Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 45 & 46

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 45 & 46

The Gospel of the Stars, or Primeval Astronomy. Copyright 1884, from the book of the library of the late Dr. Swift.

Dear friends; we have told you many things about this Gospel of the Stars from the Swift tape library. And since the tapes about those mysterious circles and figures in Britain, we thought we would give you an outline of this old book as to what this author found as he became interested in the meaning of the Starry Worlds.

Since some current explanations of the origin and meaning of the constellations of the heavenly certainly are not such as would satisfy those in search of positive truth then we as did our author looked backwards to find the knowledge our ancient forefathers brought to our race as an explanation of the outlines formed by the stars.

Genesis 1:14; ‘And YAHWEH said; let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and for years.’

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 44

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 44

QUESTION: .If the ‘Temple of the Stars’ is so much symbolism, then what about Stonehenge, for we read that it was used for Human sacrifice?

ANSWER: .I think it has been pretty well proved today that Stonehenge was not used for human sacrifice, if people will just look at the facts. But let’s take a look at Prehistoric England, Prehistoric London and its mounds and circles as well as Stonehenge and Avebury, and other interesting types of circles. Then you ask yourself why if these were only used for human sacrifices, why such Ancient people would work so hard to move those great stones and place everything in a circle??

I have a book entitled ‘Prehistoric London, its Mounds and Circles’ and this was published originally in 1914. We will be using this book and its subjects. Some we have covered before, but maybe it did not register so if there is anything you have already heard then you know why.

Old writers say the history of a nation is the history of its religion, its attempts to seek after and serve its God. And in no nation or country is this more true than of Great Britain. The pre‑historic remains of open-air sanctuaries, artificial mounds and scientifically constructed astronomical circles bear witness to the vigor and vitality of a national religion.

Oh, there has been circles built over the pathway of the Adamic people as they travelled in their migrations, but the British Isles, in that small area there is an over supply. We know that Moses erected 12 stones in a circle in the Wilderness, and at the valley leading to the convent on Mount Sinai. This was a small conical mound called the Mount of Conference, or a place of assembly. Then Joshua following YAHWEH’S command erected a circle of stone at Gilgal immediately on the arrival of the Israelites in the promised land. In Palestine there was a circle of Stones on the Summit of Gerizim called, ‘The Mount of God’, it was the oldest sanctuary in Palestine, we do not know who erected it, but no doubt some of the Adamites.

Where the city of London, England now stands there were many religious monuments. There is evidence of two circles called Cors or ‘Courts of Justice’. There were 4 conical mounds of unknown antiquity which like Cathedrals and churches dominated the Moors, marshes, and water sketches that tell of the outline of the pre‑Christian Capital. And in Early Druid times around these places of Assembly all the civil and religious affairs of the district revolved.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 43

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 43

QUESTION: .What was the Holy Grail that King Arthur’s Knights were said to be searching for?

ANSWER: .The Christian Grail was the dish in which YAHSHUA and his disciples partook of the ‘Last Supper.’ This was the inside cup of the Chalice and was said to be the vessel used to catch the blood of YAHSHUA as He hung on the Cross. This vessel was supposed to have been brought to Britain by Joseph of Arimathea.

Now; we have told you much about the ‘Gospel of the Stars’, its symbolic meaning from the Swift Library. Of all the Identity Ministers I have listened to, Dr. Swift was the greatest witness as to this fact that the Adamic Race came out of the Spirit into physical bodies for the definite purpose of building the Kingdom of YAHWEH on the earth, as it is in heaven. This was always Dr. Swift’s message, and I have tried to pass it on to you. Everything we learn confirms this fact, that we are spirit of His Spirit, and this is all in the Symbolism that you must understand before you can understand the Scriptures.

