Racial Biology of The Jews

Racial Biology of The Jews

THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE WAS TAKEN FROM VOLUME III (1938) of the very important series, Forschungen zur Judenfrage (Studies on the Jewish Problem), the first six volumes of which were published by the Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt in Hamburg during 1937 to 1941. The nearly fifty articles in these six volumes represent the thinking on the Jewish question by some of the best German minds of that time. The authors of the articles were specialists, in some cases internationally known specialists, in a variety of fields, including anthropology, demography, genealogy, genetics, history, law, literary scholarship, musicolo­gy, philosophy and theology. The earlier articles in the series were given as lectures before meetings of the Reichsinstitut fur die Geschichte des neuen Deutschlands, Forschungsabteilung Judenfrage (National Institute for the History of the New Germany, Research Division for the Jewish Problem). It is not at all difficult to imagine that the research efforts which went into these articles cost the erstwhile German government hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Reichsmark.

Although the research was subsidized by the National Socialist government, the tone of the articles is by no means generally and uniformly hostile to Jews. Baron von Verschuer’s article, for example, is nearly free of value judgments and it concedes in a number of passages that Jews have special strengths characteristic of their race.

By 1936 a number of circumstances had converged which made possible the publishing of this large body of research by non‑Jews on the Jewish question. Such a constellation is highly unlikely ever to appear in the sky again, certainly not in our lifetime, and that is a fact which in itself gives these volumes a unique position and value in the serious study of the Jewish question.

One circumstance was the importance which the German government attached at that time to the Jewish question and its willingness to allocate considerable economic resources to the study of the question in an attempt to find a constructive solution to it. This circumstance was combined with the willingness and ability of German scientists and scholars to come to grips with the Jewish problem as far as their areas of expertise were concerned.

Isabella The Crusader Known as The Great Christian Queen of Spain

Isabella The Crusader Known as The Great Christian Queen of Spain

IT IS SAID THAT AT A VERY EARLY AGE THIS PRINCESS HAD A MAJESTIC PRESENCE. But was this surprising since she was the descendant of Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror, the Plantagenet kings of England, St., Louis of France and St. Fernando King of Castile. Even though her parents and especially her mother often lacked money for food, clothing and the necessities, and was forced to live like a peasant still little Dona Isabel was receiving the usual education daughters of Nobel men of Spain in those days. She learned to speak Castilian musically and with elegance, and to write it with a touch of distinction. She studied grammar, rhetoric, painting, and poetry, history and philosophy. She learned to do beautiful work in embroidery. And she made some banners and ornaments for the Altar in her chapel. And they are still in the Chapel at Granada.

From her father she inherited a great love for music and poetry. And she probably learned much of the philosophy of Aristotle and St. Thomas of Aquinas. At an early age she was betrothed by her father to Prince Charles of Vienna. She was not very old when her Father died, and she and her mother then lived in her 1/2 brothers court. But still without much sustenance.

This was a bad time for all of Europe for they were threatened by those Barbarians who has been threatening the peace and prosperity of the West for nigh on 1000 years. In fact for eight centuries Christendom had been fighting for its very existence. The Mohammadans were all their time fighting their way west. The kings of that area and the princes at times placed their selfish interests above that of the good of Christianity. Thus, the people suffered.

Inside The Soviet Army

Inside The Soviet Army

THE BOOK, INSIDE THE SOVIET ARMY, IS WRITTEN UNDER THE NAME OF «VIKTOR SUVOROV.» As a defector, under sentence of death in the USSR, the author does not use his own name and has chosen instead that of one of the most famous of Russian generals. This is a book that should command wide attention, not only in the armed forces of the free world, but among the general public as well. It is an account of the structure, composition, operational method, and general outlook of the Soviet military in the context of the Communist regime in the USSR and the party’s total dominion, not only over the Soviet Union, but over the client states of the Warsaw Pact as well.

The book starts with a survey of the higher military leadership and an analysis of the types of armed services, and of the organization of Soviet Army formation. An examination of the Red Army’s mobilization system that follows is of particular interest. The chapters that follow on strategy and tactics and on equipment are also of high interest. The first, on operational method, emphasizes the supreme importance attached in Soviet military thinking to the offensive and the swift exploitation of success. Defensive action is hardly studied at all except as an aspect of attack. The second, on equipment, examines Soviet insistence on simplicity in design and shows how equipment of high technical complexity (the T-72 tank, for instance) is also developed in another form, radically simplified in what the author calls «the monkey model,» for swift wartime production. The last two chapters on «The Soldiers’ Lot» and «The Officer’s Role» will be found by many to be the most valuable and revealing of the whole book. We have here not so much a description of what the Red Army looks like from the outside, but what it feels like inside.

Our Invisible World Government – Mystery Babylon

Our Invisible World Government – Mystery Babylon

Explaining The Pyramid Design Of Lucifer’s Kingdom 1976

ALL CROSS OUR COUNTRY PEOPLE ARE WORRIED, and troubled as they see the values and ideals of this country disappearing. They see the mounting debt of the Federal Government as well as the State Governments, and they wonder, but they don’t seem to understand what is happening.

