Choose! Life or Death

Choose! Life or Death

I AM KATJA GWYNN, & my topic is Reams Biological Theory of Ionisation—-. or RBTI. I need to make clear that I am Not a medical doctor. Nothing I say is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prescribe or perform any other medical function attributable to AMA licensed doctors. And I don’t give Covid vaccines. If you require medical advice, please consult your licensed medical professional.

Because of the length and technical nature of my presentation, I’ll be reading from my script quite regularly. My talk today will be in two parts. The first 40 minutes I am going to share my personal journey, my history and the history of RBTI and its creator Dr Carey A. Reams, along with some anecdotal tales of my adventure.

In the second part, after a short break, we move into the science of RBTI. You will learn what the RBTI equation is, and gain an understanding of the protocols. Then, we’ll talk about some popular nutritional myths, and finally, close with practical tips and how to apply RBTI knowledge to your lifestyle to reap the benefits for your personal health and wellness.

Health and healing is heretofore an unfathomable subject of enquiry. The factors are beyond our scope of understanding and outside the parameters of medical study and practice. Dr. Reams knew this. But, he focused on the discipline he understood best, the material and biologic causes of energy creation and energy loss. After all, Energy if Life. Lack of Energy is disease and death. The method Reams developed was focused on diet and lifestyle.

Doc Reams probably born in 1903, was a man ahead of his time. Trained in mathematics, biophysics and biochemistry, and earning as many as maybe six PhDs, he made many discoveries in the fields of human health, plant growth, energetics, animal health and soil restoration. These findings were later codified in an overall view of life and energy known as Reams Biological Theory of Ionisation (RBTI).

Scofield The Pope of Prophecy Perversion

Scofield The Pope of Prophecy Perversion

SINCE THE EARLY 1930’S THE SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE HAS BEEN PROMOTED AS THE SOURCE FOR INTERPRETING REVELATION AND THE END TIMES. Almost all the current Dispensationalist theology is derived from his teaching and his Reference Bible.  Following is a transcript of a speech about Cyrus I Scofield by Rev. Nord Davis. (Most grammar and spelling errors that may occur are most likely on the part of the transcriber so forgive it’s form.)

The Pope of Prophecy Perversion

I am going to talk about a certain man everybody knows. His name is Cyrus I. Scofield. The man who wrote the Scofield Bible. The Bible that Christian brethren read so frequently and with which they have made up their current doctrine. Which has changed the thrust of America since the middle 1800’s.

This is going to be of controversial content and because it is controversial in content I will pick one of the Bibles most controversial characters to quote – the prophet Jeremiah. He preached, he warned, he exposed false preaching of his day and all to no avail. And he and his Israel people went right into captivity. The very captivity about which he had been warning

Forgotten Commentary on Homosexuality

Forgotten Commentary on Homosexuality

THE APPALLING STORY told by Mr. Seelig in the foregoing pages is much more than a personal tragedy that must excite sympathy and pity in every human heart. It is a story that is terrible in the full sense of that word: it should strike terror into the heart of every American who hopes that his children will not regret having been born.

As America’s most eminent journalist suggests in his introduction to the present book, Mr Seelig’s account should be verified in every particular by diligent and intrepid investigators. But such verification could only confirm what we all know – or would know, if we paid attention to the evidence that has been accumulating for decades.

Mr. Seelig’s narrative confronts us with two facts that cannot be denied, and to which it would be cowardly and disastrous to close our eyes. Those fact are, of course, the ever-increasing perversion of law and judicial process in our country and the epidemic sexual perversion that has brought us to the verge of moral imbecility.

The perversion of law – that is to say, the use of pseudo-legal processes to protect the guilty by destroying the witnesses to their guilt – is both common and notorious. It is so notorious that one can only wonder at the fatuous apathy of a public that does nothing about it because each individual believes that he personally can escape if he, like a rabbit, runs away and silently hides himself in the weeds.

False Identity – Hoskins Report – 257

False Identity – Hoskins Report – 257

A FEW MONTHS AGO I RECEIVED AN ADVERTISEMENT FROM THE NEW COUNTRY OF ISRAEL about a “Revolutionary New Discovery.” The discovery was that the people of northern Europe were descended from the ancient Israelites. I sent for the book and received The Tribes, The Israelite Origins Of Western Peoples[1].

This book was one more Jewish-authored book revealing “the amazing discovery that Saxons[2] are Israel.” It contained most of the same proofs that Bible students have long known.

It came with maps of the migrations of the tribes of the early Israelite-Saxons, their final places of settlement, and the counties in which they settled – Naphtali to Norway; Asher and Gad to Britain, Scandinavia and Germany; Dan to Denmark, etc.

Ben Israel’s Argument

The Jews have always known the truth about Saxon-Israel and have used the information, or not used it, as circumstances demanded. The entry of the Jews into Britain was a time when they needed to use it.

Germany Still In Juridical Limbo

Germany Still In Juridical Limbo

POTSDAM, GERMANY – THE ALLIED OCCUPATION OF GERMANY BEGAN 58 YEARS AGO this month and in the eyes of many Germans has not yet ended. Foreign armies are still based on German soil and Europe’s largest and most prosperous “democracy” still lacks a constitution and a peace treaty putting a formal end to the Second World War.

The reunified German nation, considered a modern European democracy, has no constitution other than the temporary Basic Law (Grundgesetz) originally written in 1948, under the guidance of the U.S. military occupation forces and originally meant only to apply to the western parts of Germany under U.S. control.

The Basic Law was removed at the request of former Secretary of State James Baker at a Paris conference of the Allied powers and the two former German states on July 17, 1990. The two German states were legally abolished at this conference. As a result of these changes, the Basic Law does not legally apply to the reunified German state, according to some legal experts.

