Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 66

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 66

HERE IN OUR DAY WE FIND THAT THE AMERICAN MEDICAL PROFESSION uses drugs to hopefully kill the pain while the body heals itself. Not much notice is given to the side effects of those drugs although they are many.

Looking backward we find that the art of healing was originally one of the secret sciences of the Priests of Israel. all higher forms of knowledge were originally in the possession of these men of wisdom. The mystery of their source of wisdom is obscured by the Genesis of religious belief. In the days of Enoch, he was High Priest of his time, they possessed Divine knowledge, and dispensed that knowledge through the Priesthood. As the Adamic race spread out over the earth it was the Priests of the Race, under Divine guidance who made the laws and enforced them. It was the Priests under this Divine guidance who appointed the rulers, controlled them, ministered to the ‘Living’ and guided the destinies of this race. All branches of learning were monopolized by the Priesthood who admitted into their ranks only those qualified to carry on their ancient secrets.

Plato wrote: ‑’In Egypt the king is not allowed to reign unless he has Priestly Powers, and if he should be one of another class, and have obtained the throne by violence, he must be controlled by the Priesthood. (unquote)’

In those ancient days anyone aspiring to membership in the religious order of Adam‑man had to go through severe tests to prove their worthiness. Those tests were called initiations, and those who passed successfully were welcomed as brothers by the Priests, and then instructed in the ancient teachings of Israel. Among those ancient subjects were Philosophy, Science, and Religion, and they were never considered as separate units, each was regarded as a part of the whole knowledge. Philosophy was scientific and religious, while Science was philosophy and religious, and Religion was philosophic and scientific. Perfect wisdom was considered unattainable save as the results of harmonizing all three of these expressions of mental and moral activity.

The books listed as being from the pen of Hermes (Enoch) contained: 1. the science of medicine. 2. The Emerald tablet which in reality was a chemical formula of a high and secret order. There were in all 6 general classifications of those books of wisdom by Enoch.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 65

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 65

Mystery Babylon The Great

IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION CHAPTER 17‑18 we read of this Great Mystery portrayed as ‘A woman on the back of a Red Beast.’ We realize this mystery power is at war with the kingdom of YAHWEH, all the nations of the Christian West, and our Faith. We are to understand that this is symbolic, is the same battle which from its beginning is between the children of Light and the children of Darkness. (Genesis 3:15). We are also to understand that this is symbolism, this Beast, is not a man, it is a system of power over political, economic, religions, social programs and so forth. It is in fact the program of Anti‑Christ, it is a way of life, a way of thinking, it is the structure of an Anti‑Christ society.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 64

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 64

The Elementals and Much That Fits Into The Subject Leading up to The Secrets of Great Mystery Babylon of Our Day.

WE HAVE TOLD YOU MANY THINGS THROUGHOUT THIS TAPE SERIES, some of them would be, out of this world, to many people, but there is much, much more to learn. We have come no where near to he point of fulfilling our cup of knowledge. We have however hesitated to go deeper into this subject of the Elementals since it is rather ‘far out’ to anyone who believes that all people came from Adam about 4004 B.C.

We have told you much about the makeup of the dimensions and the creation, and of course about the kingdom in earth. We have told you about the Great Archangel, and why his rebellion was allowed. And although even Jesus said HE saw a star fall from heaven, still may have been taught and believed that the Devil is just an evil nature in you which you will defeat as you learn to ‘love everybody’. This is something that has been sown into the Christian religion to help in the process of destroying your belief in YAHSHUA, as to who HE is, why HE came, and to whom HE came.

The scripture tells you that Lucifer was once a great illuminator as he proclaimed the ‘truths’ of YAHSHUA‑YAHWEH, and was called; The sun of the Morning, a bright and shinning Star who served before the MOST HIGH, and was controller in fact of most of the area of the ‘Milky Way’ system of the Universe. Remember that YAHWEH has a great Archangel invested in this rebellion and this was allowed for a great purpose.

There came a time when this Archangel was allowed to feel jealous, and wonder who was to have more power in this glorious created universe. YAHWEH had children of his spirit, and they were to become greater in power than Lucifer himself, and Lucifer then decided he would not reflect this ‘truth’ in the area of the universe which he controlled. And now that this question of Power was raised then of course it must be handled once and for all times, must be settled by Divine authority, once and for all. YAHWEH would now establish this question, then settle it once and for all, and it will never rise again.

