Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 168

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 168

Bible Study – Genesis II

IN GENESIS I., WE LEARNED THAT THERE WAS A GREAT FLOOD ALL OVER THE EARTH AND THAT THE “WORLD THAT WAS” UNDOUBTEDLY WAS DESTROYED BY WATER. Then a restoration of the earth occurred, and everything again restored, even people, both male and female were put back and then we see that everything restored once more looked good.

We also learned that the title “God” includes both YAHWEH and His household, the Elohim as this restoration was performed. Then there must have been a long, long period of time, and the Darkness of Satan and his household came into earth after being run out of the heavens, and we have to go to the real old books and traditions as well as the Bible to get a glimpse of the catastrophes which occurred as Satan used the Negroes in a mongrelisation program to try to set himself up as master of this world.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 167

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 167

Bible Study For May 1994

GENESIS 1; Let us take a closer look at Genesis 1, remembering what we have learned from the Swift Ministry and other sources, and with the help of the Companion Bible.

Verse 1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

Turn to II Peter 3:5-7.

“For they are willingly ignorant of (this fact) that by the word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water, and in the w after, whereby the World that then was, being overflowed with water perished. But the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same WORD are kept in store, reserved unto Fire (Shekinah Light) against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.”

Now; Moses tells us as did the Apostle Peter that there was a world before this that perished in the great flood which the next verse tells us.

Vs. 2; “And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

Now; the earth was without form, there was nothing visible, and even the waters were showing no life, then what happened? Here according to the Companion Bible, and with which I agree, we now see that YAHWEH and ELOHIM were connected here with this recreation or restoration, thus when you see the Word GOD here then consider all the definition in this title. For this is inserted in the whole introduction of your story this fact that we are now dealing with YAHWEH and His Household as this is thus a new creation or a restoration of the earth for a definite purpose.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 166

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 166

BIBLE STUDY: Another meaning for, “The Abomination of the Desolator”.

THE ABOMINATION OF THE DESOLATOR COMES OUT OF THE ‘FALSE PROPHET‘ which is untruth, and which also denies The Christ or ‘The Prince of Peace”. Thus the United Nations also fits this description since its beginning was without prayer to satisfy the Communist nations which were running the show. And when in place then the United Nations stands in the place of the ‘Prince of Peace’ and are this so called voice of ‘Peace for the world’.

The United Nations Charter was signed by 153 nations, and 33 of them were Christian nations. (Did you notice the symbolism, but has it fed the multitude?) The United Nations Charter went into effect October 24, 1945.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 165

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 165

Bible Study For April 1994

QUESTION: Is Lazarus a symbol of THE WORD?

ANSWER: Perhaps if you mean he was being used to teach those of Israel who were facing the events of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection as somewhat of an example.

From the old book: ‘Significance of the Tabernacle’ we see that the number 3 was considered as representing things invisible, whereas no. 4 represents the Kingdom in the world, but not of the world.

You will remember that Lazarus was 4 days in the tomb before YAHSHUA called him out. You will also remember that there was in the universe 4 elements, 4 directions of the winds, 4 seasons of the year, and the earth was said to have 4 ends and 4 corners, and so had the heavens.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 164

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 164

Questions And Answers

START MISSING––-earth and then the earth became without form and was void, and void means aftermath of destruction by Divine hand in this instance. Then Jeremiah in the fourth chapter tells you how God brought this back to his memory and he wrote it down to tell you about it. He says: I watched this great catastrophe which overwhelmed this great civilization. This is before the 6th., day creation. So you see that the devil had been busy before the 6th., day but that early civilization was wiped out, or a few might have gone away. We know there was civilizations back then, before the pre‑Cambrain days for they were glazing ceramics.

Now: I don’t quite believe this one billion years, it is still to far to prove with radio carbon or with fluorine replacement or any of those things, so I give them this much time, one‑half a million or three quarters of a million years, for up in Yellowstone there is in one place over a million years of visible strata. So this just goes to prove that their evolution theory which is based on later periods and pre‑Cambrain was ever so far before that, that they are stuck with it. In other words if human beings who walked upright and who painted plates were ever so far beyond evolution time, or even the mammals came, then where does that leave the evolution theory? Remember in the re‑creation YAHWEH put back the animals all over the earth but he did not have to put back the fish, they were still there.

QUESTION: Where does it say that?

