Hoskins Report The Naphidem Stranger

Hoskins Report The Naphidem Stranger

Sons of God

Without supporting information, the following makes little sense to most – Verse:–

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose and they bare children to them.” Gen 6:1-4.

THERE ARE BOOKS AVAILABLE WHICH MAKE CLEAR THE OF THIS AND MEANING OTHER VERSES LIKE IT. It isn’t until one actually studies some of these books well known at the time of Jesus, and some which were actually used by him, that the answer becomes clear – and the answer is very important. It colours every thing that follows, and is certainly the reason that the Roman empire censored what men read.

Let’s fill the missing gaps with information from books from Jesus’ time such as I & II Enoch, Jubilees, I & II Adam and Eve, Jasher, and Josephus.

Adam Disobeyed

Adam and Eve were spirits made in the image of God the Word. They listened to the Serpent and were banished from the Garden of Eden. Most people speculating on the location of the Garden of Eden look in the wrong place for the Garden of Eden which is a heavenly place[1], a spiritual garden, made for a spiritual Man, a spiritual condition to which he will return in three score and ten years. Man’s first and natural condition is spirit. On earth, God clothed their spirits with earthy bodies[2] which had earthly needs such as food and drink, our earthly bodies wear out – Adam and Eve also needed children to replace themselves if Adam-Man was to remain on earth and not die out![3]

Hoskins Report Battle of The Catalonian Fields

Hoskins Report Battle of The Catalonian Fields

THE YEAR WAS 451 AD. A MILLION MEN FACED EACH OTHER. The opposing lines stretched into the distance as far as the eye could see, and on and on for miles and miles. Still there was not enough room for them all. In places, companies and regiments stood behind other companies and regiments, a hundred men deep, waiting for a place in the fighting line. In other places they waited five-hundred deep.

This was the heart of France – The Catalonian Fields. The destiny of Christendom lay in the balance. If the Hun invaders won, Europe was theirs – and the Huns always won.

Sitting on their horses beneath horse-tail banners, the Huns and their subject-allies the Ostrogoths, Gepidae, the recently allied Franks and Vandals, and many other Teutonic tribes, awaited orders from their unconquerable leader – Attila.

Hoskins Report Phinehas Priesthood

Hoskins Report Phinehas Priesthood

EARLY AMERICA LIVED BY LAW. At Jamestown in 1607, Captain John Smith opened the Bible and dispensed justice.

On the frontier, from the foothills of the Blue Ridge, down into Tennessee, over into Kentucky, and up into the Ohio, Virginians lived by the Law. There were few courts and almost no jails. People studied the Law. The Law was judge. The obedient enforced the law. Justice reigned.

Where outlaws appeared the “+” superimposed on “P” carved into a tree or chalked on a wall, reminded the outlaw that the “Law” was not done away with and that violations would be punished. Every man was expected to be a Christian and every Christian man was expected to be a Phinehas
Priest[1]. Law violators paid the penalty laid down by the Bible in the “judgments”.

Criminals were rare. So rare that their existence was carefully noted.

The Revolution

When the Revolution broke out ministers of The Church of England as well as the royal judges scampered back to England.

Land disputes in Piedmont Virginia were settled by a judge who was selected by his neighbours – Charles Lynch.

Hoskins Report German Feast of Orders

Hoskins Report German Feast of Orders

ONE RAINY EVENING THIRTY YEARS AGO I WAS HONOURED BY THE VISIT OF A DAMP EMPLOYEE OF THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. He was getting old and he huffed and puffed as he walked up the three flights to our small apartment in Richmond. Unknown to his superiors he was a genius. He had graduated with honours from the University and was a walking encyclopaedia of everything and everyone past and present.

We sat drinking coffee before the warm radiator and he told me a fascinating story. One that I had never heard before and one that I have not been able to find reference to since.

It’s the type of story one relegates to the land of wishful thinking except that I knew the narrator. He was most exact in choosing his words. And, too, it’s the type of story the Establishment loves to black out of Saxon histories.

I’m telling the story as I remember it. I have forgotten the exact names of the “orders” he mentioned, and doubtless many of the lesser details, but the story in the main is as it was told to me on that rainy night.


Before World War I, a great banquet was held once a year in Germany. It was called the “Feast Of Orders”. The Kaiser himself presided. Before him dined the elite of Germany.

Hoskins Report Chairman Mao and The Waco Massacre

Hoskins Report Chairman Mao and The Waco Massacre

A person’s opinion is a direct result of what has been placed in his databanks. Control the data – and you control the person.

