QUESTION: I read in a religious paper today that Eden was a continent 1500 miles square and when Eve and Adam transgressed it was cast off the earth and became a planetoid, and it will be the New Jerusalem when it comes back from heaven?
ANSWER: I don’t know whether to even comment on this other than to say that the New Jerusalem is a living city made up of living people, and all of you are living stones fitly framed together into a living temple to grow into a holy temple unto God. It has to be a living temple because of the fact that in the Book of Revelation as it talks about the New Jerusalem there isn’t any temple in it. YAHWEH is the temple of this city, and all of you the offspring of God are living stones fitly framed together who grow into a holy temple unto God in which He is the great corner stone, a great pyramid symbol. The all seeing eye above on your dollar bill indicates that your people are Novus Ordo Seclorum, the new order of the ages anyhow, which is the New Jerusalem.