Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 85

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 85

IN THIS OLD BOOK ONCE MORE we find a lot of history as to the affairs of this special race of people who came from Adam, and here in this book we are interested in the time of the Maccabees, up through the time of Jesus. By this time of the year of 1895 as our Author, Ernest Renan, was writing his book difference in the word Jew and Israel was not realized by most Christian writers. However as we look back to this time in history from an Identity point of view we find many interesting things in this old book.

Today we know there were different races in the land of Judea at that time just as there is in our nation of today. Here in Judea the Maccabees, who were Israelites, were struggling to hold on to their religion and their nation. They knew they were the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their God was the great YAHWEH of the heavens. These Maccabees were the sons of Mattathiah of the Asmonean Dynasty. The names of these sons were: Mattathiah, Judas, Jonathan and Simon. As this story begins the eldest son Mattathiah, is dead as well as Judas and Jonathan has been taken prisoner. Simon then takes the place of High Priest and leader of the Israelites and continues this struggle to try to hold their place in Judea until the Messiah comes. The greatest danger to Israel in this time was the hatred of these nations of people who lived on the borders of Israel. And they hated the Israelites because of the God they followed, and they now thought that the time had now come when they could finally wipe out completely this nation of Israel.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 84

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 84

THE RACES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT is by A.H. Sayce and printed in Britain by the ‘Religious Tract Society’ in 1925. ‘The Message from the Pleiades’ is contact notes from the book of 1974.

Our author of this book ‘The Races of the Old Testament’ has tried to show by this new science at that time called ‘Ethnology’ that there were different races involved in the Biblical story of the Old Testament. Organized Religion has tried to ignore this fact that there were different races than the Adamic Race involved in this age old struggle as outlined by the Old Testament, although Archaeology has proved this to be a fact.

Our author then had quite a struggle trying to prove his theory of different races by this new science of Ethology by itself. But looking at the Picture from the Identity point of view we will try to help our author point out the

great differences in these people and the similarities of others involved in this Old Testament story.

We have tried through the ‘Mysteries of the Kingdom’ series taken from the Tape Ministry of Wesley A. Swift and my understanding to outline this situation for a better understanding as to the people involved and the part each plays in the story. Our author tells us that RACE is one of the most indelible natural facts we are faced with as we study the Old Testament story and we would surely agree. Race, he tells us, is also one of the most insistent Biblical facts.

Thus when understood you find the Bible is not a history of the Human Race at large, but a history of one distinct people among the Races of the Earth. All other races considered, as they come in contact with the Adamic Race are thus for a contrast. This Bible then is not Ancient history as such; it is a contemporary chronicle, and it is a panorama which moves to the music of a Kingdom; On the Move; One Race which flows like a stream through this ocean of Humanity called ‘The World Order’.

The Trail of The British Alphabet

The Trail of The British Alphabet

The Alphabet trail from “Discovery of the Ark of the Covenant” by Wilson and Blackett
This page is well hidden at the back of this large book (page 348) and I thought it worth sharing.

1 Julius Caesar described the ancient British Alphabet circa 55 BC.

2 Ammianus Marcellinus also described the British Alphabet and actually stated that the Greeks got their Alphabet from the British

3 An Alphabet is identically described, and matching British records, in the Nag Hamadi documents of the Gnostic church that were buried before AD 400 and discovered in 1945.

4 A large number of Khumric mediaeval poets mentioned and described the ancient British Alphabet starting with Daffydd ap Gwilym died AD 1367 and going onto around AD 1475.

5 Rhys Goch of Oswestry wrote a poem lampooning this Coelbren Alphabet in AD 1582

6 Therefore allegations that this ancient. British Alphabet is a fake that was forged around AD 1800 are ludicrous

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 83

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 83

1. ‘Graven in the Rock’ Or the Historical accuracy of the Bible, by the English author. The Reverend Samuel Kinns. 1893. (This book is confirmed by the reference to the Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments found in the British Museum and elsewhere.)

