Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 32

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 32

ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY

THIS IS MY THIRTY-SECOND MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER and continues my third year of publication. In the last teaching letter (#31), we began a study of Egypt. First we learned what Egyptian history is not. I demonstrated, with archaeological evidence, how one person’s attempt to shave 1000 years off Egyptian history simply cannot be correct. With the archaeological evidence I presented, we can now be more positive than ever about the general time period for the Exodus. If you don’t have lesson #31, you will need it to bring you up-to-date. As a matter of fact, you will need several of my later letters to really get a handle on this important subject. With this lesson, we are going to try to reconcile Egyptian history with Biblical history. This is not the first attempt to make such reconciliation, as many a scholar has given it a stab in the past. If you will check out various references, you will find all kinds of suggestions for contemporary time comparisons. Thorough Bible research and study is more than just reading a few verses once in a while.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 31

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 31

ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY

THIS IS MY THIRTY-FIRST MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY THIRD YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In the last two letters (#29 & #30), we covered the Hurrians and Hittites. We found they were a Mongolian people. We also discovered that the Egyptian pharaohs took women of these peoples into their harems, and later pharaohs were from these bloodlines. We found that not only did the pharaohs mix blood, but also there was much mixing by the Egyptian people themselves. In lesson #30, I diverged from this theme to the topics of Biblical tithing and new research on Two Seedline doctrine. Also, we covered, to some degree, the archaeological find at Ebla.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 30

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 30

ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY

THIS IS MY THIRTIETH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY THIRD YEAR OF PUBLICATION. I was browsing through the channels on television recently, when I came across a so-called “Christian Channel” in this area. They had a man on this station advising his listeners how to get their finances in order. It was a call-in type of program. Never did he advise them not to go into debt in the first place. Anyway, one of his desperate Christian listeners asked advice on how she could work her tithe into her budget. It was interesting what this Christian financial adviser was counselling this woman to do. He simply instructed the woman, she could pay her tithe to anyone she chose. This type of advice was totally unbiblical. The first mention of tithe in the Bible is Abraham paying his tithe of war spoils to the Priest of Salem who was no other than Shem.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 29

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 29

Israel Covenant Two Seedline Racial Identity

An Anglo-isaac-son Caucasian Culture Awareness Teaching Letter

THIS IS MY TWENTY-NINTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER and continues my third year of publication. With my last teaching letter, we covered more materials concerning the archaeological finds at Mari and Nuzi. These finds have added much in understanding the accounts of the Patriarchs of Genesis. Fifty to seventy-five years ago, many were trying to claim the Bible stories were simply myths handed down from generation to generation; that there were never actual persons such as Abraham, Haran, Nahor, Serug, Peleg, Terah. Since the discoveries of Mari and Nuzi, you don’t hear much about these “higher critics” anymore.

There probably are a few uninformed, preposterous, harebrained impostors still making such arguments, but Mari and Nuzi have shut the mouths of the majority of the so-called “experts.” There was another important archaeological find, discovered in 1974-1976, called Ebla, which we will be investigating shortly; if not in this letter, in the next one. This find also silenced the catcalls of the impudent sceptics. With these discoveries in archaeology, there is no more room for doubt that the Bible is true.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 28

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 28

ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY

THIS IS MY TWENTY-EIGHTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY THIRD YEAR OF PUBLICATION. With my last teaching letter, I covered more material concerning the Phoenicians. I introduced the subject of the old “Princes’ Wall” in Egypt and the Egyptian story of Sinuhe. I continued with the 400 year blackout of the History of Israel in Egypt, and that there is only one known Egyptian written record of Israel ever being in there.

I really need to go back and make some comments concerning lesson #27. Willis Mason West, in his book Early Progress, pages 55-57 makes the statement: “Long before 1000 B.C., they (the Phoenicians) had far outrun Egypt and Babylon in trade.” This comment may be misleading. When we consider it was the descendants of Shem who originally occupied the Indus Valley, moved on to Egypt and setup a thriving civilization there. From Egypt, these Shemites moved on to the area known as Phoenicia. West’s statement may be correct in a sense, but more clarification is needed. West also comments about the Phoenicians: “Sometimes the boatmen used also a square sail, but only to run before the wind. (It was many hundreds of years before sailors learned to ‘tack.’)”

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 27

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 27


This is my twenty-seventh monthly teaching letter and continues my third year of publication. It is still my striving goal to make each succeeding letter to transcend, eclipse and outshine the ones preceding it. It is a very rigorous, difficult and demanding goal to try to meet each month, but meet it I will. In the last lesson, we got on the subject of the Phoenicians, which is probably one of the lesser-understood subjects of Israelite history. This is a subject, which we all need to get better acquainted with. I am trying to establish the groundwork for a series on Esau-Edom, and we need to take into account some secular history surrounding him to understand what was going on which affected him in his early days. Really, secular history is very much compatible with Bible history if we understand them both correctly. As we study this history, we may find the circumstances and lifestyles of the people living at that time entirely different from what we ever dreamed. Unless we can come to an understanding of the background stage for our investigation, we will miss much of the story. With these teaching letters, I am trying to bring you the best-selected articles of reference I can find. This way you can benefit, in a few minutes of reading, from what it took me many hours of research to find.


