Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 33

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 33

ANOTHER INSTANCE SHOWING THE TRUTH OF THE BIBLE IN THE ORIENTAL INSTITUTE MUSEUM IN CHICAGO, ILL., is a clay Prism with Sennacheribs own account of his invasion of Judea and the taking of fortified cities of Judah where 200,150 people were taken captive as told in II Kings 18:17., and 19:35. The Palace of Sennacherib has also been found and about 100,000 volumes were recovered there. About 1/3 of this library is now in the British Museum. This library was found by Layard in 1849‑50., and he says the Palace was about the size of three large city blocks. Thus when this library is deciphered think of the information to be uncovered to fill in that part of the Bible story.

Now; along with Archaeology bringing out the fact that the Bible is true then came the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Dr. Swift was writing to the head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Syria, and they were sending him scroll after scroll as they were translated. Some of the scrolls he learned were sent to Israeli when they demanded to see them, and they were never returned. The head of the Orthodox Church in Syria was very angry about that. But hundreds of scrolls were found, some of them were copies of the same things, and they had been diligently hand copied for they had no printing presses at that time.

In these scrolls was found the Book of Enoch, and after radio carbon testing of the papyrus it was written on they found this to be copied about 200 B.C. In Syria they also found a Book of Enoch that was 800 B.C., as to age. Yet all the time the Jews and even the Catholic Church said the Book of Enoch was spurious Books written 200 years after The Christ. And now we have copies made from copies nothing original is their saying. But the Dead Sea Scrolls are changing all this because we do now have old scrolls and they find that they were diligently kept, and some of them were copied 800 years before the Birth of Christ.