Britain & Jewry

Britain & Jewry

THE NUMBER OF JEWS IN BRITAIN IS NOT EXACTLY KNOWN, as estimates are based on religion and many Jews have abandoned the orthodox faith. Officially there are some 300,000 usually quoted as 0.6 per cent of the population. The true figure is undoubtedly higher, especially since recent immigration, and probably already exceeds 1,000,000. Higher figures may be discounted, and are to be explained by the heavy concentration of Jews in certain areas and certain professions, which give people in these areas and professions an impression of overwhelming numbers.

Indeed this concentration of Jews in non-manual occupations is remarkable. The Jew is very seldom an industrial worker, except in the tailoring trade. How many people have ever seen a Jewish navvy, or have heard of a Jewish miner? How many Jews are agricultural labourers or seamen? On the other hand in proportion to their numbers there are unreasonably many Jewish traders ranging from stall-holders in street markets to the directors and shareholders of the huge multiple combines. Jews have almost monopolised the clothing trade, fur trade, furnishing industry and dominate over films and theatre.

In finance, of course, they have always played a prominent part since Rothschild established himself in London in Napoleonic days.