ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY Part 2
THIS IS MY TWENTY-SIXTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER, AND AS I SAID LAST MONTH, it is my striving goal to make each succeeding letter to transcend, eclipse and outshine the ones preceding it. It is a very rigorous, difficult and demanding goal to try to meet each month. As you will notice, with lessons #25 and #26, I have chosen to use a new format. In order to go to this new format with a smaller font size, it was necessary for me to do quite a bit of experimenting to find a font that was easy to read under these new circumstances. By using this new format, I can now send two letters in one mailing for 33 cents. I will be sending just as many teaching letters as in the past except I will be sending them bimonthly (that is every second month). By this new procedure, I will be able to cut my expenses almost in half while still bringing the same amount of information. I had more problems preparing lesson #25 than any lesson I have laboured with yet. I probably rewrote it at least six times before I was satisfied.