Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 34

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 34

Question: What is this book of Horus that Dr. Swift referred to and what did it contain?

Answer: Well it is an Egyptian book, and there are some strange things connected with it. A man by the name of Randall Stevens had been doing much research and he was given a vision as to where there would be found the buried writings of Horus under the sands of Egypt. He saw a temple where worship of Ancient Egypt took place. He saw old scrolls buried which would tell the story as to where these people of Egypt came from in Ancient times. Under spiritual inspiration this man then took pen and paper and wrote the first few chapters of this book of Horus although only small fragments had been found before this. But this man just felt led to go down to Egypt and find a complete set of the scrolls which now make up the book of Horus.

War conditions at that time prevented this, but later he was allowed to go, and there after only three days of digging they found the entrance to an old temple just where Stevens had said it would be. And in this temple was an entrance to a tomb and there was the most complete book of Horus ever found. It was in great scrolls. But here was a man who set down after his dream and wrote the first few chapters of something he had never seen. Then he tried to persuade people to back his quest so he could go dig up the original, and then went and dug them up.

Now; this book is not from inspiration given to our race. It is a pre‑Adamic inspired version of what happened to these people, and is written by their Priest with the Title of Horus. Each Priest after that was given the same title and the National Geographic magazines in different articles about Ancient Egypt records the name of their Priest in different centuries as Horus, even after Adam.

The significance of this book of Horus is that although it was written to the Ancient people finally called Egyptians still it is written about the sons and daughters of YAHWEH. Their Priest Horus taught of ‘ONE’ God of Light called YAHWEH‑PUTAH (meaning Saviour). He tells of a promise made to these Ancient people as they were getting ready to leave their homeland of Atlatcan or Atlantas as we call it today.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 33

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 33

ANOTHER INSTANCE SHOWING THE TRUTH OF THE BIBLE IN THE ORIENTAL INSTITUTE MUSEUM IN CHICAGO, ILL., is a clay Prism with Sennacheribs own account of his invasion of Judea and the taking of fortified cities of Judah where 200,150 people were taken captive as told in II Kings 18:17., and 19:35. The Palace of Sennacherib has also been found and about 100,000 volumes were recovered there. About 1/3 of this library is now in the British Museum. This library was found by Layard in 1849‑50., and he says the Palace was about the size of three large city blocks. Thus when this library is deciphered think of the information to be uncovered to fill in that part of the Bible story.

Now; along with Archaeology bringing out the fact that the Bible is true then came the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Dr. Swift was writing to the head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Syria, and they were sending him scroll after scroll as they were translated. Some of the scrolls he learned were sent to Israeli when they demanded to see them, and they were never returned. The head of the Orthodox Church in Syria was very angry about that. But hundreds of scrolls were found, some of them were copies of the same things, and they had been diligently hand copied for they had no printing presses at that time.

In these scrolls was found the Book of Enoch, and after radio carbon testing of the papyrus it was written on they found this to be copied about 200 B.C. In Syria they also found a Book of Enoch that was 800 B.C., as to age. Yet all the time the Jews and even the Catholic Church said the Book of Enoch was spurious Books written 200 years after The Christ. And now we have copies made from copies nothing original is their saying. But the Dead Sea Scrolls are changing all this because we do now have old scrolls and they find that they were diligently kept, and some of them were copied 800 years before the Birth of Christ.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 32

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 32

NOW AS TO THE COVENANT, THIS SECOND COVENANT, ‘Behold! The day will come when I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers when I took them out of the land of Egypt because they continued not in my covenant. But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Judah and the house of Israel in those days, I will put my laws in their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be unto them a God, and they shall be unto me a people. And they will no longer need to teach their neighbour or his brother saying: know the law, because they shall all know ME from the least to the greatest.’Won’t it be a great day when the new covenant is thoroughly implemented, the house of Judah and the House of Israel again, ‘ONE stick in HIS hand?’ The Law then will come from the hearts of the Israel people, and the world order will know who they are, as they rule with righteousness because every Israelite will understand what YAHWEH has proclaimed, and every Israelite shall see as He knows. In His Melchizedek Priesthood He calls the working of the Law forth out of the hearts of HIS people for the Sheep will respond to the Shepherds call.

As the Apostle Paul talks about this new covenant and the Melchizedek Priesthood, he records: YAHWEH swears and shall not repent concerning the embodiment of His own body, in hour of His Resurrection as He again took up the mantle of the heavens, ‘thou art a Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek, King of Salem (Peace) High Priest of His Kingdom, existing without father, without mother, without descent, without end of days or beginning of time, abides a Priest continually, after the incarnation of YAHWEH. And now you understand why His is without father, mother, without end of days or beginning of time, because YAHSHUA is YAHWEH in the flesh.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 31

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 31

THIS EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS IS THE GREATEST MYSTERY BOOK OF ALL THE SCRIPTURES. It contains the deepest and most vital truths concerning the character of the race, and our relationship to Our Father. It contains this Mystery of how you are tabernaceling in this physical body. In other words a tabernacle is a dwelling place for a Celestial son and daughter and in this instance then YAHWEH became flesh and dwelt as we do in a body formed out of this race.

