WHO Murdered Africa

WHO Murdered Africa

THE OBJECT of the World Planners is control — absolute control. Although the desire to rule the world is not a new ambition, the control sought by this generation of World Planners is more than government, wealth and resources. They control these already. What the World Planners want in order to complete their plan is control of population.

Their control of population is in their ability to control the thoughts and behaviour of the masses. The method which the World Planners are using to achieve their aim of absolute control is mind-boggling when one attempts to unravel it. It is truly a “tangled web of deception”.

Before the World Planners can achieve their goal of “absolute control” of the world’s population, they must first reduce the existing numbers to an optimum controllable level. The World Planners estimate that planet earth can only sustain a 2.5-billion population by the year 2000, but “Spaceship Earth”, according to the United Nations’ figures, already has in excess of 4.5-billion people. This hypothesis makes it essential for the world planners not only to bring population growth to a stand still, but it also becomes necessary for a “roll back” in population (the world is to be depopulated); hence zero population programs.

What is Zog?

What is Zog?

ZOG is rarely mentioned in public – and small wonder.

The notion that a semi-secret or­ganization can be powerful enough to seize control of America is nothing but an outrageous flight of fancy. Since all re­spected experts agree that ZOG is a phan­tom threat, only minimal space need be wasted on a definition:

Zionist: Someone who will sacrifice any person, anything, or any nation for the greater good of Israel.

Occupational: Possession by force, rather than by voluntary agreement.

Government: Control of a population.

In different words, ZOG refers to a mythical situation in which people with supreme allegiance to Israel rather than America have seized power here, and now rule us.

ZOG: Myth or Reality?

Despite repeated attacks upon it, ZOG somehow keeps rising from the ashes and rubble – much like the harmless old myth of Atlantis. Of course, whether or not Atlantis once existed, it now be­longs to history. The scarcity of hard evidence verifying claims of a Lost Continent is always excused by the calamity that befell it, plus the enormous length of time that has since passed.

Who is Gog?

Who is Gog?

BRETHREN, THE WORD OF YAHWEH MUST BE THOROUGHLY UNDERSTOOD in these dangerous last days. One of the flock of the Company of Nations of Israel, has revealed to me that Dr. Wesley Swift taught that this world order would come to an end in the year 2011. I was gratified to hear this because I have come to the same conclusion based on my study of the Mayan calendar. Christian Israelites may rightly ask, “What does the Mayan calendar have to do with biblical prophecy?” Although the evidence is indirect, the associations of the Mayan End Date and the Judgment Day are worth considering.

Without going into great detail about the origins of the Zodiac, suffice it to say that the oldest traditions regarding the grouping of the stars of the sky into constellations assign authorship to none other than our forefathers Adam, Seth, and Enoch. The Zodiac, in fact, foretells the story of the First Advent, including the birth, life, mission, death, and Second Coming of our King. (The evidence for this fact is presented in these four books: The Gospel in the Stars, by Joseph Seiss, available from Kregel Books, Grand Rapids, Michigan; The Witness of the Stars, by E.W. Bullinger (Kregel), The Coming of Jesus: The Real Message of the Bible Codes, by Bonnie Gaunt, available from Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton Illinois, and Raymond Capt’s The Gory of the Stars.)

Whites Built Egypt’s Great Civilisation

Whites Built Egypt’s Great Civilisation

Whites built the Great Pyramid in 2,600 BC. It was 481 feet high, as tall as a 40 story skyscraper covering 13 acres of land. It took 20 years to construct and consists of 2.3 million blocks of stone weighing 2.5 tons each. The mongrelized people of Egypt today could not build such a monument.

The Egyptians were very race conscious as seen here from this depiction of an ancient monument. From left, the blonde leader, next the Semitic Arab, then the mulatto with Semitic and Negro features and finally the pure Negro. Note that they knew that the Negro cannot grow a beard!

When Was The Garden of Eden?

When Was The Garden of Eden?

WITHOUT A THOUGHT, MOST PEOPLE WOULD ANSWER BY SAYING, “Why? At the beginning of course”. By “the beginning” they mean something like, “At the beginning of the Bible” as if it had something to do with the first man on earth. Well, that only seems right since we find what is commonly called the garden of Eden in the second chapter of Genesis. But few people know that “Eden” occurs elsewhere in the Bible, and that it occurs concurrently with both Pharaoh, King of Egypt and the Assyrian empire in the Ezekiel 31-32 passage. As this is so it immediately calls for a re­think of what we have believed, that is, that the Garden of Eden could not have been “at the beginning”.

When we take a good look we must conclude that the people created by the Elohini in Genesis 1 are different in many ways those people formed by Jehovah-Elohim as presented from Genesis 2:4 on. This is why the “Brotherhood of Man” doctrine of the humanists, together with those seduced by them, is not Biblical. Before we look at this further, let us consider the first part of these chapters to get a starting point, noting that the things that are emphasised are concurrent.

What Was The Real Sin in The Garden of Eden?

