Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 3

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 3

THIS IS THE THIRD IN A SERIES OF MONTHLY TEACHING LETTERS. If you have not received my first letter #1; 5-98 or my second letter #2; 6-98, please send me #2.00 for each letter you do not have. All back issues will be $2.00 each. Unlike a news letter, these teaching letters will not go out of date. Since my teaching letter of 6-98, I have purchased a new copying machine with an automatic collator and this is going to make my job of teaching much easier and save more time for study and research. Also, I published a special “Supplement Teaching Letter, June 16, 1998”, proving that “Universalism” is a Jewish doctrine (you will not want to miss this supplement issue). If you want a copy of that issue, it will be $2.00 also. I will be keeping master copies of all my issues in my files and they may be ordered at anytime. You will find my teachings are going to be after the fashion and an extension of the teachings of Bertrand L. Comparet and Wesley A. Swift.

Now Continuing The Topic:

With this issue, I would like to present a study in connection with Tamar: “What’s In A Name?”, (meaning Tamar’s name).

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 2

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 2

THIS IS THE SECOND IN A SERIES OF MONTHLY TEACHING LETTERS. If you did not get my first letter #1; 5-98, please send me $2.00 and I will send you a copy. All back issues will be $2.00 each. I will continue to use the same format that I started with. As I told you in my first teaching letter, this is a new ministry for me. I will continue to get this Teaching Letter out each month, Yahweh willing. I will also be writing booklets from time to time which I will offer you as I complete them. I have one that is almost ready but I want to do a little touch-up on it before I present it. I have another one in the works for which I believe you will be excited.

At this point in time, I am getting my blood pressure surges under control, and if all goes well, I will be writing for some time to come. I am thinking of purchasing a new or good used copier as the one I presently have was not made for the long runs like I have been doing. The copier I now have is a good one but was only designed for personal and limited office use.

Now Continuing The Topic:


Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 1

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 1

ANYWAY I HOPE I CAN GET THIS TEACHING LETTER OUT ONCE A MONTH. I am in the process of starting a teaching ministry. Since I came down with a heart attack February 6, 1998, I have dedicated the rest my life (at least what there is of it) to full time writing for the Almighty. I really don’t expect to make any money at this endeavour as people simply do not like to support truth. My objective, therefore, in doing this is to at the least cover part of my cost from donations. There is more cost involved in something like this than a lot of people think. You, of course, can see the paper with the writing on it, but that is only a minor part of it. There are things like computers with the extra hard and software that go with it like printers and programs etc. And copiers which can consume a lot of toner. A sheet of paper 8½ x 11 cost about one cent but the toner when printed on both sides can cost up to ten cents. I personally have thousands of dollars invested in reference books (especially Identity books).

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 36

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 36

THIS IS MY THIRTY-SIXTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND COMPLETES MY THIRD YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In the last few lessons we have been investigating the history of Egypt in comparison to Biblical history. In lesson #31, we took a look at a good example of what Egyptian history is not; a premise that Egyptian history is 1000 years younger than secular established history. No doubt, secular history may be off somewhat, but a thousand years is somewhat extravagant. Also, in lesson #31, it was established with archaeological evidence that Israel’s sojourn in Egypt must have been contemporary with the 18th Egyptian dynasty.

In that lesson, we also considered the bizarre circumstances surrounding the Akhenaten period. Then, too, in lesson #31, we considered the meaning and origin of the name of Moses. In lesson #32, we examined the implications in connection with Akhenaten’s followers returning to Thebes. Again, in lesson #32, we considered more documentation concerning Moses’ name. Then, we also explored the story of Hatshepsut, a lady pharaoh who dressed as a man. We also discussed Joseph’s era as being possibly simultaneous with that of the Hyksos.

The Hoskins Report – The Sheep and The Wolf

The Hoskins Report – The Sheep and The Wolf

There are sheep and there are wolves. A sheep is a sheep. A wolf is a wolf. Wolves eat sheep. That’s what they do. Sheep try to keep from being eaten. That’s what they do. Wolves think it is unreasonable for sheep to complain. But. of course, that, too, is what they do.

