The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity

Of all Christian beliefs, the doctrine of the HOLY TRINITY, THE TRIUNE GOD — is for many people, the most difficult to understand.

There is however, the unquestionable authority of Jesus Christ himself for believing that the GODHEAD contains three separate and distinct persons, THE FATHER, THE SON and THE HOLY GHOST. (Matthew 26:19)

Jesus divested Himself of His divine power and became Son of Man, nevertheless He claimed absolute divinity. In fact the Jews charged him with blasphemy for having made himself “equal with God” (John 5:18). There was no doubt pf this, for as GOD the SON, He said, “I and my Father are one (John 10:30), although as Son of man, He acknowledged that “my Father is greater than I.” (John 14:28)

Of His own eternal GODSHIP, he said, “And now O Father, glorify thou me, with the Glory which I had with Thee before the world was.” (John 17:5)

The History of The Allen Surname

The History of The Allen Surname

THE ALLENS, OR ALANS, OR ALANI, first enter Western written history through the reports of Roman military commanders and through Roman plays and literature. The “Alani”, as the Romans referred to them collectively, were a tribe of nomadic people living near the Aral Sea in what is today the southern Ukraine. Like their neighbours, their life revolved around their flocks and herds, which grazed the rich native grasses of the region. The men and boys spent almost every waking hour on horseback, training to defend their camp from predators of the two-legged or the four-legged variety.

Women and small children stayed close to the tribal camp, which consisted of a collection of two-wheeled ox-carts which carried each family’s possessions, and in which the family slept during stormy weather. Most of the neighbouring tribes lived in tents of skins, and migrated as a group on horseback, and thus could migrate faster, but were limited in what they could carry; the Alani moved slower, keeping pace with their flocks of sheep and cattle.

While most of their neighbours were short, with dark hair and olive complexions, the Alani stood out as being tall, blond, fair-skinned, and in the eyes of the Roman officers looking for new recruits, a handsome and likely group. The Alani also had a unique fighting style; rather than the short bow and short sword of the typical Steppe fighter, the Alani favoured the long wooded lance for frontal attack, and the very heavy two-handed “Barbarian” sword strapped across his back for “close work”

The Habsburg Monarchy

The Habsburg Monarchy

AMONG THE PEOPLES OF AUSTRIA-HUNGARY the Jewish people stands first in importance.  It is not usually enumerated among the Hapsburg “nationalities,” though the Zionist movement has brought into being a Jewish National Organization which was represented in the Parliament of 1907 by two Zionist deputies and by a politician who was described as a “Moderate Israelite.”  In Statistical Year Books the Jews figure only as a “denomination.”  Numerically they appear to be less considerable than the Germans, the Magyars, the Czechs, the Poles, the Ruthenes, the Serbo-Croatians, the Rumanes, and only surpass, with their official religious total of 2,300,000, the Slovenes and the Italians.  Economically, politically and in point of general influence they are, however, the most significant element in the Monarchy.

No foreign observer of Austro-Hungarian affairs can close his eyes to the Jewish question, however much he may seek to ignore it or to “beg” it by adopting an unreasoning philo-semitic or anti-semitic attitude.  The greatest obstacle to a comprehension of the terms of the problem is the difficulty of obtaining precise and reliable information.  It is far easier to get at the truth of the Czech-German question in Bohemia, of the Slav-Italian question in Dalmatia and Istria, and even of the complicated struggle between Magyars and non-Magyars in Hungary, than to ascertain the merits of the Jewish question.  Other ethnico-religious issues are local and special.  They can usually be expressed in terms of language, creed, or of avowed political aspiration.  The Jewish question is universal and elusive

The Growing Menace of Freemasonry

The Growing Menace of Freemasonry

DISRAELI, SPEAKING AT AYLESBURY, 20TH SEPTEMBER, 1873, SAID:—”I can assure you, Gentlemen, that those who govern must count with new elements! We have to deal not with Emperors and Cabinets only. We must take into consideration secret societies, who can disconcert all measures at the last moment, who have agents everywhere, determined men, encouraging assassinations, and capable of bringing about a massacre at any moment.”

The Conspiracy of Silence.

“THE position claimed by Freemasonry throughout the Whole World is a peculiarly and radically exceptional one. It alone is never, except in rare instances, dis­cussed by the Press; indeed, it refused to allow itself to be discussed.”