What Was The Real Sin in The Garden of Eden?

DID ADAM AND EVE EAT THE WRONG APPLE, and cause death and suffering to be entered into the world for every subsequent soul on this earth, from that time in the Garden of Eden forward until the end of times?

Absurd as this may sound, it is what most Christians are taught from their respective Church systems (Denominations and Faiths). Let’s first look at it from their skewed perspective, then we will learn the truth from our Father’s Word; The Bible.

They (our religious leaders in the Churches, Temples, and Synagogues of today) would have us to believe that Almighty God would be so petty as to punish some twelve billion souls, because two of them were insubordinate in their selection of produce. Yet they don’t teach us why this would so infuriate such a kind, loving, and forgiving God; and kindle His wrath to such a magnitude that He would allow death to enter in for all of mankind.

They can’t answer why God would do that, because there is no answer for what did not happen, their facts are wrong from page one. And if you start out on any quest of any knowledge, whether the knowledge be of everyday issues or the knowledge be of the Divine and perfect plan of Almighty God; you must start out at a sound genesis (beginning) or you can never hope to end at a sound terminus (conclusion).

What Happened to Reuben?

What Happened to Reuben?

Please note that this is a translation from Ria’s notes for a lecture given in German to an assembly of Christian brothers gathered in Bad Teinach on 30th October 2007, for a 5 day conference, the theme of which was The House of Judah and the House of Israel, and is not a verbatim word for word translation as given in the lecture.

Dear children of God and Israelites, my lecture is about God’s dealings in earthly affaires and is based on the Bible. God’s word is life and it gives life if we hear and believe through conviction by the Holy Spirit.

Is there actually a method whereby we can find out where Israel’s tribes live today?

The methodology is to study both the Bible and secular history together as the prophecies given for every tribe should indeed enable them to be identified through historical evidence.

Waters Flowing Eastwards

Waters Flowing Eastwards

THE PUBLISHERS ARE PLEASED to be able to present a new edition of Waters Flowing Eastward, considered by many to be the best and most complete work on the famous Protocols of the Sages of Zion. To stress the fact that the realization of the Protocols means the elimination of the rule of Christ the King, it has been thought well to Sub-title the book The War Against the Kingship of Christ.

We are omitting some of the illustrations included in the earlier editions, but we are adding three important Appendices. Appendix I is the reproduction of a large portion of an article which appeared in The Australian Social Creditor, March and April, 1946. It shows the steady advance of the plans outlined in the Protocols and emphasizes the importance of the financial factor. Appendix II treats of the Berne Trials, in particular of the false statements circulated about the decision given in the Second Trial. This Appendix is the translation of an extract from a work by the late H. de Vries de Heekelingen, one of the ablest writers on this question.

The Third Appendix contains some information about the Jews who hold leading positions in Russia and the Satellite Countries, as well as in U.N.O. and U.S.A., and about the persecution of Catholics in these countries and in Palestine. The information is taken from Free Britain (August 20, September 10, September 24, 1950), The Tablet (Brooklyn) and Social Credit (Canada).

War in The Caucasus Towards a Broader Russia Military Confrontation

War in The Caucasus Towards a Broader Russia Military Confrontation

DURING THE NIGHT OF AUGUST 7, coinciding with the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, Georgia’s president Saakashvili ordered an all-out military attack on Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia.

The aerial bombardments and ground attacks were largely directed against civilian targets including residential areas, hospitals and the university. The provincial capital Tskhinvali was destroyed. The attacks resulted in some 1500 civilian deaths, according to both Russian and Western sources.  “The air and artillery bombardment left the provincial capital without water, food, electricity and gas. Horrified civilians crawled out of the basements into the streets as fighting eased, looking for supplies.” (AP, August 9, 2008). According to reports, some 34,000 people from South Ossetia have fled to Russia. (Deseret Morning News, Salt Lake City, August 10, 2008)

The importance and timing of this military operation must be carefully analyzed. It has far-reaching implications.

Georgia is an outpost of US and NATO forces, on the immediate border of the Russian Federation and within proximity of the Middle East Central Asian war theatre. South Ossetia is also at the crossroads of strategic oil and gas pipeline routes.

Satanism in America Today (Extract)

Satanism in America Today (Extract)

This report will shock many.  Most will think that it could not be true.  I say “Oh yes it IS.”  I have known of these matters for a number of years.  I have not written on it, because it is so shocking.  It is NOW TIME, maybe past time, to wake people up as to what is really going on in this “Christian Nation.”

And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

There is NOTHING of wickedness that is NOT in our midst.  The “Human Sacrifices” are not just being done by low life dim wits, but reaches ALL OF THE WAY TO THE TOP!!!  Our leaders are NOT nice guys with wonderful intents.  They are SATAN WORSHIPPERS, and their intents are of the depths of EVIL CONTINUALLY!!!

And, oh yes, “God Bless America”, and “Pledge Allegiance” to this nation’s Satanic Determination to bring forth the anti-Messiah’s NWO.