The Sheep

SHEEP ARE PREDICTABLE. They all act the same way because that’s the way they are bred. They tend to congregate and follow a shepherd. The shepherd leads them to green pastures. The sheep graze, grow fat, and produce mutton, wool, milk, cheese, and skins.

Obedient sheep obey their shepherd and tend to live lives which are productive and plentiful. Sheep who disobey their shepherd may wander from the flock and be injured. Many die in the teeth of the wolf.

The smell of sheep is distinctive. They possess scent glands between their cloven hooves and leave their scent wherever they walk. Their urine and droppings also leave a distinctive odour. Sheep ranges are distinctive because of this. Sheep scent alone is sufficient to frighten most predators away from the flock. It is the area protected by the Shepherd and his dogs who will attack predators.

The Shepherd has strict rules. For countless generations he ruthlessly culled his flock. Sheep showing aggressive traits permitting them to attack and kill other sheep have been quickly eliminated. The result is that today it is almost impossible to find a sheep who will kill another sheep. Like breeds like. While predators have countless ailments, sheep have few, and NO hereditary diseases. Most serious diseases they catch are brought in by outsiders, and these have sometimes been known to almost wipe out a flock.

The Hoskins Report – Operation Armageddon

The Hoskins Report – Operation Armageddon

America “Helps” Somalia

“Preliminary evidence of Clinton administration plans for foreign policy suggests that the new president is inclined to let the UN Security Council take over de-facto command of the U.S. military and determine U.S. policy. The plans include the commitment of American troops for service in the UN’s standing army. The steps are considered the ‘next logical steps’ toward a new world order.” (American Sentinel, 11/30/92, World News Digest Dec. 92)

“Sweep the floor and open the door!” The invasion of yet another country by the U.S. is presently taking place. It is directed against the most strategically valuable piece of real estate in the world – Somalia.

SOMALIA, THE PART OF AFRICA THAT JUTS OUT INTO THE INDIAN OCEAN, looks very much like the horn of a rhinoceros. Hence the name – “Horn of Africa.” The excuse for the invasion is humanitarian – to save the starving Somalians. It is legal and logical if the dictates of the UN are legal. Again, there has been no declaration of war.

“Warlords” is the name given the present rulers of Somalia by the media in their continuing incitement of the public to war. Its pictures show soldiers giving food to emaciated blacks. This proves that America is concerned over the welfare of the world’s poor and downtrodden. The pictures are better than ten thousand words and prove not only the good intentions of America but also of the UN. The media is also preparing the people for the unpleasantness to come by playing up photos of starving blacks who are starving because of the acts of evil Somalian “warlords.”

The Corpus Hermeticum V Though Unmanifest God is Most Manifest 

The Corpus Hermeticum V Though Unmanifest God is Most Manifest 

G. R. S. Mead

THIS SERMON IS A FAIRLY STRAIGHTFORWARD HERMETIC VERSION of the “argument by design”, a standard approach since ancient times to a proof of the existence of God. Typically, for a Hermetic tractate, its choice of evidence includes a paean on the beauty and perfection of the human form. – G R M

1. I will recount to thee this sermon (logos) too, O Tat, that thou may’st cease to be without the mysteries of the God beyond all name. And mark thou well how that which to the many seems un-manifest, will grow most manifest for thee.

Now were it manifest, it would not be. For all that is made manifest is subject to becoming, for it hath been made manifest. But the Unmanifest for ever is, for It doth not desire to be made manifest. It ever is, and maketh manifest all other things.

Being Himself un-manifest, as ever being and ever making-manifest, Himself is not made manifest. God is not made Himself; by thinking-manifest (i.e., thinking into manifestation), He thinketh all things manifest.
Now “thinking-manifest” deals with things made alone, for thinking-manifest is nothing else than making.