America’s Databanks

THE GOVERNMENT CLAMPED ON MONOPOLY CONTROL OF DATA CONCERNING THEIR ASSAULT ON THE WACO COMPOUND. The only data that went into America’s databanks was PsyWar data. All news was tightly censored. Those targeted were denied a voice; reporters were kept 2 miles away; trespassers seeking information were taken into custody; alternate-media reporters were arrested; all news and announcements were channeled through government secret service spokesmen.

According to the spokesman, the Davidians were “killed accidentally,” were “victims of a fire purposely set by their leaders,” or committed “mass-suicide.” Also, they were believed to have had either “illegal,” “unnecessary,” or “too many stockpiled guns.”

In the 51 days they were under siege, the FBI spokesman found no redeeming virtues in the besieged. They were totally bad; “they cursed,” “used 4-letter words,” “lied,” “were sacrilegious claiming to be god,” “were insane,” “manufactured drugs,” “assaulted babies leaving them bleeding,” “held children hostage,” “sexually assaulted children,” “held women hostage,” “were suicide-prone,” “committed suicide,” and – without trial, were pronounced “guilty” by the director of the FBI.

Hoskins Report Corporations and Estates

Hoskins Report Corporations and Estates

Everyone you meet is either a wolf or a sheep. (Wolf and The Sheep)
Wolf & The Sheep

Every government, army, church, or political organization is organized like a sheepfold or a wolf-den. The shootout at Ruby Ridge and the one in progress in Waco has everything to do with wolves and sheep, corporations and estates. America is witnessing the wolf-den’s attempt to stamp out the last remnants of sheep organization.

Corporations Organized Like Wolf-Packs

The Shepherd ordained the self-sufficient Biblical homestead for his sheep[1]. It is there they were told to live. It is sheeps’ kingdom![2] The king of kings who rules the fold is the Shepherd.

Sheep, free of wolf-domination, live within a sheep-fold and rule their own farm-kingdoms, although they may have business partnerships in nearby trading centres. Wolves live tightly packed together in den-cities. The leader of the sheepfold is the Shepherd.

The leader of the wolf-den is the pack leader – the Alpha-wolf prince. The sheepfold lives by the unchanging “Law” of the Shepherd. The wolf-den lives under the constantly-changing “policy” of the Alpha-wolf.

Sheepfolds are ruled by Law from the “bottom-up” with every man a king. Wolf-dens are ruled by the alpha-wolf’s policy from the top down in a stair-step hierarchy. The sheepfold is composed of “sole ownerships” and “partner-ships.” The wolf-den is “corporate” in structure and operates under “general policy” outlined in the 10 planks of the 1848 Manifesto! [3].

Hoskins Report Road to War

Hoskins Report Road to War

STRATEGIC REAL ESTATE IS BEING SEIZED AND OCCUPIED BY FORCES OF THE UN AND THEIR COHORTS IN THE WEST. Equally strategic real estate is being abandoned in the Far East (See “Operation Armageddon”, HR #2203, January 4, 1993). This gives birth to the suspicion that the West has been selected as the scene for the next “police action.” The abandonment of Far East strategic real estate points to the mechanizations of the Far East as having given that region victory in Babylon’s eternal struggle for supremacy. The ones “manoeuvring for position” are quite visible. The question now is – WHO has the wolf selected as his prey?

The Wolf

The “wolf” and “sheep” concept is basic in Christendom. It is incorporated in their folklore, their literature and in their mind-set. The objectives of the two animals are diametrically opposed. The wolf wishes to eat the sheep. The sheep doesn’t wish to be eaten. The wolf either eats the sheep or he doesn’t. It’s either one way or the other. There is no middle ground

Rapin’s History of England Book 21 – Reign of King Charles I – Part 3

Rapin’s History of England Book 21 – Reign of King Charles I – Part 3

Containing The Third and Last Part of The Reign of Charles I.
1642 AD August 2
Condition of The King at Nottingham

THE King had imagined, that the setting up of his standard would draw great numbers of people to Nottingham, who would come and
offer him their service: but he was very much disappointed. He had
with him but three hundred foot, and some trained-bands drawn together by Sir John Digby, Sheriff of the county.