“Although priests openly deliberate and pronounce upon all other points affecting the general interests of mankind; although Christianity with its system and doctrines, the State with its laws and constitution, are topics of free discussion; although the most intimate and personal concerns of individual persons are made public—Freemasonry alone, by the universal consent of Europe, is acknowledged to be a Noli me tangere! Everyone shrinks from speaking of it, as of an uncanny ghost. This phenomenon is an obvious proof of the immense power Freemasonry exercises in the world . . . . ”

This was said over 60 years ago by the Bishop of Mayence and it is still true to‑day. The time has arrived when this Con­spiracy of Silence must be dissolved. Freemasonry and the Jew Power (which is also surrounded by a vast conspiracy of silence) have for centuries been undermining Christian and Aryan civilisation.

The Great Red Dragon or London Money Power Part 2

The Great Red Dragon or London Money Power Part 2

THE SEVEN HEADS AND TEN HORNS APPEAR THREE TIMES IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION: 1) In the 12th chapter, upon the body of the Great Red Dragon; 2) In the 13th chapter, upon the body of the Beast like a leopard, that rises up out of the Sea; and 3) In the 17th chapter, on the body of the Scarlet-coloured Beast, that has a Woman upon its back, called the Beast from the Pit.

In all cases, the seven heads have the same signification.

The following is the text of the passage where the Seven Heads and Ten Horns appear upon the body of the Dragon:—

“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.”  Rev. xii: 3.

The following is the text of the passage where these Seven Heads and Ten Horns appear upon the body of the Beast from the Sea:—

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”  Rev. xiii I.:

In the 17th chapter of Revelation, where the Seven Heads and Ten Horns appear upon the body of the Beast from the Pit, they are elaborately described by the angel to John.  The following is the text of the passage:—

“So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon scarlet-coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abomination and filthiness of her fornication: and upon her forehead was a name written, mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.

Confirmed in Christ

Confirmed in Christ

We turn to our subject, “Confirmed of God in Christ” we go to the book of Galatians, to the words of the Apostle Paul: “For this I say that this (the covenant) which was confirmed before of God in Christ the law which was 430 years thereafter cannot disannul that it should make the promise of none effect. For if the inheritance be of law, it is no more of promise, but God gave it to Abraham by Promise. Gal: 3:17-18)

This was a very unique situation, “What was confirmed of God in Christ” What does it mean? What is the ramifications of this tremendous passage on the part of the Apostle Paul???

In fact the Apostle Paul was stating that there is a vast difference between the promises of God and the laws of God. He is also citing that they are given in two different instances. We know that God spoke to Abraham in the 12th.,chapter of Genesis and there he made a Covenant with Abraham: and he reiterated this Covenant several times. For God said to Abraham, “Get thee out of this country and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee. And I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee, and make thy name Great: and thou shalt be a blessing: and I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” Then God re-confirms this Covenant with the seed of Abraham. For he appears to Abraham when he is 90 years old, and he said: “I am the almighty God, walk before me and be thou perfect. I will make my covenant between me and thee, and I will multiply thee exceedingly. Behold as for me, my Covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. I will establish my covenant between thee and me, and thy seed after thee in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God unto thee and thy seed after thee.

Communications With God

Communications With God

As we turn in our subject this afternoon, “Communications with God” this is one of the most valuable subjects that you and I could discuss. Because there is no more important area of subjects to discuss than to have communications with God, and be informed on all things. More than this the communications with God is a very vital subject, for the household of God. To the family of God, to the descendants of God. To the race which HE established, to the kingdom which He established. And from the areas of the direction and how to bring about all these things, all of this requires communication with God.

We are in a strange and peculiar time. For in our time we find that the National Council of Churches, and the World Council of Churches no longer hold a solid position on the Deity of God. The embodiment of God as the man Christ Jesus or the work of the Holy Spirit. In fact just a few weeks ago we listened to one from the World Council of Churches as he said that God is just a vast feeling of emotions, that could be called back by people as a force of nature. Not a real personality but just a kind of moving emotional thing. Then another man inside these two councils of churches said that all gods are a kind of man’s expression, as to what he believes as the highest principal. Thus God is a principal and therefore we should worship this principal as a common force of all human advancement.

Cities of The Anti-Christ

Cities of The Anti-Christ

Tonight we are considering a master plan being used by those who would take over the world, who would rule over your nation, and every Christian nation and reduce all to a status of political and social slavery. There are a great many people who when you talk to them about Anti-Christ are very much disturbed. Some are willing to debate that there is no anti-Christ. But I do not think that you have to go very far in the world today before you will admit that there is an anti-Christ and that the spirit of anti-Christ is already here.