2. He, then, alone who is not made, ’tis clear, is both beyond all power of thinking-manifest, and is un-manifest.

The Corpus Hermeticum IV The Cup or Monad

The Corpus Hermeticum IV The Cup or Monad

G. R. S. Mead

THIS SHORT TEXT GIVES AN UNUSUALLY LUCID OVERVIEW OF THE FOUNDATIONS OF HERMETIC THOUGHT. The stress on rejection of the body and its pleasures, and on the division of humanity into those with Mind and those without, are reminiscent of some of the so-called “Gnostic” writings of the same period. The idea that the division is a matter of choice, on the other hand, is a pleasant variation on the almost Calvinist flavour of writings such as the Apocalypse of Adam.

<Mead speculates that the imagery of the Cup in this text may have a distant connection, by way of unorthodox ideas about Communion, with the legends of the Holy Grail. – J M G

1. Hermes: With Reason (Logos), not with hands, did the World-maker make the universal World; so that thou shouldst think of him as everywhere and ever-being, the Author of all things, and One and Only, who by His Will all beings hath created.

This Body of Him is a thing no man can touch, or see, or measure, a body inextensible, like to no other frame. ‘Tis neither Fire nor Water, Air nor Breath; yet all of them come from it. Now being Good he willed to consecrate this [Body] to Himself alone, and set its Earth in order and adorn it.

2. So down [to Earth] He sent the Cosmos of this Frame Divine – man, a life that cannot die, and yet a life that dies. And o’er [all other] lives and over Cosmos [too], did man excel by reason of the Reason (Logos) and the Mind. For contemplator of God’s works did man become; he marvelled and did strive to know their Author.

 The Hoskin Report – Sacred Food

 The Hoskin Report – Sacred Food

THE CHRISTIAN WEST has been conquered. Its God is being replaced with the god of its conqueror. Observance of many things done formerly in obedience to the God of Israel is now outlawed by the conqueror’s statutes – Sabbath “blue laws,” trial by strangers, taxes, imprisonment to punish, and racial intermarriage, to name a few.

The following is a brief study of the ancient Western ritual of eating; who, when, and under what conditions one eats. To insist on observance of these eating rituals today would be to incur the wrath, and punishment, of the king who has outlawed them.

However, from an historical standpoint, it is educational to study what our ancestors considered to be important. It is even more interesting to note professional Christian organizations and people WHO HAVE NO EXCUSE FOR THEIR REFUSAL TO DO THAT WHICH GOD REQUIRES. Their REFUSAL speaks louder than their words. It tells you their probable commitment to the rest of the WORD which is God.

 The Corpus Hermeticum III The Sacred Sermon

 The Corpus Hermeticum III The Sacred Sermon

THIS BRIEF AND APPARENTLY SOMEWHAT GARBLED TEXT RECOUNTS THE CREATION AND NATURE OF THE WORLD in terms much like those of the Poemandres. The major theme is the renewal of all things in a cyclic universe, with the seven planetary rulers again playing a major role. – J M G

1. The Glory of all things is God, Godhead and Godly Nature. Source of the things that are is God, who is both Mind and Nature – yea Matter, the Wisdom that reveals all things. Source [too] is Godhead – yea Nature, Energy, Necessity, and End, and Making-new-again. Darkness that knew no bounds was in Abyss, and Water [too] and subtle Breath intelligent; these were by Power of God in Chaos.

Then Holy Light arose; and there collected ‘neath Dry Space (literally: “sand”) from out Moist Essence Elements; and all the Gods do separate things out from fecund Nature.

2. All things being undefined and yet unwrought, the light things were assigned unto the height, the heavy ones had their foundations laid down underneath the moist part of Dry Space, the universal things being bounded off by Fire and hanged in Breath to keep them up.

And Heaven was seen in seven circles; its Gods were visible in forms of stars with all their signs; while Nature had her members made articulate together with the Gods in her. And [Heaven’s] periphery revolved in cyclic course, borne on by Breath of God.

3. And every God by his own proper power brought forth what was appointed him. Thus there arose four-footed beasts, and creeping things, and those that in the water dwell, and things with wings, and everything that beareth seed, and grass, and shoot of every flower, all having in themselves seed of again-becoming.