His cavalry consisted only of eight hundred horse, and his artillery was still at York, from whence it was difficult to bring it, many things being yet wanted to prepare and form it for marching, and besides, there were no foot to guard it. Nevertheless, as he had given out many commissions, and ordered his forces to repair to Nottingham, he expected them in that town, though not without danger, the Parliament having at Coventry five thousand foot, and fifteen hundred horse.

Thus the King was in a very melancholy state before the war was well begun. He had appointed Robert Bartu Earl of Lindsey for General; but had yet no army. The Princes Rupert and Maurice his nephews, brothers of the Elector Palatine, being come to offer him their service in the beginning of September, he made Prince Rupert General of his horse, quartered at Leicester, whither the Prince went and took upon him the command. The King, it is certain, was in extreme danger at Nottingham.

That town was not in condition to make a long resistance, and the King having scarce any forces, if the Parliament’s troops, which were within twenty miles of the place, had marched directly to him, he must have been forced to retire with dishonour to York, unless he would have hazarded his being made prisoner.

Hoskins Report South Africa

Hoskins Report South Africa

Hoskins Report
Chapter 230
South Africa

THE PRESENT ATTEMPT TO INTEGRATE SOUTH AFRICA IS DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED to the imperium of “separation” now running full flood over the world. The various races in the Soviet Union are separating, the Baltic is separating, China has driven Westerners from her shores. Black Africa has done the same, and is also separating her own Black races into their component parts. America’s inner cities are being turned into independent Black nations as Black on White guerrilla war goes into high gear and drives away the Westerners who built the cities and who once lived there. While non-Westerners are forcing Westerners from their lands, they are also forcing non-Westerners into Western lands. Westerners are beginning to suspect that the double standard is a well thought out plan to destroy the Western enclaves and the Westerners who live there.

Virginia’s Footsteps

In many ways, South Africa’s ordeal appears to be like Virginia’s. Virginia was the victim of a devastating war, just as South Africa was. Before the war Virginia was self-sufficient. Her plantation system produced almost everything her people needed and her vast surplus was sold elsewhere which made her people rich. What the plantation didn’t produce or make was obtained by trading with the next plantation, or the closest village trading centre which stocked or made the speciality items needed.

Virginia had no army. Everyone from the age 16-60 was a militiaman. If called upon to repel an invader, Virginia had 75,000 militiamen available instantly – armed and trained at their own expense. Many of her officers had paid their own way to attend the Virginia Military Institute to learn to become efficient warriors. Militia artillerymen paid for their own cannon. One six-gun Virginia battery was counted as superior to two four-gun federal batteries.

Hoskins Report Arabs and Jews Make Peace

Hoskins Report Arabs and Jews Make Peace

The Arab Invasion

ROME WAS THE GREATEST EMPIRE IN THE WORLD. ITS CAPITOL WAS ROME. Emperor Constantine built a new city between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea and gave it his name – Constantinople. Profiting from the trade with Russia, the Mid-east and Africa, this new trading centre became the wealthy capitol of the Eastern half of the Roman Empire consisting of Greece, Southern Russia, Turkey, Palestine, Egypt, and much of North Africa. It was far more profitable and powerful than the Western half of the Roman Empire whose capitol was Rome.

The furtherest limits of Crusader’s Latin Kingdom, c. 1128. After conquering Turkey the Crusaders were forced to give it up to Constantinople because of earlier agreements between the Catholic Pope and the Emperor of Constantinople, who was also head of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

With the passage of time, the population of Greece, Macedonia, and Southern Russia changed as a peaceful migration of Slavic immigrants settled vacant land in Macedonia and Greece. The empire of Constantinople gradually became predominately Slavic. Even the royal family changed as marriages were made with some of the more powerful Slavic and Turkish rulers of their eastern and northeastern neighbours. In the Roman manner, Constantinople’s emperor was also its religious head. He led what is now known as the Eastern Orthodox Church. It had became a state religion – the church of the Slavs. It still is.

Then, out of the forbidding deserts of Arabia came mounted invaders. These fierce warriors quickly conquered Palestine, Syria, Egypt, North Africa, and then Turkey. All that was left of the vast territories of Constantinople’s empire was the city of Constantinople, Greece, some land in Southern Russia, and a beachhead in Turkey. The land that was lost had produced bountiful rents and tithes to the church. It was a disaster.

Constantinople’s religious and temporal emperor saw that he could not regain the lost portion of his empire by himself, so he humbled himself and begged his western counterpart, the Roman Pope, to come to his aid. The actual arrangements between these two holy men were secret, and not confided to those who were to do the actual fighting.