Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 3

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 3

1. Enoch into the Heavens
2. The Valley of Dry Bones
3. Kingdom Age and the Millennium

QUESTION: Is it true that Enoch was carried into the Heavens to meet God? If so what did he learn? What did he see? How do we find his report of his experiences??

ANSWER: I think it rather important that we understand that there is two great sources of information as to the facts of pre‑existence of YAHWEH’S Household. These are sources from Enoch of the Old Testament and the Apostle Paul of the New Testament. Both were escorted far from earth and into different dimensions and plains. Both recorded what they saw and hard after they had returned to earth. Both wrote volumes for us in earth so as to help explain the Mysteries of the Universe and our place in it.