Let us turn to the Epistles of John I, II, and III, for he truly outlined for you what the anti-Christ is and how its operation affects you. Those who deny that Jesus is the Christ are anti-Christ, and they have no concept of God, nor do they have any part of the Living God if they do not accept the fact that Jesus is the Christ.

This is also an interesting fact as we survey the Clergy who have been taken over by the enemy who has invaded the Church. There are a great number of them who have invaded the church. There are a great number of them who have invaded the church to carry out a great part of the brain-washing of the people of the Christian Church. I point out to you that psychiatry is a great part of this, and they brag about this in Bucharest and Romania when they brag about training Communists to infiltrate the Christ seminaries of Methodist, Baptist, and other with churches, then have them enter the pulpit as graduated, and fully credited as full Clergymen of this movement, where they put out the doctrines of the Revolution and seek to continually separate people from the areas of their Faith. In this process they also tell the church what their responsibility is in their teaching in the areas of Christ, but of course they do not believe that Christ was anything but just a man, and as such they reinterpret His teachings. The fact is that they do not make this admission to the church at large, for if they had brought out how they felt they would have been thrown out before they graduated from the seminary.

Church and State

Church and State

There are other things that we should be thinking about while our silly representative talks about building bridges to Soviet Russia. In fact I think that the only thing that the white western world should be thinking on is victory instead of building bridges to a country which has no desire to meet you even one/two way.

So with this observation we are moving in on a situation that began about two weeks ago. And the National Council of Churches was supporting a different idea. One of the things that the National Council of Churches was supporting was a total separation between church and state. So in this policy of church and state, they came out with this idea that the church should not have anything to do with the federal government. Nor should the church have anything to do with anything connected to our government and our way of living. That the areas of instruction in religious matters should be left up to the church to take care of. And at the same time the Federal government should take care of all things civil. And they should take control of education along with other duties of government. But nothing that pertains to the Federal government should be taken care of in the church and the Federal government should stay out of the church.
Then the World Council of Churches decides that when we move into the great new world society. Now this is the World Council of Churches talking about when we move into this great new world society. And then they say that as we move into this structure of the world society, then we must make it void of the status of religion.

Church and Race

Church and Race

We are turning this afternoon to a sort of controversial subject. We have talked to you before about the Sword of Spirit and the Sword of steel, and it is most important that we recognize God’s plan and purpose in the earth. And also to understand that we are at a very crucial period in the history of our race. We have reached a time when we are now watching this approach to Peace conferences and another summits. We must now learn that there is no reaching for a summit upon the part of the people of God, when that conference means getting together with the forces of darkness, or the powers of evil. There can be no good come out of the meeting with the powers of darkness. For always they reflect that we must capitulate. Their program demands that we surrender to all of their demands. And our experience as we have approached Peace conferences with the powers of darkness in the past, has been that we always compromise just a little. And those who have ascended to positions of leadership with their liberal platforms have virtually done this at the sacrifice of our Christian brethren scattered through out the map of Europe. And we today do not believe that any good can be accomplished with any peace conference in which you try to do business with the powers of darkness and the forces of evil, that have no respect for your God, or have no influence working inside of them by which you would feel that they had any expectations of being guided or to keep their word.

We were more or less subject to speak upon this subject this afternoon by the broadcast that came from one of the churches and one of the Clergy from this community. And His message was that we would arrive at a great time of peace, and that this would be demonstrated by a great response of our Christian responsibility which was to make no further preparations for war. And it calls for the nations and the people of the Christian world to cease all armament projects. And having therefore cast aside the sword, we would demonstrate by example that we could trust people. And they would see that we were not intending to attach them and the world would move into Peace. He said that this was our Christian responsibility.

I only cite this because as I listened to this man speak, I realize that he is either naive or he was one of those ministers who has transformed himself into an angel of light, but serving, very definitely, the causes of the enemy.

In this instance he used the scripture that says ‘they who take up the sword shall die by the sword.’ Although the original text says: ‘He who takes up the sword to do violence for gain, shall die by that sword.’ Has no intent as far as the purposes of God are concerned, concerning the blueprint of HIS plan as it relates to HIS kingdom, in its liberation of the people of the world and its maintenance of power, as it relates to the powers of darkness which it must continually engage. There are a great number of Christians taken in today by what we call pacifism they don’t know where Peace is to be located as it relates to the problems of the world or they themselves, as individuals. We have discussed with you this situation as a race and as a people of the earth. And this is most significant as we realize that you, as a race, are living tabernacles, or living temples of the MOST HIGH God