Chronology of Major Movements, Ecumenism. Zionism and Pentecostalism

Chronology of Major Movements, Ecumenism. Zionism and Pentecostalism

B.C. – Whit Sunday [Pentecost] was also celebrated by the pagans.
“Whit Sunday was the Druids’ Day of Apollo.” [Owen 187]

“In Scotland, the Term Days were Candlemas (Feb 2), Whitsunday (May 15), Lammas (Aug 1) and Martinmas (Nov 11), until (CDWF) an Act of 1990 changed those dates to Feb/May/Aug/Nov 28th; it seems that in Scotland ‘Whitsunday’!= ‘Whit Sunday’.” [Stockton]

“Whitsun was celebrated in the normal Pagan fashion with games, processions, horse races and feasting. The Whitsun games continued into the high medieval period as the tourneys familiar to all readers of the Arthurian romances, and in modern times in the north of England they survived as local carnivals…” [Pennick 124]

The Morgenthau Plan

The Morgenthau Plan

THIS VOLUME  reproduces in full the 22-page Morgenthau Plan for the first time. This is just the editor’s Introduction].

It also prints a selection of key British and American documents relating to the plan, although the story is still incomplete: many parts of the British foreign office files relating to it are still closed to public inspection, an exception to the general thirty-year rule.

The Morgenthau Plan, more formally known as the Treasury Plan for the Treatment of Germany, was devised by Assistant Treasury Secretary Harry Dexter White and Secretary Henry R. Morgenthau Jr. in the summer of 1944. Morgenthau had just visited the battlefields of Normandy and spoken with General Dwight D Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander, then arrived in Britain for talks with Mr Winston Churchill, the British prime minister and his advisers.

While important elements of the Plan, including the subtle re-education of the Germans by their own refugees and the dismantling of German heavy industry to aid British exports, were indeed put into effect, in the directive 1067 which the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff finally issued to Eisenhower, the main parts of the Morgenthau Plan, including orders to liquidate entire classes of suspected Nazi war criminals upon simple identification, and to leave the German nation to ‘stew in its own juice,’ were not formally implemented.

The Morgenthau Plan would have led to the death by starvation and pestilence of ten million Germans in the first two years after the war, in addition to the one million who had been killed in the saturation bombing and the three million killed in the enforced expulsion from Germany’s eastern territories.

All Christian Denominations are Promoting The Luciferian Programme

All Christian Denominations are Promoting The Luciferian Programme

THE PLAN OF THE ILLUMINATI/LUCIFERIANS is to mix up the races and promote mongrelization/miscegenation as a means of destroying the Aryan Nordic Race and their Christian religion. Since all the churches condone and further this policy they must be under Illuminati/Satanic control. This includes just about all the evangelical churches and such widely diverse groups as Baptists, Methodists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christadelphians, Seventh Day Adventists, Anglicans and Catholics etc. They may be divided against each other and differ greatly in their doctrinal position but in one respect they are all of the same mind. They all support the Satanism of Race Mixing and Mixed Breeding. As one tiny example the Christian Science Foundation in their blatantly misleading book ‘Answers To The 4 Big Questions’ states that “The only marriages that God frowns upon are those of Christian with non‑Christian”. This same trash book also tells us that Adam was probably brown and “Noah and his family were probably mid‑brown”.

Lines of Credit Ropes of Bondage

Lines of Credit Ropes of Bondage

LINES OF CREDIT: ROPES OF BONDAGE is about the financiers, their fellow conspirators and the plot to destroy Western Christian civilization. It was written for the concerned American – not for the skeptic.

In likelihood, the skeptic will, without ever having read it, dismiss this – with a roll of the eyes and wave of the hand while at the same time declaring it to he outrageous fiction – just another attempt to promote the “conspiracy theory of history.”

Quite honestly, I did not write LINES OF CREDIT: ROPES OF BONDAGE with a hope or intention of convincing those “doubting Thomases” who, unlike the Apostle Thomas who finally believed, will continue to deny the existence of the conspiracy in spite of overwhelming and conclusive evidence to the contrary. Actually these skeptics are important to the conspirators; they are the “useful idiots” so cherished by Lenin.

Primarily, this work was written for anyone who suspects that there is much more to modern European and American history than can be learned from the standard and approved history textbooks. This work is written for the God-fearing citizen who finds it difficult to believe that our country fought two world wars and spilled the blood of our sons supposedly to make the world free for all mankind, when in actuality we made it possible for two bloodiest empires in history to enslave over a fourth of the world’s people in godless communism.

The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel

The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel

Entering the countries of different races is the most effective form of war between Jews and the western world, and is known as the Silent War, which takes place at different times of this century, mainly in the United States and Britain.

Generally, it is used under the pretext of the need for other races to fill gaps in the labour market in a given country (although of course, the Jews brought Africans to America to sell them as slaves), and the electorate of the countries concerned is never asked if they want immigrants in their country. Jews support immigration to countries for the following reasons:

According to their latest book, the Talmud, the population of the world is perceived by Jews as consisting of Jews and non-Jews (also known as

Goje / goyim, Goj / goy, poganie / gentiles). The only end result of immigration is the destruction of all races, because they mingle with each other and form one race. This race will be non-Jews.

The Jews always wanted a world government that would randomly control. Thanks to the mix of different races in different countries, they can argue that since every country in the world now consists of many different races, national borders are unnecessary and should be replaced by one world government.

The Jews know very well about the danger of a homogeneous indigenous population for their dreams about the Jewish world government, they have already been expelled from so many countries several times in history because of the natural response of the homogeneous population against their evil and exploitative actions.

