THE PLAN OF THE ILLUMINATI/LUCIFERIANS is to mix up the races and promote mongrelization/miscegenation as a means of destroying the Aryan Nordic Race and their Christian religion. Since all the churches condone and further this policy they must be under Illuminati/Satanic control. This includes just about all the evangelical churches and such widely diverse groups as Baptists, Methodists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christadelphians, Seventh Day Adventists, Anglicans and Catholics etc. They may be divided against each other and differ greatly in their doctrinal position but in one respect they are all of the same mind. They all support the Satanism of Race Mixing and Mixed Breeding. As one tiny example the Christian Science Foundation in their blatantly misleading book ‘Answers To The 4 Big Questions’ states that “The only marriages that God frowns upon are those of Christian with non‑Christian”. This same trash book also tells us that Adam was probably brown and “Noah and his family were probably mid‑brown”.
All Christian Denominations are Promoting The Luciferian Programme
All Christian Denominations are Promoting The Luciferian Programme