He thus became kinsmen with us, and was not ashamed to acknowledge this fact. Therefore whether you are a good son or a bad son still YAHSHUA is YAHWEH in the flesh, the same High Priest who took care of our transgressions, thus by His Stripes, by His suffering we are healed. Thus what YAHWEH performed for His people was something we did not have anything to do with because it was not determined by our reaction, but by and for HIS purpose.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 30

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 30

After reading Dr. Coleman’s report on South America I thought of something I had read in a book entitled WWIII, by Charles Taylor. He is a minister in California who writes of prophecy and tries to predict when the rapture will take place. In this book he carried a report of ‘The Jesuit Subversion in Central America.’ I thought I would share this vision by this unknown Evangelist with you, and see if it does not make more sense with this report that it did to me as Dr. Taylor tried to tie it to the rapture some years ago.

Now; this Evangelist went up to the 86th floor of the Empire State building, and went out on the terrace to look through the telescope, then he had this vision and he heard a voice, several times. This is what he said he saw and heard: (Quote) Suddenly I heard a voice which said: ‘The eyes of the LORD run to and fro through out the whole earth to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose hearts are perfect toward HIM. Herein thou hast done foolishly therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.’ (Unquote) This is a direct quote from II Chronicles 16:9.

(Quote) I realized I was not looking at Manhattan Island but upon all of the North American continent spread out before me as though a map on a great table. I saw the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and instead of the Statute of Liberty standing here in the bay on her tiny Island, I saw her standing far out in the Gulf of Mexico, between me and the United States. (He must have standing looking north from South America). There before me lay all of North America and with her great cities, the Great Lakes, New York on the East and Seattle on the west and further south Portland, then San Francisco and Los Angeles. In the foreground lay New Orleans at the centre of the Gulf Coast area. I could see the towering ranges of the Rocky Mountains and the Continental Divide.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 29

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 29

The next Great Dragon Killer was Moses. And in the old books Moses is called the Serpent killer, the one who stepped upon the snakes. You then read that in the wilderness Moses lifted up a serpent, and the children of Israel were healed. In some translations Moses is said to have lifted up a broken serpent, or a brazen serpent, but actually Moses lifted up a symbol of what was effecting the Children of Israel, these speckled birds who had infiltrated among them and were leading them astray. As they realized the cause of their troubles the Israelites were healed.

In the old Zohar it tells us that this staff which Moses lifted up with the broken serpent on it was a Cross. And speaking of the coming of YAHSHUA, Messiah it said: ‘I shall be lifted up to destroy the way of the great serpent.’ In the Scripture as it talks about the children of Israel being bitten by a serpent, the old word was Serab, leading you back to the symbol of the fallen Angels who rebelled with Lucifer.

Once more it is the same old story all down through Israel’s History, as to the difference in the people who make up both kingdoms. How Lucifer in rebellion with his dragon and serpent people was always trying to set up their own symbol of the serpent, to counterfeit the symbols of the kingdom so as to fool YAHWEH’S children. But anytime you see the symbol of the Dragon Killer, one foot raised, this is the symbol of YAHWEH’S power through the kingdom people in earth. Since the symbol of the serpent as a symbol of wisdom both of good and evil in earth, then it was necessary for the Dragon Killers to play their mysterious part in the symbolism of our story so that you in understanding YAHWEH’S plan can identify the children of the Dragon and understand that Serpent seed is real, understand what Serpent seed really is, and why that symbolism is used.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 28

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 28

The Apostle Paul is still talking about immortality. He had said that he did not want to die, he just wanted to put on his Light and Glory which he knew belonged to him since his trip into the heavens. He knew however that if his physical body did wear out that he had a Celestial house in the planes of Spirit. It was eternal and consisted of Light.

Thus the Apostle Paul said he did not want to die, but he did want to get into that Light. Just wanted that Light to envelope his physical body so that this mortal will be swallowed up with immortality and live forever. This means, restored to immortality.

This is why the Apostle Paul talked about the fact that there is only one thing we wait for which is the redemption of our bodies. We already have Eternal Life, we are living souls assured of Eternal Life. We are waiting to see Death stopped, for mortal to put on immortality.

This process is already at work in us, and at the time YAHSHUA returns, it has not only been promised but has been generally accepted by the whole structure of Christianity that no area of interpretation or mistranslation could make you miss this, that there will be a perpetual immortality. That you are in the image of YAHWEH, you are spirit, soul, and body and you will become indestructible. That you will no longer die, no longer will your physical body be subject to death.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 27

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 27

QUESTION: ‘Remember also that YAHWEH is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.’ Galatians 6:7.

