Wednesday Night Bible Study – 16th June 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 16th June 1965

QUESTION: What is the deeds of the Nicolaitans which Jesus said that He hated, who are these people of Revelation 2?

ANSWER: (Revelation 2:18‑26) These things saith the Son of God who hath his eyes like flame. This is of course is the church of Thyatira which has some of the same conditions remaining in it which is Baalism, and Nicolaitanism. There is also another passage where it refers to this similar condition, and that is in the church of Pergamos. (Rev. 2:14‑15) This doctrine of the Nicolaitan was a sort of hold over of ancient Babylonian order, which was established by ancient Jewry in ancient times.

Now, remember that Mystery Babylon the Great is the carrying forward of all the Political, the Social, the Economic, and the Religious programs of the Anti‑Christ. But to do all that he must set up some sort of symbol, some pattern, some sham in order to move in on the Kingdom. And ancient Babylon at the time of Nebuchadnezzar when they had captured Judah and Benjamin, was under the control of the Baal Priests who had a great organization. Baalism, and Baal Priests had a powerful order, in fact there were thousands of Priests, and they maintained great and tremendous Monasteries for these Priests of Baal. They kept within it like keep today in the upper Tibet and in India, under Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, and Kali in their pagan worship these thousands of Vestal Virgins. But these Vestal Virgins are virgins in name only.