Did you know that long, long ago before Joseph of Arimathea came to Britain after the Resurrection, in fact long before YAHSHUA was born in earth, that Master Builders of our race built in Britain, in a circle, the symbolic meaning of the circle being Immortality, they built in Britain what was referred to as ‘The Temple of the Stars’. This was simply the ‘Gospel of the Stars’ inverted on to earth using waterways, buildings, mounds, hills and so forth. This Temple of the Stars was in the Somerset area, and it represented the great vault of the Heavens inverted in earth with the beginning and end of the story of the ‘Gospel of the Stars.’ Virgo, Leo, Taurus and Orion were to show up in the area which would become later ‘The Hides of Land’ given to Joseph of Arimathea when he came with Mary, the earthly mother of YAHSHUA, after the Crucifixion and Resurrection. Why would these Ancient Master Builders do this if it had no meaning for our Race?

These highly imaginative people of profound experience and vitality who built this ‘Temple of the Stars’ had a God who was so real to them. They believed that He was with them always, in their daily work, in the very ground they trod on and was of course permanently controlling the Universe around them. The drawings of these effigies, or figures is free, powerful, realistic and not in any way conventionalised. These effigies, or figures, built were definitely to indicate a sanctuary, not made by strangers, who were practical enough to apply their religion to fructifying mother earth.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 42

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 42

QUESTION: .Will we be able to stop the tearing down of our schools by those programs set in place 20 or more years ago?

ANSWER: .Well, education is the development of that which is, thus those planning for a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, without a United States had to change the education pattern of our children to bring about a different outlook than was held by our forefathers. The system of bussing was a part of the Satanic deal to destroy our race and our society. To bring this about the books in the schools were thus changed to down grade our protesting this all over our Nation. But is has not been having any effect for it was not a coordinated drive.

You will find that we developed as a Nation when communications were very powerful, but today communications has joined the building of a world State. This brought on the drive to change the U.S. into only a part of a one world government through the use of the United Nations. But it takes a crucible to bring forth gold tried in the fire, and this gold tried in the fire of Scripture is the people of the kingdom and the crucible is your Destiny.

Now; school is out for summer vacation and it is time for parents and concerned people to get interested in the curriculum of the schools for this fall. It is time to find out what is to be taught this fall, and what books are in the library of your schools, what tapes are there and video tapes are available in your area. Find out how much influence the NEA has in your area? We think you will find that the NEA record shows that it is not interested in education of students, or interested in teachers.

We think you should know that it if can mould children’s minds it has seized a monopoly on the future. Here is what Professor Chester E. Finn Jr., of Vanderbilt University has to say about the NEA’s basic strategy: ‘It includes the de‑legitimising of all authority except that of the State, the degradation of traditional morality, and the encouragement of citizens in general and children in particular to despise the rules and customs that made their society a functional Nation. It was raw political power which led Jimmy Carter to bow the knee and set up a Department of Education with Taxpayers money, but controlled by the NEA. Unquote.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 41

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 41

QUESTION: .Please explain, ‘The Sins of the Father’ which the Bible talks about as it lasts for three or four generations or more?

ANSWER: I have touched on this before, it is when an Israelite father steps out of his race to produce a child. This has been a problem for the Adamic race through the years as they then produce the seed for the destruction of their own race. It began with Adam and Eve and we saw it happen in Germany as the German crusaders came home from Judea bringing home some of the Jewish women, and they then raised their own fifth column. This happened in the South before the Civil War, and has had a great effect on our nation as well.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 40

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 40

QUESTION: .then Communism did not start in 1917?

ANSWER: .No, of course not. Communism is the ultimate goal of the enemy because it is totalitarian rule over the earth and its people. It is the name of the final power of prophecy this white race of the kingdom is to face, but it is the same old power of Lucifer’s kingdom. It is atheistic, it is a religion complete with prophet, holy blood, dogma, and high priest. The dogma is the fallacy of ‘Equalism’, on an individual and ethnic scale.

The truth boldly stated is that men and races are not equal in physical, mental, or moral powers. Because of this simple truth all attempts to force them into equality by the force of law are doomed to failure and will destroy or enslave the superior. That is communism.

The race question serves as another example of lunacy. The liberals say that if the Negro has proven themselves incapable of maintaining civilization through out recorded history, then just educate them, with the white children of course, then do the same with the mulatto offspring of the two races and the nation will leap ahead to utopia. If the parents complain, well educate the parents, and if you can’t do it with newspapers, TV. Evangelists then use the tanks and bayonets.