This country was founded on a strong foundation, and the founding fathers guidance came from above, for they took their plans for our Nation right out of the Old Testament plan of Government given to Israel at Mount Sinai.

To understand what is wrong I think we have to go to the Bible for answers, and as we do that then there are two things we must do:

FIRST. Identify the God of Israel
Exodus 20:1-3. Verse 3 is the first and Great Commandment.
Deuteronomy 6:4.
Exodus 6:4.

I AM THAT I AM. As you understand that verse more fully then you realize that it says:”I AM YAHWEH, THY YAHSHUA. YAH means ‘Great Spirit’, and SHUA means, ’Saviour.’ This leads you to the New Testament and to Acts 2:36; “Let all the house of Israel know that God (YAH, the Great Spirit) hath made this same Jesus whom ye saw crucified, both Lord and Christ.” Here we are reading: ”Hath made this ONE we call Jesus” in reality to be the Embodied YAHWEH who came as YAHSHUA

In Quest of The White God

In Quest of The White God

COLUMBUS REPORTED NOVEMBER 6, 1492 that after a march of twelve miles his messengers found a village with perhaps 1000 inhabitants. The natives (called Indians by Columbus) received them with great ceremony, lodged them in the most beautiful of houses, carried them around in their arms, kissed their feet, and in short tried to make clear to them in every possible way that it was known the White men came from the Gods. About 50 men and women asked my messengers to be allowed to travel back with them to the heaven of the Eternal Gods.’

Fray Bernandino Shagun:.’They could do practically anything, for nothing seemed to difficult for them, they cut the green stone, they melted gold, and all this came from Quetzalcoatl, arts and knowledge.’

The Author: Pierre Honore an internationally known scientist and diplomat. He was in Brazil as director of a research institute and advisor to the government, and was able to travel extensively through out Latin America and was able to examine remains of a great civilization, a study to which he devoted more than 15 years. This book was translated from the German in 1964, and became the first American Edition.

Pierre Honore although he found the evidence of the existence of the White Gods in legend and other works of Archaeology and so forth, still he himself went to the source of the great stone pictures before he was through with his research. And without a doubt there was a great White civilization in South America a long time before the Birth of Christ. And more White migrations occurred over the years and the civilization moved to the north from its original source into the land of the Maya, and the Aztec as this book will show.

(Ella compiled this manuscript in 1984 while in her wheelchair, after having fallen and broken her hip. Said this was one of her favourite works)(I am going to try to give you a summary of the content of this amazing book. We would remind you that our Aryan race has forgotten their heritage. They seem to know nothing about the years of Enoch as he walked this earth in perfect obedience, and Archaeology calls them the Golden Years. They do not know the people of THE BOOK, therefore do not know of the accomplishments of our race in different eras of time. Ella Rose Mast

Mysteries and Symbols of The Kingdom

Mysteries and Symbols of The Kingdom

AS WE TURN IN THESE TURBULENT HOURS IN WHICH WE LIVE to talk about Mysteries and Symbols of God’s Kingdom, it must be understood that we are living in a period of time when every attempt will be made to obscure the background of Race by all the World Order, and all the powers of darkness know that they must defeat the Kingdom of God if they are to hold the earth. They recognize and know who you are, they know more about what you are here for than many of your own Clergy. And because of this they are seeking to stifle an area of remembrance of your origin, of the instructions of your God, and to get you to embrace the Universal god, a Multitude of gods, a World Order which would swallow up the Kingdom.

We are however not disturbed as to the outcome of these events, we have no anticipation that the powers of Darkness which out number us in the World, will be triumphant. We have no fears tonight that this great nation is going to be swept from the face of the earth, or that a World Government or a ‘Great Society’ such as those already bemused and brainwashed would suggest is going to replace the great nations of God’s Kingdom subordinating us to the masses of Africa or Asia, or to the forces of Anti‑Christ whose blueprint has been understood. Their very thoughts and the thoughts of those behind the areas of this design have been known unto the MOST HIGH from the beginning.

Mount up on Eagle’s Wings

Mount up on Eagle’s Wings

AS WE TURN IN OUR THINKING THIS AFTERNOON TO A PEOPLE WHOM GOD SAID, “I shall bear thee on Eagles wings,” we here in the United States have a special affinity to the household of God and to HIS kingdom with this great emblem of the Eagle. We were once ruled and guided by people selected by the people, who had infinitely more spiritual leadership than the leadership in the United State today. In the days of our early Presidents, they understood the ancient symbols related to our society. Surrounding George Washington was a group of very astute men who with spiritual vision understood the necessary symbolism and its connection to the destiny of this great nation.

