Wednesday Night Bible Study 7th February 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 7th February 1968

(He is talking about the strange light in their house. He tells the beginning of the story at the end of tape.)

IT HAD GONE RIGHT DOWN AND INTO MY FATHER’S STUDY AND NEVER OPENED THE DOOR. My father said there was nothing to that. But there was a peculiar odour like ozone all through the house. And my father could smell that. So he went down kind of easy and opened up the door of his study but nothing was in there. So they said: ‘you must have had a nightmare.’ But I hadn’t. But they went back to sleep. So pretty soon I saw the light again and it came right back and took a good look at me. But I didn’t holler this time. So it went on a little further then turned to look back at me.

So I let out a squawk and my folks came running just in time to see the light disappear where the two huge doors were. So something came in that house. Something walked up that stairs and it wasn’t a good spirit necessarily, because it didn’t do anything good. About two weeks later my grandmother was there and she saw this thing. And she god kind of hysterical and let out a scream. That woke me up and the thing turned around, went back down the stairs and out the door.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6th November 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6th November 1968

ANSWER: The questions coming in from the tapes are too many to answer

QUESTION: I have often wondered what is going to happen when Christ comes. Will we get up and go to work?

ANSWER: I would imagine you will. But I think you might be able to take a day off. Ha’. I think everything will come to a mighty standstill. There will be a lot of beating up on the enemy who came to destroy. They plan on destroying Christ, His nations and His Kingdom. He said that in the twinkling of an eye, which means you put on immortality, that is one factor. And if you missed a meal, that is not important. I think you will see much the same in atmosphere but not in strategy. But all men are going to sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree.

QUESTION: What I meant was that men are still going to work. There will be businesses, industry, but under a different strategy?

ANSWER: I think the profit system will continue but it will be within bounds. There will be one thing that will help. When the Kingdom comes in, there will be no Jews in business. They will be gathered out of the way. And be trying to get along with each other out in the constellation of Ara. Some will have a lot of it and some will have a little and some will be trying to get it all. Ha’

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6th March 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6th March 1968

QUESTION: I read in a religious paper today that Eden was a continent 1500 miles square and when Eve and Adam transgressed it was cast off the earth and became a planetoid, and it will be the New Jerusalem when it comes back from heaven?

ANSWER: I don’t know whether to even comment on this other than to say that the New Jerusalem is a living city made up of living people, and all of you are living stones fitly framed together into a living temple to grow into a holy temple unto God. It has to be a living temple because of the fact that in the Book of Revelation as it talks about the New Jerusalem there isn’t any temple in it. YAHWEH is the temple of this city, and all of you the offspring of God are living stones fitly framed together who grow into a holy temple unto God in which He is the great corner stone, a great pyramid symbol. The all seeing eye above on your dollar bill indicates that your people are Novus Ordo Seclorum, the new order of the ages anyhow, which is the New Jerusalem.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 5th June 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 5th June 1968

QUESTION: (from the tapes) How old are our scriptures?

ANSWER: At the present, there is no manuscript available of age which dates back before 900 A.D. I can establish this. 980 is the oldest manuscript they have copies of. That is of the scriptures they have copied and translated of the King James Version and the Vulgate Version. It so happens that the scriptures they copied, have been lost. But the Monks copied scriptures that were 200 years after Christ. That meant that these scriptures they chose, the age was 200 years after Christ.

Through out the dark ages, the Monks copied and copied the scriptures. But these were considered to be authentic. But every time scriptures were copied, changes were made in some of them. Then they read, they re-did the Septuagint and re-made Mazzaretic text and they put it into Greek and then into Latin, then back into plain letter Hebrew. And then put it back into English. Today Hebrew scholars can explain Hebrew which wasn’t Hebrew at all. Actually, it is a Jewish combination.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 4th October 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 4th October 1968

BRAIN TENDRILS ARE YOUR THINKING FRAME. And why you are thinking it is translated into electronic memory, therefore. And it goes down around the electrons of the brain. And the tendrils of the brain become sort of solidified, thousands upon thousands of electrons. How could you measure electrons? You can’t even see them. They are so small that if you would multiply thousands upon thousands, you would see electrons. So if you stopped to think, well, all of the experiences are translated into electronic memory and stored around the electronic memory of the brain.

Now ; the strange thing is that everything that you hear in a physical body is stored in the electronic memory. It is sort of like this tape as electrons are put on the tape. You can start this tape and this starts the electrodes and you get the sound back. So all you have to do, this is done electronically, automatically, and you think of something you want to remember and you go right down these tendrils of the brain to this spot, and you start the electrons to moving around those nerve tendrils and the thing you are thinking about automatically comes into your brain. This wonderfully made instrument which sees and records all experiences, thus you remember, you can see these things again and then stop thinking about them, and the electrons stop revealing.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 4th December 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 4th December 1968

QUESTION: Ps:121 “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from God who made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved. He that keepeth thee shall not slumber. Oh, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.”