Such reasoning has failed to consider the inborn, and hereditary spiritual, mental, physical, and character capacities, the differences and needs of individuals and races. Prophecy says: ‘I shall take you to, thou shalt go even unto Babylon, and there shalt thou be delivered; there the LORD shall deliver thee from the hand of thine enemies.’ Then HE tells us to ‘Come out of her oh my people less you be hurt in her fall.’ Revelation 18. Since this Mystery Babylon, this Great Mystery Babylon is the fulfilment of this ONE World Government, the Beast system run by Lucifer and his children then we have walked into this enslavement, and must come out of it.

You can search Christian literature over the past ages and it is only after the ADL and their associated groups begin popularizing the malicious myth of Judeo‑Christian heritage that we see this phrase used as a fact today. Now this refrain is parroted by Catholic Priests, Protestant Bishops, Clergymen who have encouraged to regard the expression as a mark of sophisticated liberalism, and as evidence that they are completely free of Christian Anti‑Semitism.


Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 38

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 38

QUESTION: What about the KKK, why was if formed, why do they use the Dragon as one of their symbols?

ANSWER: The KKK is a very controversial subject today, but it must have been a vital organization over the years, or our Government would not have investigated this organization so many times. And over the years always those behind these investigations were the ADL which is the Anti‑Defamation League of the B’ani B’rith.

In 1965 Congressman Rankin, Chairman of the Un-American activities committee, tried to investigate the ADL because they felt they were always trying to overthrow America and establish a communist government. But at that time Congressman Cellar stopped this investigation in his committee.

Always the program of Anti‑Christ has been to capture great areas of the earth so as to gather the man power to hurl at the Christian civilization. And back in Civil War days that was also the design and they will use an that they can turn against his race to advance their program.

Now; one of the reasons the enemy is afraid of the KKK is because this was one of the organizations they could not infiltrate, could not track its identity, could not find out the names of its members. The history of the KKK is a history of a fighting organizational movement to defend these United States, Christian civilization, and white womanhood. For this cause it remains, to oppose all of America’s enemies, both domestic and foreign.

In tracing the history of the Clan, the Blood Clan of the Aryan race, then Dr. Swift took us back to the time of King David who had killed many men in defence of YAHWEH and his kingdom. Then at that time agents of his enemies moved in, and they looked like the modern day representatives, but back in those days they sought to betray David, thus stopping the kingdom of YAHWEH from advancing. And then dedicated men moved to surround David and protect this King of Israel. They were the Blood Clan of Israel, and they were called the Honour Guards. They thus guarded David around the clock, and they were thus the circle clan. As the ten tribes went out from Jerusalem you find that Jeroboam surrounded himself also with Blood Clan, with young men dedicated to fight for YAHWEH, AND FOR THE KINGDOM, and were willing to give their lives for their society.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 37

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 37

QUESTION: Here in the space age what is the enemy afraid of? If they were not afraid of something you would not see all this propaganda drive against the Star Wars program and things like that?

ANSWER: Yes, we often wonder why this idea that America must be able to protect herself from space should scare the enemy so badly, and worry men even in our nation as well.

Why also does it scare the enemy to hear a different message by some small identity group such as Aryan Nations? After all they are a small group although vocal? Why worry if a small church or some parents decide to teach their children, and not send them to the public schools? Why all this drive to remove prayer from our schools? What is wrong with our society that they want to change it even tho they clamoured to come here to live? Is it not The Christ they really want to do away with?

Alright this is the Air Age, the Age of Space, and the Eagle always flies the highest of any of the birds. When a storm comes the Eagle takes to the skies and rides above the storm. Is the enemy, the conspirators, afraid that the people are beginning to look up? In the sixties as they began to talk of space, and of U.F.O.’s then some in our Government were able to suppress all evidence of Ships of space, why did this worry them?

A little over thirty years ago Captain Ruppelt former head of ‘project blue book’ issued his report of the fact that there was strong evidence of intelligence guided space crafts. General Samford of the Pentagon stated that there are credible observers of relatively incredible things. But someone in Washington D.C. closed down all information, their official reason being that they, the hierarchy was afraid there would be mass hysteria if the people thought there was such a thing as unidentified flying objects. Thus all private investigations were to stop.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 36

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 36

QUESTION: Why should we be interested in the fact that part of the Manasseh people came into Central America and then on into the U.S.?

