AS WE TURN IN THESE TURBULENT HOURS IN WHICH WE LIVE to talk about Mysteries and Symbols of God’s Kingdom, it must be understood that we are living in a period of time when every attempt will be made to obscure the background of Race by all the World Order, and all the powers of darkness know that they must defeat the Kingdom of God if they are to hold the earth. They recognize and know who you are, they know more about what you are here for than many of your own Clergy. And because of this they are seeking to stifle an area of remembrance of your origin, of the instructions of your God, and to get you to embrace the Universal god, a Multitude of gods, a World Order which would swallow up the Kingdom.
We are however not disturbed as to the outcome of these events, we have no anticipation that the powers of Darkness which out number us in the World, will be triumphant. We have no fears tonight that this great nation is going to be swept from the face of the earth, or that a World Government or a ‘Great Society’ such as those already bemused and brainwashed would suggest is going to replace the great nations of God’s Kingdom subordinating us to the masses of Africa or Asia, or to the forces of Anti‑Christ whose blueprint has been understood. Their very thoughts and the thoughts of those behind the areas of this design have been known unto the MOST HIGH from the beginning.