ANSWER: This is an allegory that is hidden away. Remember Moses wrote this almost 4000 years after this happened. So if you are writing about something which happened that long before you are writing in allegory. So he didn’t spend much time on this, but there was lots more information on that period. He thought anyone who was reading this book (Bible) would know that.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 163

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 163

Questions And Answers No. 5

QUESTION: Why is it that of all the race problems in America it seems that there is more tension between black and white than between the Caucasians and any other minority in America?

ANSWER: There is we feel several reasons for this. One is the political football that this race situation has produced, and which envelopes this idea. Another is the teaching of religion by leaders of the coloured people over the years, and yes even by the Caucasians. There is this teaching of “The nation of Islam” which has been with us over the years, and today is now led by Lewis Farrachan. Another is the idea of the way that the Black man came to America, this by the practice of slavery. This occurred in the past but there were black people here in the south, and into Central America long before that. But if you do not understand where the origin of the black race started, and then who instigated this practice of slavery and how it did occur, and the truth of this matter, you still do not have a complete picture either. But since the memory goes back only as far a Africa as to where the slaves came from, then this idea of African-American came into being. And even though they may be born in America then in tracing their roots, they go back to Africa. Thus an idea then had to be born as to their early existence, and this has certainly clouded the issue as they looks for their roots.

Now; in the book “Elijah Muhammad” the ideological foundation of “The Nation of Islam,” you will find some of the answers as to what brought about the thinking of many Negro people here in America who are searching for something, so they can remember being abused, and that they should be the most important people in America and they have not as yet reached that goal.

The man, Elijah Muhammad, then laid the foundation for the longest lasting and most enduring, and most influential black religious -Nationalist movement in American history. He took selected biblical verses from the Arabic Quaran with the idea of turning the Negroes from White-Christian belief. His teaching brought on Malcolm X and others to keep the Negroes from accepting the God of the White man of America, the God which America recognize from her beginning. Not of course understanding the bible of which he was not capable of, Elijah Muhammad then took White Christian eschatology, and aspects of Islam to divorce Black people, so he said from their slave mentality.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 162

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 162

Questions And Answers:
What? – More?

TURN TO THE BOOK OF MALACHI AND TO THE PASSAGE WHICH SAYS: -“Behold! I will send you Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful ‘Day of the LORD’. He shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. (Malachi 4:5-6)

First a correction in verse 2. according to the old books it should read: -“But unto you that love MY name, shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings, and you shall go forth and grow as the light HE has protected in His household.” This sun of righteousness was covered by the symbol of the Winged Orb, which Israel carried. You have see this symbol in the west after the Children of Israel migrated westward. This a symbol of the world like it shall be when perfected as the children of the kingdom came to earth to accomplish.

Today, you ask? Has the spirit of Elijah come in this latter time we face today? The lady Joanna Southcott brought her message from the spirit of truth, telling you what to look to as to what to study at this end of the age. We saw her message as the forerunner of the Identity message, or the forerunner of the Gospel of the Kingdom. Then we have had Dr. Swift and his great message as the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Thus ask is there more to come from this message of the spirit of Elijah? For instance we would suggest that you turn back to II Kings to the time of Elijah and you will find that Israel at that time was in a serious plight. The king of Israel was Ahab and he had married Jezebel, an outlander woman from the hills of Belial where they worshiped all pagan doctrines. She had brought into Israel the Priests of her religion and put in place their type of Babylonian religion.

And being Queen she had used her power and put to death the prophets of God. And of course she hated Elijah and now was after him. Elijah had spoken out about this evil then he became of course a target of her animosity. Ahab being so he thought in love with this non-Israelite woman sought for Elijah and put out a warrant for his arrest. When Elijah said that because of this evil that God would send a drought upon the land, then there came not any rain for three years then of course Elijah was blamed. But God had said that it would not rain until there be an end of these things. And thus the rains had stopped and now the situation was getting desperate.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 161

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 161

Questions And Answers

QUESTION: Since we have been thinking about this end of the age, and all of the prophecies, how do we learn what will be this changing of us so that we will be ready to meet our Priest-King Melchizedek? Also what disturbed the people in power at the time of Jesus so much that they cried Crucify HIM?

ANSWER: (The last question, first) what disturbed some people at the time of Jesus there in old Jerusalem was that Jesus claimed the Kingship. When asked if he considered Himself a King. HE replied: -For this purpose was I born. He not only did this but he demonstrated this power among the enemy, as well as among his people. The Martyrs saw this, they beheld HIM, not only as saviour but as Priest-King and their Faith, then caused them to realize that he was Priest-King before HE took upon Himself this garment of flesh. Thus their Faith was then so strong that they marched with strength to their death, for they thought that they were then going HOME.

