be given you as to what you are to say. For it is not ye that speak, but the spirit of your Father which speaks in you.

This was the disciples He was talking to who were farmers, fishermen, doctors, tax collectors, they filled all these walks of life, and although they had challenge in the ministry they had not been endued with the force which would charge them and bring all things to their remembrance. So they were naturally a little bit disturbed as to how it would be if they got into a tight spot, so Jesus told them who to be careful of and if they got in a spot they would be given the things to say. And that Spirit of the Father was in them so they would say the right things. This was so they wouldn’t be apprehensive as to what would happen, in such a spot.

Faith For These Days

Faith For These Days

In Hebrews 11:1. we are told that” Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

IT IS INTERESTING TO NOTE THAT THE WORD “EVIDENCE” IS ALSO USED IN THE BIBLE TO MEAN THE TITLE DEED TO LAND, as for example, in Jeremiah 32:8‑14. Therefore, we might say that faith is the title deed by which you get the right to claim the things you hope for. Now faith is belief, but belief in WHAT? The worshipers of Baal and Moloch had faith, but in the wrong things. It is not enough just to believe, WHAT MUST YOU BELIEVE? ALL OF GOD’S PROMISES!

Faith is taking God at His word, and thereby getting that which He promised. For example, it applies to your SALVATION. If you take God at His word, you are free from your burden of sins NOW. There’s no uncertainty about it, no need to wait and see what happens. BELIEVE NOW, and you know the joy of salvation NOW. If you don’t believe, you labour under the awful burden of your sins, not because God withheld relief, but because you didn’t accept what He offered.

God never asked man to believe anything unreasonable: He always gave proofs beforehand, enough to convince any reasonable man. God foretold the plagues He would bring on the Egyptians, then did it; after that, He told the Israelites to march to the Promised Land. He used fulfilled prophecy to demonstrate the complete reliability of His word.

In Isaiah 48:3‑5, He said,  “I have declared the former things from the beginning: and they went forth from My mouth, and I showed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass. Because I knew that thou art obstinate, and thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass; I have even from the beginning declared it to thee: before it came to pass, I showed It thee.”

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 14th April 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 14th April 1965

QUESTION: This story about Three bulls coming out of the ark, in the Book of Enoch, a Red one, a White one.

ANSWER: Enoch never wrote about anything like three bulls coming out of the Ark. This is only inserted into the Oxford Edition, I never found out how it got in there, and it was an old copy, so this was, BULL, coming out of the Ark. It was quite obvious that they were trying to say that Chinese, White, and Negroes were all coming out of the Ark, but this is totally a fallacy because only Noah was spared because he was perfect in his generations. His sons and their wives were thus on the Ark with him, and he was still perfect in his generations, thus all these were white men and women of this you can be sure.

QUESTION: A destruction of the unrighteous in the Book of Enoch, how do you justify this with the scripture saying, “All Israel shall be saved, and all flesh is to be saved.”

ANSWER: That is alright, but in the midst of the judgments in the battle of the ending of the age, all the forces of evil fighting against the Kingdom are going to die, they are going to be defeated, broken, smashed. This is the destruction not the destruction which relates to their entity, or their being, as it relates to the endless future. It doesn’t make any difference who or what is destroyed, the scripture also talks about a general Resurrection, and this general Resurrection takes care of all the opposition, the evil, all the wicked who have died. But this Resurrection is before a judgment of chastisement, but ultimately there is nothing lost beyond the ability of God in the fullness of time, to redeem.

Death and The Bible

Death and The Bible


These Scriptures and many other verses give the lie to the hell of the dark ages, which is taught by so many priests and ministers today. HELL IS NOT A PLACE OF ETERNAL TORTURE where the damned scream in pain for eternity; it is a place of silence, of rest, a place where its occupants know nothing, a place where righteous Job said he would remain until his Redeemer,



When we understand the Scripture penalty for sin is simply “death,” (Genesis 2:17; Ezekiel 18:4; Romans 6:23 and others) we realize there is no foundation for this idea that the penalty is “everlasting torture.” Christ paid the full penalty for our sins, that we might not suffer; What? Everlasting [permanent] death, NOT EVERLASTING TORTURE! “Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and SIN, when it is finished, BRINGETH FORTH DEATH.” (James 1:15) Christ: “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, HOW THAT CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS according to the scriptures.” (1 Corinthians 15:3)