Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 35

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 35

This mystery of the symbolism of the Worms is the Bride of Lucifer, it is the symbolism of his power, it is his kingdom, and the woman sitting upon the scarlet coloured Beast full of names of blaspheme, and upon her head the name of Mystery Babylon the Great. And Babylon the Great is the mother of harlots and abominations of earth, and she is drunk with the blood of the Saints and the Martyrs of the time of Jesus as well. The beast which is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and then go into perdition is of course this system of the World Order, and this false religion (woman) that rides upon the back of this World System. Remember Israel was a widow when in Chastisement, but this great Mystery Babylon, the woman now sitting on the back of Red communism, Zionism, this Beast System said: ‘I sit as a Queen, I am no widow and shall see no sorrow. Thus Lucifer’s kingdom, his rule seems to him and to his people to be forever. And they keep up their work against the kingdom of YAHWEH to destroy it if possible. When Mystery Babylon falls it shall be this symbolic mystery system that controls all pagan religions, and false theology, and philosophies, and economic manipulation, all parts of Lucifer’s kingdom and great will be the fall of that kingdom.

Now; what can you do against this invasion of insects? What is the promise? ‘I am going to pour out my spirit upon my sons and my daughters.’ So what is that Spirit? It is the wave length of Divine energy, life, knowledge, understanding, coming down from the MOST HIGH upon His children. It will not only illuminate for them the whole picture, but they will come out of their sleep as this great vibration, this cosmic perception for understanding of YAHWEH’S own consciousness descends upon His people.

He has promised there will be a deliverance in the land, when my people have this wave length of spiritual power descend upon them. Then you will eliminate these insects from the kingdom. We take great hope in that. We see that every parasite that hates our God, our Race, our Faith, our Nation, will leave these United States or be crushed right here, and then YAHWEH will restore unto His children everything the insects have taken from us. Yes, we know the process seems so slow, but we are also an impatient people. But we also believe that people have been stirred more than they realize, their protests have just not been channelled down one path. But Almighty YAHWEH can stimulate and you will do things you never did before. After all he has told us of these powers that were to come against us, and that they are also controlled, that He is in control and has been in control from the beginning. Told us that they did not come with His blessing but to destroy His kingdom. Told us also that those that come against us are going to fall.