There is still more we should consider about the Phoenicians, and I did find a better-than-normal article in a book entitled Early Progress by Willis Mason West. Sometimes articles found in smaller history books are more concise and, therefore, give a better overall view on a subject. Quoting now from page 55-57:

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 26

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 26


ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY Part 2

THIS IS MY TWENTY-SIXTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER, AND AS I SAID LAST MONTH, it is my striving goal to make each succeeding letter to transcend, eclipse and outshine the ones preceding it. It is a very rigorous, difficult and demanding goal to try to meet each month. As you will notice, with lessons #25 and #26, I have chosen to use a new format. In order to go to this new format with a smaller font size, it was necessary for me to do quite a bit of experimenting to find a font that was easy to read under these new circumstances. By using this new format, I can now send two letters in one mailing for 33 cents. I will be sending just as many teaching letters as in the past except I will be sending them bimonthly (that is every second month). By this new procedure, I will be able to cut my expenses almost in half while still bringing the same amount of information. I had more problems preparing lesson #25 than any lesson I have laboured with yet. I probably rewrote it at least six times before I was satisfied.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 25

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 25

THIS IS MY TWENTY-FIFTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND BEGINS MY THIRD YEAR OF PUBLICATION. It is my striving goal to make each succeeding letter to transcend, eclipse and outshine the ones preceding it. It is a very rigorous, difficult and demanding goal to try to meet each month. I established in the last lesson that Canaan, the son of Ham, was born of incest and pointed to a couple of scriptures to prove the point. It was a case of Ham looking upon his father’s nakedness, which turns out to be his mother’s nakedness.

It was hard to find anything of value in the various commentaries on the subject, as the writers seem to want to dance a jig around the topic trying to suppose it means a stepmother or a concubine, and in some instances this is what is intended. They also try to insinuate that these prohibitions were for the prevention of disease, and in some cases this might also be the purpose. In other cases they will just generalize that it was an immorality of some kind, or just skip over the verse as if it weren’t there.

I only found one comment from The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, page 99, which was worth quoting and I will repeat it here: “The nakedness of thy father. These laws were addressed to men. Hence this verse contains a prohibition not against incest between father and daughter, but against incest between son and mother only. The shame brought upon the mother was brought also upon the father. As they were of one flesh (Gen. 2:24), any act committed against the mother could be considered to have been likewise committed against the father.”

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 24

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 24

THIS MINISTRY IS GROWING LIKE A SKYROCKET and I am going to have to make some changes. Therefore, this will be the last Watchman’s Teaching Letter with this format. Due to necessity, I need to cut expenses. To give you a brief financial report: about 3% of you are supporting the larger part of this ministry, with about another 3% carrying their own weight. At present, I have about 325 names on my list. The way it is growing, there could be close to 500 by the end of this year. (If there are any of you who are discarding my letters without reading them for some reason or other, please notify me so I may take you off of my mailing list, and thereby, I may be able replace you with someone else!)

I have been testing out different fonts and formats, and find that I can get all the present contents of my letters on two pages (front and back). By doing this, I will be able to send you two teaching letters in one mailing for 33¢. After this issue, you will receive my mailings every second month. This will allow me to cut my expenses by 50%, and you will still receive the same amount of teaching materials as usual. This is the twenty-fourth monthly teaching letter which I have produced since I started publishing them May 1998. Each year at the end of April, I bind the last 12 issues into a yearbook.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 23

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 23

THIS IS THE TWENTY-THIRD MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER since I started to publish them in May of 1998. In the last lesson, I presented some facts on the deadly doctrine of universalism. I am planning to bring you more on this subject in future lessons. Before I finished the last lesson, I ended up getting on the subject of Esau-Edom. With this lesson, I am going to go more in depth into the subject of Esau and his progeny.

I am not sure how long this will take, but I will continue until the topic is pretty well covered. Most people in Israel Identity seem to understand Edom better than they do Cain, but there is much more to understand about Esau than has been presented in the past. Before I get into this subject in detail, I will present some “facts” that are simply not true. There is nothing like getting some dead wood out of the way at the start. For those who believe the scriptures are without scribal errors, I will be showing you such an error of monumental proportions. These kinds of errors can be found in both the Old and New Testaments. Once we deal with the translation errors, then we must contend with the idioms. Unless we make an effort to understand the idioms, we will miss most of the message of Scripture. Scripture simply cannot be taken literally when idioms are involved. Every serious Bible student needs to get the small booklet Idioms Of The Bible Explained by George M. Lamsa published by Harper-Collins.