Isaiah was caused to record that, “His Name shall be called wonderful, The Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.”

Now; He took this garment of flesh, in Bethlehem’s stable in order to be revealed to His people, Israel. This the enemy did not want for they feared that they would lose control of this nation which they had succeeded in taking over.

In Psalms 72, he is thought of as the KING of old, but also HE is none other than the redeemer of his people Israel, for HE is the LORD God of Israel.

The Apostle Paul in the book to the Hebrews speaks of this ONE, this Jesus of Nazareth as being the ONE who in the beginning laid the foundations of the heavens and the earth. In the writings of Isaiah (Chapter 44), He is also the King of Israel.

Nathaniel when asked who HE was replied: He is the son (embodiment of YAHWEH, the King of Israel. And of this reply then Jesus said: “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile.”

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 160

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 160

Questions And Answers

QUESTION: Jeremiah 43; I thought the city of On and the Temple and so forth in Egypt were the centres of truth but here we find talk of punishment for Egypt by YAHWEH for things that these Judahites would do wrong.

ANSWER: Now wait a minute. What is the time of this event? Go back a bit and find out just what brought this about, this chastisement in Egypt.

As you know, the House of Israel suffered a 7-times punishment (2520 years) for disobedience.

Now; in 741 B.C. Tighath Pileser invaded Israel and took a portion of this kingdom captive. In fact took the tribe of Reuben, the tribe of Gad, and 1/2 of the tribe of Manasseh captive. These tribes were, in their territory  which was on the other side of the Jordan river. But this was also the start, or beginning of the ‘7 times’ punishment for disobedience. For the Kingdom of Israel. 2520 years later brings us to 1779+1. And by that year America is now in her struggle for Liberty. And from then on the U.S.A. would begin her rise to power as the GREAT NATION OF THE ABRAHAM COVENANT.

In 721, then Shalmaneser invaded the Northern Kingdom of Israel and 2520 years later in 1799+1, the British commonwealth of nations was formed. Then the British house of Ephraim would become Queen of the Seas, this company of nations of that same Abraham covenant.

In 713, Sennacherib came and invaded Palestine and he took 200,100 people of the House of Judah, and some of those left of the stragglers of the House of Israel, and took them also captives.

Thus from 713 for 2520 years then that brings you to 1807+1 A.D. And by this time the British had translated more than 90% of their Bible into the language of the world.

The Steamboat also came into being and revolutionized the method of Transportation.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 159

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 159

Questions And Answers

QUESTION: How can you trace the heritage of a race and then come up with the early life of Jesus the Christ?

ANSWER: Easy. Go to your favourite university and many libraries and read, read, read. Go back into the old records and books. There are many places of antiquity which show the path of the Adamic or Aryan race in their journey over this planet since they came into earth in physical bodies as Adam and Eve. Then trace the lineage of Jesus the Christ and how he says that HE came the same way you did, born of a woman to identity with his people, his race. Go to the bible for the message of the Woman of Revelation 12 and digest that from a spiritual understanding, and then go to Genesis 2, and see who the people of this WOMAN (Israel) really are. There are also many publications on this subject for a person is interested in reading, and they are easy to find. The reason why this subject is not well known is that over the years the enemy has been busy turning the thinking of our people from their heritage and their background.

In ancient times and thus through the old book this Aryan race could be traced from the time they left the garden of Eden, went down into Northern India from the Tarim Basin, and then started their westward movement from there where they had built a civilization.

Here at the end of this Century the enemy is still trying to cloud this issue. Even to try to remove from America the worship as, yes, even the name of Jesus Christ, our LORD and Saviour. Look here in October of this year of 1997. You have heard the hue and cry as the ‘Promise Keepers’ came to Washington, D.C.

Mrs. Ireland’s thinly veiled protest rested on the fact that their Christian Faith is based on Jesus the Christ whom we say is YAHWEH in the flesh. She stressed that there are other people just as she is that worship god who is not Jesus Christ. She does not want the “Promise Keepers’ who are mostly white males to make this a part of their political feelings, as they call for America to reconsider her lost values. Mrs. Ireland remember is head of the women’s group called NOW, which we call the women’s lib organization. She is married to a man, as she tell you, but she also does not tell you that she lives in another city from him, with a woman friend. We still say that her biggest objection to the ‘Promise Keepers’ is that they pray and worship Jesus Christ and are trying to rebuild America’s Christian Faith which made this country great.