In any case, the Basic Law is incomplete and contradictory and article 139 states that the numerous Allied occupation laws and proclamations remain in effect. The Basic Law has never been ratified by a vote of the people.

Germany Still In Juridical Limbo Part 2

Germany Still In Juridical Limbo Part 2

SIR REGARDING THE ARTICLE: “Germany still in juridicial limbo Part 1” In the article Mr. Ebel says: “Right now, “Germany rests on the 2nd Reich” and on the constitution of the Weimar Republic created on August 11, 1919, Wolfgang Gerhard Günter Ebel told AFP. This is the only legal constitution for Germany, according to Ebel, until a peace treaty is signed.


The Second German Reich (Deutsches Kaiserreich) has a constitution, accepted by all the relevant state organs, the Bundesrath and the Reichstag.
See here.

The “Weimar Republic” is a construct of criminal revolutionaries; it came into existence by the illegal overthrow of the Kaiser and his government and thus is illegitimate, – a criminal organization.

This is not my “opinion” … revolutions are NEVER legal; esp. when acted out by Jews!  All powerful politicians of Weimar were Jews. PLUS: The signators for “Germany” of the infamous “Treaty of Versailles” were all Jews.

Volksverraad – Betrayal – Hoskins Report – 265

Volksverraad – Betrayal – Hoskins Report – 265

THE BOOK, VOLKSVERRAAD, BY PIET PRETORIUS, slipped though the establishments censorship net before it could be stopped, and is now the talk of all South Africa. Authored by an insider, it reveals the schemes, connections, bribes, theft and yes, murders, that has kept the South African Establishment in power for decades. It is a carbon copy of Establishment operations in every Western state, including America.

“It is a commentary on the “freedom of the press” that a best-selling book, filled to the brim with significant and dramatic revelations, should systematically be ignored by the mainstream press, both English and Afrikaans. This press is said to be ever on the lookout for sensationalism. Well, here it is – and one and all have given it the silent treatment. Even “Radio Pretoria,” the “voice of conservatism” described it as “too controversial” to review.

Germany Still In Juridical Limbo

Germany Still In Juridical Limbo

POTSDAM, GERMANY – THE ALLIED OCCUPATION OF GERMANY BEGAN 58 YEARS AGO this month and in the eyes of many Germans has not yet ended. Foreign armies are still based on German soil and Europe’s largest and most prosperous “democracy” still lacks a constitution and a peace treaty putting a formal end to the Second World War.

The reunified German nation, considered a modern European democracy, has no constitution other than the temporary Basic Law (Grundgesetz) originally written in 1948, under the guidance of the U.S. military occupation forces and originally meant only to apply to the western parts of Germany under U.S. control.

The Basic Law was removed at the request of former Secretary of State James Baker at a Paris conference of the Allied powers and the two former German states on July 17, 1990. The two German states were legally abolished at this conference. As a result of these changes, the Basic Law does not legally apply to the reunified German state, according to some legal experts.

In any case, the Basic Law is incomplete and contradictory and article 139 states that the numerous Allied occupation laws and proclamations remain in effect. The Basic Law has never been ratified by a vote of the people.

What You Need to Know about Wireless Technology

What You Need to Know about Wireless Technology


IN A BACKYARD LABORATORY IN THE FOOTHILLS OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, where trembling aspens were declining and refusing to display their colours in the fall, Katie Haggerty decided to find out what would happen if she shielded some of them from radio waves. After just two months, her shielded seedlings were 74 percent longer, and their leaves 60 percent larger than either her unshielded seedlings or her mock-shielded seedlings. And in the fall, only her shielded seedlings displayed the bright colours for which aspens are famous. (Haggerty 2010)


At Germany’s University of Oldenburg, scientists who were shocked to find that the migratory songbirds they were studying were no longer able to orient toward the north in spring and toward the southwest in autumn, decided to find out what would happen if they shielded an aviary from radio waves. Suddenly the birds were able face north in spring for migration. (Engels et al. 2014)


On a fifth floor apartment’s terrace in Barcelona, a block away from a cell tower, Alfonso Balmori decided to test his conjecture that radio waves might be responsible for the worldwide decline and extinction of so many species of amphibians. For two months he cared for two identical tanks of tadpoles, one of which was shielded from radio waves by a thin layer of fabric. The mortality in the unshielded tank was 90%, and in the shielded tank only 4%. (Balmori 2006)

The Vatican Council October 8 1965

The Vatican Council October 8 1965

IN THE COURSE OF DISCUSSING SCHEMA 13 ON THE CHURCH IN THE MODERN WORLD, the fathers of the Second Vatican Council last week got around to a touchy question: What should be the Catholic attitude toward atheism?

The most militant answer came from the new Jesuit General. Father Pedro Arrupe. What “the Black Pope” had to say shocked a number of progressive bishops and and theologians. Arrupe charged that there is an atheistic conspiracy at large in the world the world which holds almost complete sway in international organisations in financial circles in the fields of mass communications, press, cinema, radio, television. Even worse he warned, was the atheistic mentality enters the very City of God, insidiously influencing the minds of believers (including even “religious and priests) with its hidden poison. and producing its natural fruits in the church: naturalism, distrust, rebellion.”

In a Crusade, to counteract the greet conspiracy of the godless, Arrupe urged the council to draw up a basic plan for “worldwide coordinated action” to be followed by Catholics in a crusade against atheism, under “absolute obedience to the Pope.” The Supreme Pontiff would then “assign various fields of labour to everyone, in order that the entire people of God may give itself vigorously to this task.”