Lucifer in rebellion was no longer able to proclaim ‘truth’ and he thus became a devil, or Satan. Right away in space Satan began mutating every law he could remember, and out of these violations came mutations. After being driven into our solar system and confined, with these angelic hosts who rebelled with him, he set about upsetting the balance of earth, just as he had done out in space. He took over the ancient Torog civilization and produced through violations of law and mutations many different species.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 63

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 63

HERE IN THE OLD BIG BOOK THERE IS MUCH ARGUMENT AS TO WHO WROTE THE FIRST 5 BOOKS OF THE BIBLE because many still believe that writing was not known in those earlier days, so of course Moses did not write them, they were just written later from tradition handed down. The main problem with the interpretations is that so many believe that everything in the Old Testament is Jewish. No understanding of the symbolism and allegory of the book then to those people, ‘The Tabernacle in the Wilderness’ was but a place to bring offerings, and in which to make sacrifices, even though they have not quite figured out why. This was just something the Jews did so of course it was not important to the Christians.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 62

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 62

WHO WAS THIS GREAT PHILOSOPHER who was born sometime between 600 to 590 years B.C. and who lived for about 100 years? There is many translations and pronunciations of his name, but the one in use today is Pythagoras (Pi‑thag‑oras). There are accounts of his conception and birth which parallels those of Jesus The Christ. Pythagoras was born at Sidon, and Jesus later at Bethlehem. The parents of both Pythagoras and The Christ were not at home when the birth occurred, for Mary as well was in Bethlehem, not in Nazareth. It is reported that both births were announced by the Holy Spirit. It was however understood that even both were called ‘The son of God’, with a different emphasis on the birth of The Christ.

It was thus understood that even though both were called the son of God’ that Jesus was God in the flesh, by how this was written, where as Pythagoras was under the influence of Divine inspiration. This is the way the old big book explains this great philosopher: The teachings of Pythagoras indicate that he was thoroughly acquainted with the secret instructions of the Israelites as outlined by Enoch and Job in Egypt. He travelled among the Hebrews, and was instructed by their Priests concerning the secret traditions of Moses, who was called the lawgiver of Israel. We would say that Moses was the instrument between YAHWEH and the Israelites as the law was given to Israel at Mt. Sinai.

Pythagoras travelled widely studying with the Babylonians and Chaldean masters of the mysteries. He had acquired all that was possible for him to learn of the Greek philosophers, and then went into Egypt. There at Thebes he learned of the mysteries of Isis and Osiris. He had been into Phoenicia and Syria, and even crossed Euphrates to become versed in the secret lore of the Hebrew Chaldeans who still dwelt in the vicinity of Babylon. It is reported that he went through Media, and Persia, and on back into Hindustan where he remained for several years with the learned Hebrews called Brahmins. Ancient records carry this information, ancient records say he was called at that time the Ionian taught, YAVANCHARYA. Some say he studied with Zoroaster and that later the Essenes conducted a school chiefly for the purpose of interpreting the Py‑thag‑orean symbols.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 61

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 61

THIS IS A STUDY OF THE ANTIQUITY OF THE ORACLES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TIME, AND EXPLANATIONS OUT OF THE OLD BIG BOOK, and also from the tape ministry of Dr. Swift. This is a tremendous subject when understood for there is great spiritual power in the Oracles of God.

Actually the Oracles contain certain vital truths which the Most High has proclaimed to His Kingdom people here in earth. The Oracles were what YAHWEH told his people, including areas vital to the laws of the Kingdom, in the hands of his people. The Oracles were definitely a spiritual revelation, they were all the deep and spiritual truths, the areas of spiritual law, the areas of instruction for conquest over the enemy and so forth. Here in the old big book as they try to unravel these wonders of Antiquity there is some translation by H. Blavatsky, and the Jesuits were here in translation so you have to walk carefully.