ANSWER: You reap in the same field that you sow, thus since you are in the world this is where you reap, and this is where you have also sown. This is also the reason all this talk and publications about this place called HELL, is such a fantasy. For what are you going to burn forever and ever after you have laid this physical body in the grave, and the spirit of this Celestial child has gone back to he who gave it. Remember it is the Christian religion that has pushed this hell concept so hard, after it was fed into it by the enemy which entered the church. The Apostle Paul then goes on to say: ‘But he that soweth only to his flesh, shall of the flesh reap, but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life Ever‑ lasting.’ (vs 8)

Now; understand. that as we preach this Gospel of the Kingdom we do not hate people of the world order. We are to do good unto all, but especially unto them who are of this household of Faith. This is the program which YAHWEH has set in place which shall be a blessing to the whole world.

The Apostle Paul said: ‘God forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of our Redeemer, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. For in YAHSHUA neither circumcision nor uncircumcision availeth anything, but you will be a new person.’ (vs 15) Old things have passed away, the kingdom enters a new phase, and you acknowledge the Atonement and forgot the rituals which brought you as a school master to HE who made the Atonement. And if you walk this way then Peace, which is also understanding is with you and the Mercy of the God of Israel is upon you. (vs 16)

The Apostle Paul then went on to say: therefore let no man trouble me with the silly argument, for I bear in my body the marks for my stand for YAHSHUA, WHO IS YAHWEH in the flesh. Thus Israel brethren, the Grace of our Redeemer be with the real you, which is your spirit. (vs 18) With this the Apostle Paul ends his Epistle to the Galatians. Later the Apostle Paul will go into this subject of the great falling away from the Faith, but you will notice that some one was trying to sidetrack it back there at this time when he was writing to the Galatians.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 26

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 26

QUESTION: ‘Wherefore remember, that ye in times past being Gentiles in the flesh, who are called un-circumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands. That at the time ye were without Christ being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God, in the world; but now in Christ Jesus ye who are sometimes far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.’ Ephesians 2:11‑13. What does this mean?

ANSWER: The Apostle Paul in writing to these Israelites who have been gone from the centre at Old Jerusalem for many years is here calling attention to who they are. There is some problems in the Epistles with translation because the Ecclesiastical world tried to embrace doctrines which the Apostle Paul was not teaching. In Rome the Catholics and then later Protestants in theology were trying to establish that all people were capable of Evangelization for Administration of the kingdom. And they were simplifying their translations so as to classify people as Jews or non‑Jews with the non‑Jews being classified as Gentiles.

This again is one of the many problems you face in any of the Epistles of the Apostle Paul you find here in our King James Version. But since you now know the outline of this Book you should have no trouble in understanding what the Apostle Paul is telling these Israelites. ‘Wherefore ye being in times past Ethene, or nations in the flesh who were called uncircumcision by those who are circumcised in the flesh or made by hands’, Remember that the ten northern tribes of Israel and even many of the Judah kingdom did not continue the practice of circumcision after they went into captivity.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 25

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 25

Here in Verse 45 is this Mystery. The first man Adam who was spirit of His Spirit and was made a Living Soul, and the last Adam, YAHSHUA, was a quickening Spirit. But before this (vs 46) how be it that the first man was of the earth earthly? That this first man was of the earth a created people where as the second man was a LORD from Heaven? Now in this understanding we are talking about this Adamic race, for Adam was a Lord from heaven or a ruler from the heavens, and he was to name all the creatures and was to rule the earth. Thus the first man was earthly, he did not carry any spiritual seed, he was a created being. The second man Adam was a ruler from the heavens and we now have the separation of the Adamic race from the other races which were born in the image of the heavenly in our form. (vs 49) The Apostle Paul has now confirmed what we have been telling you about this Adamic (white) race of people.

Now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven, neither doth corruption inherit incorruption, behold I show you a mystery’ and this mystery is unfolded from verse 45 to 47. We were thus begotten of incorruptible seed, we did not inherit the heavens because we have an earthly body, but we have a spiritual entity.

Therefore we are told that this is a hidden mystery, it is something which was promised to us before the world was framed, it is the hidden mystery of HIS GLORY. We were promised redemption, of even this physical body which does not inherit the kingdom of heaven in this form. The Princes of this world did not know this for if they had they would not have crucified the LORD of Glory. They would have then realized their defeat because as they crucified the LORD of Glory He fulfilled the atonement and His children were set back in their place of Sonship. And ‘eye hath not seen or ear heard the things prepared for those who love HIM.’ But YAHWEH revealest these things unto your remembrance, I will lead you to the knowledge of all truth.

YAHWEH reveals these mysteries to His children for the spirit searches out all things. For what man knoweth the things of man save the spirit of man? Even so the things of YAHWEH knoweth no man but by the spirit. We did not receive the spirit of the world order, of the earth‑earthy, we received the spirit which is of YAHWEH and why?