ANSWER: Because we believe in the prophecies which follow our people. That a double portion was given to Joseph in the blessings of Israel (Genesis 48:22), this was so that both sons of Joseph would be leaders of tribes of Israel. And any issue of Joseph after this would also be counted as Israel and they would go with Ephraim and Manasseh. (Genesis 48:6) Manasseh was the first born, but the seed of Ephraim would become a multitude of nations, thus greater in number. Genesis 49 gives you the blessings of the House of Joseph which helps trace these two tribes through the years. It is written that: ‘Joseph is a fruitful bough by a well whose branches run over the wall. The archers (enemy) has sorely grieved him, shot at him, and hated him. But his bow abodes in strength; and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob from whence is the Shepherd, the stone of Israel. Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee, and by the Almighty who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breast and of the womb.

The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bounds of the everlasting hills; they shall be upon the head of Joseph, on the crown of the head of him who was separate from his brothers. Genesis 49:22‑26

In the Book of Deuteronomy, chapter 33, you find more of the blessings of the tribes of Israel and in verses 13‑17 the special blessings of Joseph both Ephraim and Manasseh. The Unicorn is one of the symbols of Joseph, as well as the bullock as they push their people to the ends of the earth to fulfil their Destiny.

In the Book of Numbers, chapter 2, you find the numbering of the tribes was done, and the tribe of Ephraim already was larger, for they were numbered at 40,000 men from 20 years old and upward, where as Manasseh men from 20 years upward were numbered at 32,200. Each tribe was to pitch by the standard of their father and Levi was not to be numbered thus the Biblical number of 12 would be maintained. The Marching orders also place the House of Joseph on the West in the Kingdom line up.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 35

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 35

This mystery of the symbolism of the Worms is the Bride of Lucifer, it is the symbolism of his power, it is his kingdom, and the woman sitting upon the scarlet coloured Beast full of names of blaspheme, and upon her head the name of Mystery Babylon the Great. And Babylon the Great is the mother of harlots and abominations of earth, and she is drunk with the blood of the Saints and the Martyrs of the time of Jesus as well. The beast which is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and then go into perdition is of course this system of the World Order, and this false religion (woman) that rides upon the back of this World System. Remember Israel was a widow when in Chastisement, but this great Mystery Babylon, the woman now sitting on the back of Red communism, Zionism, this Beast System said: ‘I sit as a Queen, I am no widow and shall see no sorrow. Thus Lucifer’s kingdom, his rule seems to him and to his people to be forever. And they keep up their work against the kingdom of YAHWEH to destroy it if possible. When Mystery Babylon falls it shall be this symbolic mystery system that controls all pagan religions, and false theology, and philosophies, and economic manipulation, all parts of Lucifer’s kingdom and great will be the fall of that kingdom.

Now; what can you do against this invasion of insects? What is the promise? ‘I am going to pour out my spirit upon my sons and my daughters.’ So what is that Spirit? It is the wave length of Divine energy, life, knowledge, understanding, coming down from the MOST HIGH upon His children. It will not only illuminate for them the whole picture, but they will come out of their sleep as this great vibration, this cosmic perception for understanding of YAHWEH’S own consciousness descends upon His people.

He has promised there will be a deliverance in the land, when my people have this wave length of spiritual power descend upon them. Then you will eliminate these insects from the kingdom. We take great hope in that. We see that every parasite that hates our God, our Race, our Faith, our Nation, will leave these United States or be crushed right here, and then YAHWEH will restore unto His children everything the insects have taken from us. Yes, we know the process seems so slow, but we are also an impatient people. But we also believe that people have been stirred more than they realize, their protests have just not been channelled down one path. But Almighty YAHWEH can stimulate and you will do things you never did before. After all he has told us of these powers that were to come against us, and that they are also controlled, that He is in control and has been in control from the beginning. Told us that they did not come with His blessing but to destroy His kingdom. Told us also that those that come against us are going to fall.