Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 31

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 31

THIS EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS IS THE GREATEST MYSTERY BOOK OF ALL THE SCRIPTURES. It contains the deepest and most vital truths concerning the character of the race, and our relationship to Our Father. It contains this Mystery of how you are tabernaceling in this physical body. In other words a tabernacle is a dwelling place for a Celestial son and daughter and in this instance then YAHWEH became flesh and dwelt as we do in a body formed out of this race.

He thus became kinsmen with us, and was not ashamed to acknowledge this fact. Therefore whether you are a good son or a bad son still YAHSHUA is YAHWEH in the flesh, the same High Priest who took care of our transgressions, thus by His Stripes, by His suffering we are healed. Thus what YAHWEH performed for His people was something we did not have anything to do with because it was not determined by our reaction, but by and for HIS purpose.