Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 24

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 24

THIS MINISTRY IS GROWING LIKE A SKYROCKET and I am going to have to make some changes. Therefore, this will be the last Watchman’s Teaching Letter with this format. Due to necessity, I need to cut expenses. To give you a brief financial report: about 3% of you are supporting the larger part of this ministry, with about another 3% carrying their own weight. At present, I have about 325 names on my list. The way it is growing, there could be close to 500 by the end of this year. (If there are any of you who are discarding my letters without reading them for some reason or other, please notify me so I may take you off of my mailing list, and thereby, I may be able replace you with someone else!)

I have been testing out different fonts and formats, and find that I can get all the present contents of my letters on two pages (front and back). By doing this, I will be able to send you two teaching letters in one mailing for 33¢. After this issue, you will receive my mailings every second month. This will allow me to cut my expenses by 50%, and you will still receive the same amount of teaching materials as usual. This is the twenty-fourth monthly teaching letter which I have produced since I started publishing them May 1998. Each year at the end of April, I bind the last 12 issues into a yearbook.