Bringing foreign peoples to the country as citizens eliminates the threat from the native population acting as a unitary body. This is because two different cultures and customs of both nations are difficult to accept for each of them. When these two groups are occupied with the solution to this problem, the Jews use invisibility to do whatever they want to do.

The Land for The (Chosen) Racket

The Land for The (Chosen) Racket

THE ARISTOCRACY OF THE GOYIM AS A POLITICAL FORCE IS DEAD—we need not take it into account; but as landed proprietors they can still be harmful to us from the fact that they are self-sufficing in the resources upon which they live.  It is essential for us at whatever cost to deprive them of their land.  This object will be best attained by increasing the burdens on landed property—in loading land with debts.

(The foregoing quotation is alleged by the People to whom it is attributed, to be a “forgery,” so we will say that it is one of Grimm’s Fairy Tales.)

I suppose that there never was a time when so much nonsense was talked by so many people on so many subjects, as the present.  Sober judgement was once the object of respectful attention; but nowadays none is so poor as to do it reverence.  The very foundations of considered opinion appear to be undermined; words, in our new “wonderland,” mean what we want them to mean, and are used, not so much to conceal our thought as to advertise our determination to dispense with it.

The Life of William Dudley Pelley

The Life of William Dudley Pelley

IN HIS PROPHETIC NOVEL, 1984, GEORGE ORWELL envisioned the kind of society America is rapidly becoming. A motto of that “future” time was, “Who controls the present, controls the past, who controls the past, controls the future.” Part of that mind-control was assisted by the Memory Hold. It was an incinerator into which where thrown any pieces of information about the past which were considered damaging to the Big Brother System. To demonstrate how close the Jew-controlled Establishment in our country resembles that of 1984, we present the story of William Dudley Pelley.

Although the leader of a mass-movement that commanded headlines throughout the decade of the 1930’s, his name is totally unknown today, except to a handful of researchers. Outside of infrequent, fleeting references to him in a few histories of the Depression Era, there are no books about his dramatic life; not even any newspaper or magazine articles. His photograph cannot be found outside the pages of The New Order, nor any photographs of his tens of thousands of followers, even though both his image and theirs dominated newsreels and publications of the time. His speeches are unobtainable even though they were heard by millions, sometimes over national-wide radio broadcasts.

Kosher Food Racket Costs Consumers $ Millions

Kosher Food Racket Costs Consumers $ Millions

A strong offence is often the best defence. This truism, applicable to football! Contests and military engagements, is likewise pertinent in the defence of Christianity from mounting attacks launched against Christian principles and practices.

Banning prayer and Bible reading while permitting immoral sex educa­tion and humanistic values clarifica­tion courses in public schools, promotion of abortion on demand and homosexuality; showing of such sacrilegious films as Hair, Godspell and Nasty Habits; and the widespread dissemination of pornographic movies and reading materials are only a few of the many tactics employed to erode and eventually destroy Christian foundations of Western Civilisation.

Hellmut Schramm’s Book – Part 1

Hellmut Schramm’s Book – Part 1

I was first approached nearly a year ago by researcher Mark Farrell, with a request for help in translating Hellmut Schramm’s book, Der jüdische Ritualmord : Eine historische Untersuchung [Jewish Ritual-Murder : a Historical Investigation]. I agreed to translate one chapter into English, with the possibility of my making a deeper commitment should I deem the book worth such an investment of my time and energy. To my great surprise, I not only found Schramm’s work to be worth translating, but I became determined to perform the entire translation myself and see it made available in English.

Perhaps this is the place for me to state my own educational/political background and my approach to this topic. I have a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, but I also took a heavy course concentration in European History, particularly of the period prior to 1600, and I have fluency in reading German. In high school — this was before the long slow slide of the educational system into its present lobotomised condition — I took four years of Latin and have periodically refreshed my Latin skills. Aside from formal course work, I’ve maintained a life-long interest in History and consider myself well-read (for a lay person) in the subject. I do not hold any advanced degrees; nor can I point to a long list of credentials which might imbue my writing with the aura or status which attends the opinions of ‘experts.’ Therefore, as you read my comments — and as you read Schramm — it is your own intelligence, common sense, and life experience which must be the final arbiter of the validity or invalidity of the phenomenon of Jewish ritual-murder (JRM).

The Kennedy Family

The Kennedy Family

TO BE A RESEARCHER and to be informed that the Kennedy family is a top 13 llluminati family is akin to being told a needle is in a haystack. Someone has estimated that there are 200,000 Kennedys in the United States. 1 And on a list of the most populous surnames of Ireland in 1890 Kennedy ranked 17th. 2 And a recent book listed it as 16th most common today. Fortunately, there is information that allows me to identify at least part of the Satanic Kennedys from all the rest of the Kennedys. You will learn some of this later in the article.


Again the ties between various Illuminati families is very involved, and a long unravelling process, similar to untying a set of bad knots confronts the researcher. The Kennedy family abounds with marriages to names such as Anketells, Baileys, Booths, Buckleys, Collins, Hatfields, Humphreys, Freemans, James, Phelps, Reagans, Russells, and Smiths.3 The Kennedys that we will look closest at are related to the Fitzpatricks, a powerful Irish family whose coat of arms has 3 fleur-de-lis with a dragon and a lion. (The Fitzpatricks may tie back to France, and they may possibly part of the Sang Royal (Sangraal–Sang Raal is the term used in the older manuscripts which can mean both Royal bloodline or Holy Grail.) Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis who married John F. Kennedy was tied to the Auchinclosses via her sister’s marriage into the Auchincloss family.