Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 26

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 26

QUESTION: ‘Wherefore remember, that ye in times past being Gentiles in the flesh, who are called un-circumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands. That at the time ye were without Christ being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God, in the world; but now in Christ Jesus ye who are sometimes far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.’ Ephesians 2:11‑13. What does this mean?

ANSWER: The Apostle Paul in writing to these Israelites who have been gone from the centre at Old Jerusalem for many years is here calling attention to who they are. There is some problems in the Epistles with translation because the Ecclesiastical world tried to embrace doctrines which the Apostle Paul was not teaching. In Rome the Catholics and then later Protestants in theology were trying to establish that all people were capable of Evangelization for Administration of the kingdom. And they were simplifying their translations so as to classify people as Jews or non‑Jews with the non‑Jews being classified as Gentiles.

This again is one of the many problems you face in any of the Epistles of the Apostle Paul you find here in our King James Version. But since you now know the outline of this Book you should have no trouble in understanding what the Apostle Paul is telling these Israelites. ‘Wherefore ye being in times past Ethene, or nations in the flesh who were called uncircumcision by those who are circumcised in the flesh or made by hands’, Remember that the ten northern tribes of Israel and even many of the Judah kingdom did not continue the practice of circumcision after they went into captivity.