QUESTION: (from the tapes) How old are our scriptures?
ANSWER: At the present, there is no manuscript available of age which dates back before 900 A.D. I can establish this. 980 is the oldest manuscript they have copies of. That is of the scriptures they have copied and translated of the King James Version and the Vulgate Version. It so happens that the scriptures they copied, have been lost. But the Monks copied scriptures that were 200 years after Christ. That meant that these scriptures they chose, the age was 200 years after Christ.
Through out the dark ages, the Monks copied and copied the scriptures. But these were considered to be authentic. But every time scriptures were copied, changes were made in some of them. Then they read, they re-did the Septuagint and re-made Mazzaretic text and they put it into Greek and then into Latin, then back into plain letter Hebrew. And then put it back into English. Today Hebrew scholars can explain Hebrew which wasn’t Hebrew at all. Actually, it is a Jewish combination.