ANYWAY I HOPE I CAN GET THIS TEACHING LETTER OUT ONCE A MONTH. I am in the process of starting a teaching ministry. Since I came down with a heart attack February 6, 1998, I have dedicated the rest my life (at least what there is of it) to full time writing for the Almighty. I really don’t expect to make any money at this endeavour as people simply do not like to support truth. My objective, therefore, in doing this is to at the least cover part of my cost from donations. There is more cost involved in something like this than a lot of people think. You, of course, can see the paper with the writing on it, but that is only a minor part of it. There are things like computers with the extra hard and software that go with it like printers and programs etc. And copiers which can consume a lot of toner. A sheet of paper 8½ x 11 cost about one cent but the toner when printed on both sides can cost up to ten cents. I personally have thousands of dollars invested in reference books (especially Identity books).
Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 1
Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 1