Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 149

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 149

Ezra + The Quakers

IN THE BOOK OF THE ARMENIAN VERSION OF IV EZRA TRANSLATED BY MICHAEL STONE, we find comparison of his version with the Books of Ezdras I and II. Ezra the prophet of Israel is in captivity in old Babylon. He is very discouraged as to the position of Israel, this House of God, in the earth. However, Ezra has noticed, since he has been here in Babylon, that the people here were doing many worse things than the Israelites had done when in their own land. And yet here was Israel, the last of Israel in captivity. It looked to him as though God’s people were finished in the earth. He could not quite believe this but he surely did not understand.

YAHWEH sent the Angel Uriel to comfort his servant Ezra, for He had work for him to do. Ezra is reminded that he does not of course, understand what makes the wind blow or the trees to grow so why would he question what was in the mind of YAHWEH for His people. Ezra acknowledges this but he is still disturbed. He has been a willing servant of YAHWEH up to now, and he does not question Him. He only wants to know why things have happened this way to Israel. The answer to Ezra is as it has always been to others: ‘Be patient until the appointed time be filled. For YAHWEH measured the time in measure and weighed the Eternities on a scale, and has counted the hours by number. He will not move nor will He be aroused until the appointed hour arrives.’ Ezra is told that when the time comes he will see and recognize the signs.

Actually what Ezra really wanted to know was, just when would all of this end and Ezra and his people be redeemed and restored. Ezra is then told that the days are coming when men will be amazed at so called ‘wonders’ when the ‘true faith’ shall hide from uprightness, when certain men shall speak perverse things with lying words and with varied fabrications. When certain ones having erred in hypocrisy thought the sanctity of worship, and when the earth will become a wilderness without rest and painless.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 148

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 148

Chaco Canyon & History 1000 Years Ago

THE QUESTION ASKED AS PEOPLE LOOK OVER THE RUINS OF CHACO CANYON IS; who were these gifted Masons who obviously laboured long and hard those many years ago to build those homes and this community which existed in this Canyon and the outlying areas of what is now New Mexico and stretches from northern New Mexico into southern Colorado.

Robert and Florence C. Lister did much exploring and excavating as well as studying this area and then they wrote their book which is called simply, “Chaco Canyon” telling of their work. They point out many facts which leads to our conclusion as to who these ancient builders really were. We will see if you would agree.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 147

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 147

Zoroaster – The Prophet of Iran – Book Report

YOU HAVE HEARD ME SPEAK OF THIS ANCIENT SAGE OF THE PAST, this one called a Persian prophet of old, the forerunner of those wise men of the east who came and bowed before the majesty of the new born ‘Light of the World’. Have always been curious as to who this man was and why he came at his time, on the scene as things were developing there in the Middle East some time before the birth of the Christ child. Here today we are finding more information all the time which fills in the gaps in our knowledge as to these things which effected the lives of these Covenant people of old.

Today we have a book written by A.V. Williams Jackson, professor of Indo-Iranian languages in Columbia University. the book published in 1965. This work deals with the life and legend of Zoroaster this so called prophet of Iran, the representative and type of the laws of the Medes and the Persians who played a part in the Biblical story. It has been only in the last few years that we are getting translations of these ancient records, or any knowledge of any books having been written on the subject. We would remind you that the Medes and the Persians came into the scriptural picture as a portion of Judah and Benjamin and their portion of Levi went into captivity in Babylon, after the ten tribes of Israel and many of Judah had gone into captivity some time before this.

Therefore who was this Zoroaster, that we gained a glimpse of in the story of Alexander the Great of Greece as he came into the land in about 320 BC? As Alexander the Great came along the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains he found some of the ancient Priests of the Zoroastrian faith and their sacred fires. They had an ancient faith that Alexander seemed to understand and to respect. He gave orders that they were to be protected and left alone. Thus what was this Zoroastrian faith which seemed to be a National faith, a National religion? We are finding that this was an Aryan faith, thus would be called a National faith, where as the Buddha religion is a universal religion, one more shaped for a One World Age.

Today the veil of myth is being cast aside and it is now readily admitted that Zoroaster was a historical character that he brought the ancient Faith to its fullness with the Persians, who remember brought down the ancient Babylonian Empire after the Medes had tried to do this. And were the ones in place as the Judahites were allowed to go back to Palestine and try to rebuild their temple.