However even here it is admitted that originally ‘the Oracles’ were a part of the mysteries as established by Enoch. You still see the ancient symbolism even when the Oracles became somewhat corrupted. Greek Mythology displayed the teaching of the Oracles, and then Satanic powers tried to claim they possessed supernatural powers in their Oracles although they used familiar spirits in their portrayals. The Children of Darkness then tried to claim that their Oracles were connected with ‘The Ark of the Covenant’ of the Hebrews.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 60

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 60

WE HAVE SPOKEN EARLIER ABOUT THE TAROT CARDS, and now let us analyse those and see where our playing cards come from today. Those pictured here in the Old Big Book have this caption underneath: .This deck consists of 78 curiously embossed cards of uncertain origin and date. The picture consists of a deck of 78 cards, this first picture of a supposed Gypsy with a knapsack on his back and there are 21 cards in the framework of a triangle.

One card at the top, two cards in the next row, with three in the next row, four in the next, and five in the next with six on the bottom row. The deck is divided into two general sections, the larger has 56 cards of the minor trumps, and the smaller 32 cards termed the major trump. The minor trumps are further divided into 4 suits of 14 cards each somewhat similar to the modern playing cards. The top or ‘pip’ cards of each suit descend from the Ace to the ten, and their denominations are shown as their respective emblems portray as 6 rods, 4 cups, 9 coins, and 3 swords. The court cards of each suit are 4 in number, termed King, Queen, Knight and Page. The Kings are usually shown seated, the Knights on horseback, and the Pages standing, each holds the emblem of the suit.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 59

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 59

CAN THE MODERN WORLD AFFORD TO SCOFF AT THIS SO CALLED LEGEND THAT THE ALCHEMIST could by transmutation turn base metals into gold. We need to go back to Alchemy for more information on this subject. Since the time of the immortal Hermes (Enoch) there is ample evidence that brilliant philosophic and scientific minds over a period of 2000 years did actually prove this metallic transmutation and multiplication.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 58

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 58

IN THIS TAPE I DECIDED TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. There are many more things I plan to tell you from the ‘Old Big Book,’ but we will take a break this month and go back to the Swift Tapes and my understanding and talk about events connected with Christmas.

We have talked much about the stars. And we believe there was a Star of Destiny. And that this star did signal the birth of our Redeemer and there will also be a ‘Star’ of the New Order which is the Kingdom Administration over the earth. We have been assured by the Apostle Paul, after his trip into the dimensions of spirit and back that we are kinsmen of this ONE who is the ‘Star of Destiny.’

We believe that HE came, took a physical body like we dwell in, so that He could be ‘One’ with His kinsmen family. Explaining this further, the Apostle Paul tells us in his Epistle to the Ephesians, that we are ‘flesh of His flesh, bone of His bone.’ Going further with this explanation, the Apostle Paul (Eph. 3) tells us that now Israel is called Gentile, or nations, and these Israel nations are now hidden, in dispersion, but still they are as well as those of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin who, remember, who they are, all Israel. And now these others are to hear these unsearchable truths spoken by YAHWEH who came as YAHSHUA Savior. The Apostle Paul thus reveals that he was the one chosen and prepared for the mission of taking these ancient truths hidden since the beginning of the Adamic race.

These great truths from the mind of YAHWEH are now to be revealed to the Kingdom people of the earth, today called the Church. Paul also worked hard to impress on you that this Great Spirit or Mind created all things. And the first thing He did was form a body for Himself. Thus He had a spirit body. And when He came into earth, He had both a physical and a spiritual body.

Britain & Jewry

Britain & Jewry

THE NUMBER OF JEWS IN BRITAIN IS NOT EXACTLY KNOWN, as estimates are based on religion and many Jews have abandoned the orthodox faith. Officially there are some 300,000 usually quoted as 0.6 per cent of the population. The true figure is undoubtedly higher, especially since recent immigration, and probably already exceeds 1,000,000. Higher figures may be discounted, and are to be explained by the heavy concentration of Jews in certain areas and certain professions, which give people in these areas and professions an impression of overwhelming numbers.

Indeed this concentration of Jews in non-manual occupations is remarkable. The Jew is very seldom an industrial worker, except in the tailoring trade. How many people have ever seen a Jewish navvy, or have heard of a Jewish miner? How many Jews are agricultural labourers or seamen? On the other hand in proportion to their numbers there are unreasonably many Jewish traders ranging from stall-holders in street markets to the directors and shareholders of the huge multiple combines. Jews have almost monopolised the clothing trade, fur trade, furnishing industry and dominate over films and theatre.

In finance, of course, they have always played a prominent part since Rothschild established himself in London in Napoleonic days.