ANSWER: Now the actual text here is that I will lift up my eyes to the apex, or the high place from whence cometh my help, because my help comes from YAHWEH who made the heavens and the earth. He is the one who keepeth Israel and He neither slumbers nor sleeps.

Way back when Horus the high Priest of the ancient Egyptian wrote his book of Horus, long before the Adamic race was begotten in earth, one of the things he did as he fled from Atlantis, after the judgments of God came on it as Lucifer was mongrelising the people with the Negroes and there was all kinds of vice and corruption and depravity, where the high Temples of Atlantis were built like Pyramids, in the book of Horus he tells how the sons and daughters of god came into this temple and acted as high Priests for YAHWEH-PUTAH.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 3rd January 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 3rd January 1968

QUESTION: Why should we get used to the name of YAHWEH instead of YAHSHUA?

ANSWER: The name of YAHWEH is the name of the Almighty God. All through the Old Testament the word God is YAHWEH. However, as He refers to His ministry, He says in the 43rd chapter of Isaiah, if we had out Bible translated it would read like this: “Thus saith EL who created thee oh Jacob, who formed thee oh Israel. I have redeemed thee and called thee out.” EL is a name for God, IsraEL, ELohim plural names for God. He is plural only as He had many children. He goes on: “I have redeemed thee. Thou art mine. As thou passeth through the waters, I will be with thee. As thou passeth through the waters they shall not overflow thee. As thou passeth through the fire neither shall flame come upon thee. For I am YAHWEH thy EL the Holy One of Israel, thy YAHSHUA, Saviour.” Thus YAHSHUA is the name translated as Jesus in the New Testament. As the Angel Gabriel came to Mary, he said: “This one you will bear call His name YAHSHUA, for He shall save His people from their sins.” The word God, Saviour is YAHSHUA. Thus standing among the congregation he judges among the mighty or the Elohim, which is Gods plural. Thus we are the Elohim, spiritual children.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 1st April 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 1st April 1968

QUESTION: Did God predestined a race in the beginning before any man fell?

ANSWER: This is operating on the concept that all men arrived at the same time. But they didn’t. Men had fallen long before your race was ever placed here. In other words, Lucifer had mongrelized and seduced Asiatics onto worshiping him. Lucifer was an Archangel who ruled over a certain portion of the Universe which included earth. And as an Archangel, he was good and in the right status. Then he fought against the MOST HIGH and this lasted for a considerable time. Then Michael the Archangel, threw Lucifer out of the heavens. But Lucifer had been the bright and morning star of the earth. So he had been between the peoples of the earth and YAHWEH as a powerful representative; as a teacher of all truth. And as a great Archangel he was almost a point of worship.

But when he declared himself as deity, here on earth, then the people had been taught to listen to him through out all periods of time were still under his spell. So it was that the fallen angels who rebelled with Lucifer also intermingled with the Asiatics and they brought Negroid in with them.


The Original Geneva Bible

The Original Geneva Bible

CHRISTIANITY IS THE RELIGION OF THE INCARNATE WORD, JESUS CHRIST, AND OF THE WRITTEN WORD, THE BIBLE. Wherever Christianity has gone, it has developed translations of Scripture as a necessity. The promise of Pentecost, where people of various origin heard of “the wonders of God in their own tongues” (Acts 2:11), has been fulfilled and continues to be increasingly fulfilled in the process of Bible translation. The whole Bible, or portions thereof, is now available in print in more than 2,000 languages.

In the British Isles, turbulent times accompanied the work of translating Scripture, but the first written translation of the whole Bible was made under the influence of John Wycliffe (c. 1330–1384). Even though it had to be copied by hand, and in spite of a prohibition against English translations, there are still some two hundred manuscripts of it extant.

The first published text was William Tyndale’s translation of the New Testament (1526), based on the Greek and Hebrew texts, in Worms, Germany. He had completed the translation of the Pentateuch, Jonah, and Joshua-2 Chronicles before being martyred in 1536.

Giants in the Bible

Giants in the Bible

12 Individual Named Giants Mentioned in the Bible


Early ancestor of all the giant clans in what became the region of Palestine, which included the Anakites, Emites, and Horites (Deut 2:10-12; 2 Sam 21:16,18,20,22; 1 Chron 20:4,6,8)


Father of a clan of giants living southern Cannaan (Num 13:28)


Forefather of Anak and the Anakim (Josh 15:13; 21:11)

Honoured as “the greatest man among the Anakites” (Josh 14:15)

The Anakite name for Hebron was Kiriath-Arba meaning “City of Arba” (Josh 15:13)


Because Debir was an Anakite city like Hebron (Josh 11:21), and because the former Anakite name for Debir was Kiriath-Sepher meaning “City of Sepher,” it must be that Sepher was the name of another Anakite patriarch like Arba (Josh 15:15)


The king of Bashan identified as the last of “the Rephaites” (Deut 3:11) ……..