Now; the Magi were also reputed masters of learning in ancient times, and they were an organization started by Enoch and taught the meaning of the ancient Star Bible. And we find that Zoroaster also stood for this learning of antiquity. We find also that Pythagoras studied under the masters there in ancient Babylon before its taking over by the forces of evil. That Plato was also said to be anxious to visit the east and to study with the Magi, but the Persian Holy Wars with Greece prevented this. Aristotle was also familiar with the secret writings of Zoroaster and perhaps this is where Alexander the Great learned of him and his ancient religious beliefs, for remember that Alexander the Great was going east to try to find the beginning of the Aryan race.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 146

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 146

An Increase of Knowledge

WE DID THE BOOK REPORT FOR YOU OR “AMERICA B.C.” where now men and women were beginning to uncover many of these inscriptions found in America as being attached to out history. Barry Fell is listed by others as a great research individual, one of the greatest deciphers of all times. Now he has written another book, “Saga of America” published in 1988 which is making much of a commotion in the scientific world. In 1978 Dr. Raymond Dart from South Africa, where he worked as a palaeontologist, wrote to Barry Fell saying: ‘What you and your colleagues are doing in New England is basic. The spectacle of its potential repercussions upon mankind is fantastic to envisage.’ This was after he read the book “America B.C.”

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 145

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 145

“The End of The Lord”

YE HAVE HEARD OF THE PATIENCE OF JOB, and have seen the END OF THE LORD, that the LORD is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.” (James 5:11) Few books of the Bible have received more attention than the Book of Job. This book of the Bible carries us back to the remote past, and contains the oldest lesson in the world. It is the lesson which is essential for us to learn before we can have Peace (understanding) with God, and for time, and for our enjoying the Peace of God for Eternity.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 144

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 144

Visiting The Past

IN OUR WORLD TODAY ARCHAEOLOGY IS CONSIDERED A PROVEN SCIENCE, and we have been learning from this science all they have dug up of the past which traces the family history of this Adamic Race.

In this message we are considering the writings of Ivor Lissner (Above), along with what we have learned , so as to fill in the gaps perhaps of this story of YAHWEH’S people in this long struggle to build his kingdom here in earth.

Ivor Lissner was born in Germany where he studied law, history, anthropology and linguistics . Then he spent 17 years wandering through out the Mediterranean area, Asia Minor, and over Australia, and India and the rest of the far east. After that he sat down to write of these ancient civilizations he had caught a glimpse of and we hope his writings will fill in a part of our story.

Ivor Lissner tells us that the past is still with us although unknown by many. It is a memory buried deep in the subconscious, but can be arouse by this science of Archaeology, or a visit to a museum. After all from that experience you will have to realize that everything which is good on earth has its foundation in a belief in God. Surely there is a mystery in the past that we have not recognized which tells us that “We cannot live by bread alone,” as we are told in Matt: 4.

It took our Author some time to disclose all he had learned and he wrote two books for us to study, these were entitled: “The Living Past” and “The Silent Past.” He also tells us that Every Day of your life just happens once. Generations before you have striven for, and achieved as best they could.

And when you realize this, then you can know that you are setting upon a mountain of history and civilization that your race has built for you, over these thousands of years in the past. Have you ever reflected upon this and wondered just why you were placed here in the 20th century, and what part you were meant to play in this great Divine picture?

Now, let us look at some of the past which has been uncovered and see what Astronomy and Archaeology can tell us. For instance, these ancient people in Mesopotamia were interested in Astronomy. Why do you suppose they were so interested? They found by archaeology that these people believed in a resurrection after death. Why do you suppose they believed thus?

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 143

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 143

Lost Israel? Or Just Blind Sheep?

WE SEE HERE IN THE SPRING OF 1994, AFTER WE HAVE JUST PASSED RESURRECTION DAY, NOW CALLED EASTER, that we still remember this day as the Resurrection of our Saviour, although many things have been added to the Celebration, and we are thankful for this. We remember the 1960’s and the message of the Swift Ministry pointing out this leftward drift of the organized church world in this fulfilling of prophecy as the ‘falling away’ from the true Faith. We remember the preaching of World brotherhood; love everybody, do your own thing, get along with everyone by joining them, and love not war.

We also remember that many of our young as well as some of the older folks fell for this line thus being casualties of those time as well, while others were able to keep their feet planted in the path they had been taught to follow, and even though some strayed a bit, still some returned in adulthood to their roots and picked up the mantle of knowledge and became good fathers and mothers of the future generation. That is the type of people which keeps this race alive to do their work for the building of YAHWEH’S Kingdom here in earth.

In our world today the oppressor has been very forthright in the practice of hiding doctrines, traditions and so forth until many, many of this race have lost their identity, not as to who Jesus is but as to who they are, and why they are here.

Some talk of the ‘Lost Tribes’ of Israel, how they were swallowed up in history and swallowed up in World Brotherhood. But no my friend, the tribes of Israel were never lost, it is our race which just lost track of them as they went into their migrations to find their permanent homes in the west, as YAHWEH had ordained that they should do. They are still in their same marching orders around the ‘House of Jacob’ which is now found in the West with the Jacob Stone under the Throne Chair in Westminster Abbey in England.