As one studies the background of the symbols of the United States and the great number of emblems and seals of our various states, one becomes aware how well known the physical oracles were kept alive inside of God’s kingdom of our founding fathers as they related to our identity. One outstanding emblem which belongs to your race is the Eagle. And as you look upon the seal of this nation and upon our dollar bill, you can see the symbol of the American Eagle its wings outstretched while upon its breast the paillasse of the nation. And above you will see that this nation is one nation made out of the many tribes of the house of Israel, this kingdom of God.

My Redeemer Liveth

My Redeemer Liveth

Upon this resurrection day, we think concerning the great events in the life of The Messiah–Jesus the Christ. And also it is important that we keep alive in our thinking the great pageantry in that hour, as well as the mighty and Majestic events that transpired.

It is more than a discussion of theology. It is a matter of History. It is an understanding of events that had taken place.

On Good Friday evening we discussed the plans for the Coronation of Christ that had preceded by one week, the day we now celebrate as HIS RESURRECTION. The organization of the many who wanted to Crown the Christ,-– KING,-– from soldiers of the army of Barabbas, who had gathered his Essene company to become the Army of the Christ, to the Essene Priesthood who had prepared the Crown for the Christ and also had prepared the Chalice and the cup for they were warned by John the Baptist–earlier, as he told them that at this time The Messiah would take the Chalice and the cup—all the followers were prepared for whatever was to come.—-We reviewed on Good Friday the events that surrounded that drama in the Garden of Gethsemane.

For one moment I would have you go back to that event in the Garden. For except you understand what took place in the Garden of Gethsemane, you have not caught the vastness of — the joy of this date.

When the Christ took the Chalice on the day they would have crowned Him King,–­this Chalice which had been prepared by the instigation of Joseph of Arimathea–this chalice which was beautifully prepared and also the outer cup–with the images of Christ and His disciples,–this Chalice which had been prepared because there was an understanding that HE might take the Chalice instead of the Crown.— So, understand these words that The Messiah spoke on that Day that they offered Him the Crown:–‑

“Although I am your King, and it is My right to reign, yet I will ot rule over an Empire of slaves, a people bound and who have no freedom. Therefore I must keep My covenant and My promise that I made. I must be the Lamb slain from the foundation of creation. I must take My cup, the cup of My Priesthood, and your deliverance. But the day shall come when I shall take the Crown. And in that day the Kingdom will not be delivered to the Jews.”

These words were to be Historic. And the Christ repeated them during the events of the next few days. When Jesus took the cup and handed it to Andrew, then many thought, their hope of the Messiah taking His Kingdom was to be postponed. So they were wondering what would be His final decision and what would He do?

The Image of The Germans in Polish Literature

The Image of The Germans in Polish Literature

WHEN I WAS ASKED ABOUT A YEAR AND A HALF AGO whether or not I would consider giving a talk on the subject of Poland — in view of the considerable interest in Poland on the part of the German people and the extent of German assistance programmes to that country — I began to research the “Polish problem” in greater detail than had hitherto been the case. It was not difficult for me to write recollections from my own experience, extending as far back as my earliest childhood and school days, while simultaneously discussing the findings of literature and history. At the request of the listeners, a printed text of my first talk was prepared, followed, some time later, by a further revised and expanded second edition, which has now been superceded by a third.

My first talk was followed by many others. Many questions were raised and innumerable letters received, expressing gratitude for my work of enlightenment, with the request that I publish other information, unknown in Germany, which might contribute to a more accurate appraisal of the Polish national character. I wish to comply with that request on the part of interested readers by writing a second part on falsifications of Polish history.

The enormous quantity of available materials made selection difficult; I had only intended to write a brochure enabling the German reader to see and understand the development of the Polish nation from its earliest Germanic racial origins to its chauvinistic hatred of everything German. In so doing, I made plentiful use of documentation prepared by scientific researchers and historians of an earlier era, as well as of materials dating from more recent research.

At this point, I should like to thank all those who have written to me enclosing clippings, etc. from the various news media, or who have alerted me to certain matters, thus helping me to clarify the topic of a falsified historical past in relation to falsifications of the present day.

History of The great American Fortunes

History of The great American Fortunes

DID EVER A MAN OF WEALTH have more in panegyrics than that conquering money hero of these present times, J. Pierpont Morgan?  Long since, his fame was trumpeted to the four quarters of the earth.  His copious praises have been chanted with an extravagance that in the case of anyone else would have been rejected as turgid.  Most mighty patriot and unexcelled public-spirited citizen, great financier and noble philanthropist, marvellous “captain of industry” and conservator of the social structure, friend of kings, and king among men — these are but a selected few of the apotheoses too often seriously accepted by the people at large.  One writer in particular, raptly reaching up for a large expression of homage, has touched almost the climax of adoration in emblazoning him, “Morgan the Magnificent.”1


Many a hired or acquiescent scribe, plying well his trade, has reeled out his effusions ;  and the total of these has produced a certain settled, aggregate public opinion which looks up to Morgan with unabated awe and adoration.  In the firmament of wealth no man shines out more dazzlingly than he.