ONCE AGAIN WE HAVE AN OLD BOOK from the Swift Library. Many men of the Race were in that time period writing books showing where to look for the proof of the accuracy of Our Bible. Our Author also wrote the book, ‘Moses and Geology’, in defence and illustration of the Holy Bible. In that book he endeavoured to show that the scientific accuracy of the first chapter of Genesis is remarkable because only a Divine Origin could account for the harmony of its statements with geological facts. Nine years later our Author then set out to bring to his readers this book entitled ‘Graven in the Rock’. He did this after his study of Egyptian and Assyrian Monuments and Sculptures, most of them found by then in the British Museum.


Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 82

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 82

The Secrets of The Holy Lance

THERE ARE TRULY MORE THINGS IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH THAN MAN HAD DREAMT. Professor Karl Hanshofer, 1943 (How true, How true) This will be possibly a strange tape for you, but remember that we are in the period when knowledge is coming forth fast. Hope I can keep up with it.

As you know there was a Lance, a spear that was used to pierce the side of YAHSHUA (Jesus) as He hung on the Cross. This caused the blood and the water from the body of The Christ to touch the earth. Symbolically this was necessary as a symbol of the cleansing of the earth in due time. It was not spirit which flowed onto earth, but the breaking of the water is also the route into physical birth and later the route to Baptism.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 81

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 81

The Pyramid and other symbols of the Kingdom

WE HOPE THOSE OF YOU ON THE TAPE LIST HAD A WONDERFUL DAY remembering the coming of YAHWEH (Spirit) into the flesh as YAHSHUA, our Saviour. Yes, we do not believe that December 25 was His birthday as we calculate the time, but according to old methods a child’s age was reckoned from the conception date, thus we do not want to argue this point, we just want to remember that HE came, and why He came, and to whom HE came. Since the 5 Petal Rose is His emblem as established by the Ancient Mystery Schools then I wanted to bring you this poem:

‘The Christmas Rose’.
‘Oldest of cherished flowers.
Survivor of winter snows,
What blossom gives more pleasure
Than this the Christmas Rose.
From age to age its seedlings,
Were nourished and preserved,
As loving gardeners lavished
The care that it deserved.
Love gave the world these roses,
Love gives us all good things,
And Love inspires each blessing
A Happy Christmas brings.’

This Christmas Rose on the card that Jeanette sent is a white Rose. Five Petals, and it thus marks not only the Saviour but His Kingdom Race as well. The Ancient Mystery School carried the 5 Petal Rose as a symbol, and we remember that at one time 5 Petal Roses were raised as wild roses in Germany and they were of the colours red, white, and blue. At times you see Roses with 10 Petals, five on the outside and 5 smaller petals on the inside, but then 10 stands for completion of the Kingdom, according to Ancient Israel Doctrine and this also stands for the purpose and plan of The ALMIGHTY.

Now; We have seen at times in this country and the rest of the Western, a renewed interest in the Great Pyramid of Giza, and here in the early 1980’s and beyond we have seen again this interest as to the meaning, the Mystery of this great structure. In 1979 we had the books written by Max Toth. He wrote ‘Pyramid’ which we have, and the other ‘Pyramid Power’.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 80

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 80

From the Tape Ministry of Dr. Swift and my understanding.
Questions and answers.

QUESTION: Are there missing parts of the Gospel of John?

ANSWER: .It is thought that there may be some parts of the Gospel of John that are missing, but we believe that YAHWEH protected us well with the Gospels that we so have. If the children of the Kingdom would understand the Gospel of John that we do have then knowledge would be increased 100 fold. In the New Testament Pseudepigrapha there is a story about John restoring Cleopatra to good health. It seems that Cleopatra had been lying as though dead for 7 days when John arrived in Ephesus and then John with the power of YAHSHUA restored Cleopatra to good health which amazed these people of Ephesus. John then restored her husband and that gentleman falls at John’s feet, but John tells him that he should only fall at the feet of YAHSHUA who was YAHWEH in the flesh for HE was the ONE whose power raised both he and his wife. Lycomedes then decided that he will have a portrait painted of John, and when the portrait was finished he put it in John’s bedroom. This was a portrait of an elderly man crowned with garlands, and a lamp and an altar were before him. John had never seen his own portrait and he asked who this portrait represented?