Many are the witnesses to this westward march if people would just read. Two good witnesses as to this migration westward are: .1. The Behistun Rock Inscription which has been photographed by many and translated for Israel’s dominate tracing of their history. The book “The Missing Link” by Raymond Cap carries a good picture of this Rock inscription and the interpretation as do several other books of history of that era.

It shows the House of Israel going into captivity and the work of Darius the King of Persia, and the land unto which they were taken, and from which they were freed to move on in destiny.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 142

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 142

‘History and Significance of The Sacred Tabernacle of The Hebrews.’
Book Review

(And the word is Hebrew, not Jew)


Imagine if you can the tents of two million people pitched around a Hollow SQUARE; each division containing 3 tribes of Israel, and they were pitched there for 3/4 of one year.

In this hollow square the Tabernacle was erected, and it faced the east, and in the Court surrounding it was the brazen laver for the ablutions of the priests, and the great altar of burnt offering on which the fire was perpetually maintained.

In this great encampment the Tabernacle was the most important, but what was this edifice? Whence came it? For what purpose was it erected? Fifty days after the Exodus from Egypt, Moses received on Mount Sinai the two tablets of stone on which YAHWEH had inscribed the 10 Commandments. At the same time he received the instructions to build a Tabernacle with minute instructions as to form, measure and material. Immediately a corps of Artisans skilled in various kinds of work came forth and were placed under the supervision of Bezaleel of the tribe of Judah, and Aholiab of the tribe of Dan next to him in authority. After much practice in Egypt their skills were well developed, thus now led by the spirit of YAHWEH the workmen accomplished this building in 9 months. After the Tabernacle was built then the specified area was enclosed, and the altar and the laver then the specified area was enclosed, and the furniture for the two apartments of the Tabernacle were placed.

It was just one year to the day since the Israelites left Egypt on the 14th., day of the first month of that year. Before this a tent had taken the place of this building which now was covered with the cloud and the appearance of fire by night. When this covering was in place the Israelites rested in their tents.

Now; the sanctuary was completed and it was dedicated through a ceremony lasting 12 days, each tribe came offering sacrifice at their appointed time.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 141

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 141

The Time of Mysteries Almost Over
(Oh! How We Wish This Would Prove To Be True)

MORE AND MORE THE MYSTERIES OF THE PART CONCERNING THIS ADAMIC RACE ARE BEING REVEALED in spite of the clamp put on this knowledge by the hand of the Desolator. In the past several years we have been uncovering from old books information to substantiate the things we learned from the Swift ministry, and we are finding that as we come to the climax of this age that even modern writers are now coming forth pointing out the many things which identify our race with the people of the BOOK. Bonnie Gaunt is one these writers who has been researching and uncovering more information she connects the symbolism of old monuments and such built by the Master Builders in certain portions of the earth. She is finding as we have that every thing built as these people followed the pathway laid out for them, is connected symbolically and geometrically with YAHWEH-YAHSHUA, that each left a message for his people and many continue unto this day to speak to anyone who pauses to look and listen.

What many of our people fail to understand today is that our Race, the Adamic Race came into earth possessing all the knowledge necessary to build and equip such a civilization. They also do not understand that this race came into earth with a definite purpose in mind, which was to build a Kingdom for their Heavenly Father, and that this kingdom should once and for all times stop the Satanic misleading of the created people of earth.

Apocalypse of Adam

Apocalypse of Adam


Listen to my words, my son Seth. When God had created me out of the earth, along with Eve, your mother, I went about with her in a glory which she had seen in the aeon from which we had come forth. She taught me a word of knowledge of the eternal God. And we resembled the great eternal angels, for we were higher than the god who had created us and the powers with him, whom we did not know.

Then God, the ruler of the aeons and the powers, divided us in wrath. Then we became two aeons. And the glory in our heart(s) left us, me and your mother Eve, along with the first knowledge that breathed within us. And it (glory) fled from us; it entered into […] great […] which had come forth, not from this aeon from which we had come forth, I and Eve your mother. But it (knowledge) entered into the seed of great aeons. For this reason I myself have called you by the name of that man who is the seed of the great generation or from whom (it comes). After those days, the eternal knowledge of the God of truth withdrew from me and your mother Eve. Since that time, we learned about dead things, like men. Then we recognized the God who had created us. For we were not strangers to his powers. And we served him in fear and slavery. And after these things, we became darkened in our heart(s). Now I slept in the thought of my heart.

And I saw three men before me whose likeness I was unable to recognize, since they were not the powers of the God who had created us. They surpassed […] glory, and […] men […] saying to me, “Arise, Adam, from the sleep of death, and hear about the aeon and the seed of that man to whom life has come, who came from you and from Eve, your wife.”