Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 160

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 160

Questions And Answers

QUESTION: Jeremiah 43; I thought the city of On and the Temple and so forth in Egypt were the centres of truth but here we find talk of punishment for Egypt by YAHWEH for things that these Judahites would do wrong.

ANSWER: Now wait a minute. What is the time of this event? Go back a bit and find out just what brought this about, this chastisement in Egypt.

As you know, the House of Israel suffered a 7-times punishment (2520 years) for disobedience.

Now; in 741 B.C. Tighath Pileser invaded Israel and took a portion of this kingdom captive. In fact took the tribe of Reuben, the tribe of Gad, and 1/2 of the tribe of Manasseh captive. These tribes were, in their territory  which was on the other side of the Jordan river. But this was also the start, or beginning of the ‘7 times’ punishment for disobedience. For the Kingdom of Israel. 2520 years later brings us to 1779+1. And by that year America is now in her struggle for Liberty. And from then on the U.S.A. would begin her rise to power as the GREAT NATION OF THE ABRAHAM COVENANT.

In 721, then Shalmaneser invaded the Northern Kingdom of Israel and 2520 years later in 1799+1, the British commonwealth of nations was formed. Then the British house of Ephraim would become Queen of the Seas, this company of nations of that same Abraham covenant.

In 713, Sennacherib came and invaded Palestine and he took 200,100 people of the House of Judah, and some of those left of the stragglers of the House of Israel, and took them also captives.

Thus from 713 for 2520 years then that brings you to 1807+1 A.D. And by this time the British had translated more than 90% of their Bible into the language of the world.

The Steamboat also came into being and revolutionized the method of Transportation.