When learning this was a portrait of himself he took a mirror brought to him and studied his face for a long time. Then he said: .’It is like me and yet it is not. It is like my image in the flesh, but if the painter who copied my face here wanted to put ME in the portrait then he would need all the colours that were given your race, and the shape of the figure, the age, the youth, and all such visible things. But the type of picture YAHSHUA writes paints the type of our souls. These are the colours which I tell you to paint with: Faith in YAHWEH who is also YAHSHUA, knowledge, reverence, kindness, fellowship, mildness, goodness, brotherly love and a whole band of colour which portrays your soul. In fact when a full set and mixture of such colours have come together into your soul it will present to YAHSHUA, the real you, undismayed and undaunted and rounded in form.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 79

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 79

Nostradamus Prophecies and Why the Nations of The World Cannot Disarm. Dr. Swift.

AS WE HAVE BEEN STUDYING THE OLD RECORDS we have also read several translations of the prophecies of Nostradamus the 16th, Century Seer. Some have tried to portray him as a Devil saying that only the occult is able to translate his work correctly. Jeanette ran across a translation of ‘Nostradamus, Count Down to Apocalypse’, volume 2, by Jean Charles de Foutbrune. It is the best I have read so thought we would compare these prophecies to the teachings of DR. Swift and it is amazing how they work together.

The father of our Author worked for 44 years on these prophecies by Nostradamus, and being French could better understand the ancient French in which the prophecies were written. He was thus able to connect the prophecies to world and especially European events.

Here in Volume 2, our Author tried to decipher the prophecies for the last of the 20th., Century, after a short review of volume 1. Then on into the 21st., Century. Although he does not know Israel Identity still we learn many interesting things about this man Nostradamus as well as his prophecies.

British Lion No. 2 – June 20th 1925

British Lion No. 2 – June 20th 1925

By the Editor – in – Chief

WHEN endeavouring to assess the comparative strength of the forces of Law and Order as against those of Revolution in England, it is not inadvisable to avail oneself of a fine evening in London to take a rapid view of the contrast in the lives of those living at opposite ends of the social scale.

A ride on the top of a ‘bus costs but little and thanks to a clear road in the City one can run from Hammersmith through the West End, East End, past the Docks, and out to Eastern Suburbia in a couple of hours. It is instructive and gives food for reflection.
The bus keeps to the main streets, and the first impression received is one of general prosperity. There is a prodigious amount of wealth in the shops, and even in the East End the people in the streets are well clad and look well fed. In the suburbs one is struck by the numbers playing tennis and otherwise getting some exercise after a grilling day in office, by the rows and rows of small, neat houses of recent construction, and by the general air of well-being that pervades the localities passed through.

Then comes the question, on what is all this apparent prosperity based? Is it secure?
All this complex human machine is dependent on British water-borne com­merce, on British industry, and on British prestige throughout the world.

The very food these millions eat is nearly all imported, only about half of it comes from Imperial sources, and the money to pay for it comes from the goods we manufacture and sell. Is all well with British trade?

Read the daily newspapers and see they are full of cause for heart-searching, if not for apprehension.

British Lion No. ?? – March 1934

British Lion No. ?? – March 1934

The Apology

THE new Editor of BRITISH FASCISM commences this resumption of the papers activities by presenting to the regular subscribers the most ample apologies on behalf of all concerned for the lapse of these activities during the last few months. The loss of both the joint editors and the dislocation of normal activities during a period of re-organisation have resulted in an interregnum which is now at an end. Unlike the orthodox modern politician, Fascists are to be judged by their works rather than by their promises and we feel therefore, that an apology would nor neither worth offering nor worth accepting unless it is accompanied resumption of the regular issue of the paper at intervals of not less than one month from the issue of the present number.

The First Announcement

After a period of something over a year at 22, Stanhope Gardens, the British Fascists are removing to more convenient quarters. The new address will be announced later