The Gospel of Nicodemus – Acts of Pilate

The Gospel of Nicodemus – Acts of Pilate

PROLOGUE: I, ANANIAS, AN OFFICER OF THE GUARD, being learned in the law, came to know our Lord Jesus Christ from the sacred scriptures, which I approached with faith, and was accounted worthy of holy baptism. And having searched for the reports made at that period in the time of our Lord Jesus Christ (and for that), which the Jews committed to writing under Pontius Pilate, I found these acts in the Hebrew language and according to God’s good pleasure I translated them into Greek for the information of all those who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the eighteenth year of the reign of our Emperor Flavius Theodosius and in the fifth year of the ‘Nobility’ of Flavius Valentinianus, in the ninth indictment. Therefore all you who read this and copy it out, remember me and pray for me that God may be gracious to me and forgive my sins which I have sinned against him. Peace be to those who read and hear it, and to their servants. Amen.

In the nineteenth year of the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, when Herod was king of Galilee, in the nineteenth year of his rule, on the eighth day before the Kalends of April, that is, the 25th of March, in the consulate of Rufus and Rubellio, in the fourth year of the two hundred and second Olympiad, when Joseph Caiaphas was high priest of the Jews.

What Nicodemus after the passion of the Lord upon the cross recorded and delivered concerning the conduct of the chief priests and the rest of the Jews and the same Nicodemus drew up his records in the Hebrew language, runs approximately as follows:

Out of The Netherworld

Out of The Netherworld

AS WE TURN TO DISCUSS THIS SUBJECT OF ‘OUT OF THE NETHERWORLD,’ it comes sometimes as a shock to some people in this sophisticated age, that there are forces and powers with which they are not acquainted. And what it is that is making war upon the kingdom of God may not be understood by them at all. There never has been a period of history like this one. But we have arrived now at the very climactic hour of human events. The struggle for the earth is about to take place. And there are a lot of people who do not want to be realists.

They do not want to face up to the fact of the time of the hour. They would like to just think about things that are pleasant. The things which they feel are elevating to their minds. They do not want to be bothered by the continual things that are before us. Thus it is, they say, ‘I am tired, I don’t want to hear anything more about communism. I do not want to hear any more about Johnson. I do not want to hear any more about any of these things.’ But you might as well be a realist. For this is the time that it is. So we point out these facets and we think it is always important to remember who you are and what you are here for, the difference between you and the powers of darkness and the forces of evil.

The struggle for the earth is just as simple as this. For we can reduce it to simplicity. It is the struggle for control of this planet by Lucifer, a fallen Angel, and all of his hosts, and the Eternal God who put it all together, and who is going to have the last word, and whose children you are. It is just this simple. You dwelt in the dimensions, and then you volunteered to come. And we knew from the beginning whose names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and whose destiny was known to HIM.

Our Prince of Peace

Our Prince of Peace

THIS AFTERNOON WE THINK UPON THE TREMENDOUS EVENT and we lay background for the celebration which we find throughout all Christendom at this time of year, the Birth of Christ. It is impossible for us to understand in full the impact of this event except it become personalized to us and the whole panorama of these events become a part of our thinking and our living. One of the most significant things is to hear people everywhere singing ‘Peace on earth, good will unto men.’ I hear clergymen everywhere trying to extend this peace on earth to include all the enemies of God and His Kingdom.

They try to extend ‘peace on earth’ as a process to all who would destroy and they actually expect you to make ‘peace’ in your nation and outside your nation with every force that would destroy. They do this because they do not understand the great significance of this ‘peace’, or how it must be maintained. Before we go into our thoughts concerning this hour, I would tell you that there is no ‘peace’ ever advocated in the program of God’s Kingdom which is not related to Victory. It is not by acquiescence or by appeasement. It is not today by withdrawing from positions of leadership and joining hands with the pagans of the world, or the Communist in their stronghold that we will introduce, ‘Peace’.

Our Inheritance as Sons and Daughters of God

Our Inheritance as Sons and Daughters of God

WE ARE SPEAKING ON THE SUBJECT OF INHERITANCE AS SONS, this is the third in this series which started with redemption, and consummates with this particular area of thinking. As we talk to you about our inheritance as sons, it is most important that you understand our relationship as sons of God. When we talk to you about sons and daughters of God we are not talking about a process which by mental gymnastics, by the acceptance of an individual pattern of persuasion, or by any area of development which comes by applied ministry, changing, .transforming, or making you something that you were not before.

I want you to know that truth is eternal. Truth is based on face, and for you the ultimate truth is the things God knows, which emerge from his mind. We are more interested in all the things in the mind of God, all the knowledge that is in the mind of God. For incidentally this mind which was in Christ Jesus is also in you, in your celestial consciousness. Therefore we are really interested in truth, and we are not as interested in dogma, unless it is built on truth.

Our Eternal Heritage

Our Eternal Heritage

AS WE TURN TODAY INTO OUR WORSHIP SERVICE, we find that all Christendom is worshiping in the area of Psalm Sunday. Some churches are passing out pieces of palms, and the Catholic and Episcopal churches would call your attention to the fact that this is Palm Sunday. And as we observe also these areas of Palm Sunday then we want to point out to you that pageantry and such is not often mentioned when we are given just the bare facts in the scriptures. But every man is taught of God. For God makes this declaration that “I am thy maker and thy husband”, speaking to your race. HE says, ‘I am YAHWEH of hosts and this is my name. I am the redeemer, I am the holy one of Israel. I am also the God of the whole earth.’ And therefore HE says, ‘All thy children shall be taught of YAHWEH. Great shall be the peace of thy children. No weapon ever formed shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee, thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their righteousness is of ME, saith the LORD.’

Thus, He hath taught them and it became essential that they be grounded in His Word. They have been taught that God would become embodied in the earth. And in the areas of this we again turn to this declaration to the Virgin Mary that she would have a child, and this would be a holy child. And we remember that this was in six months of the time that Elizabeth a cousin of Mary was told that she also was to have a child. And this child would be a tremendous child, and he would be a prophet before the Highest.

The British Royal Family and The Jews

The British Royal Family and The Jews

BRITAIN HAS BEEN INTENSELY LOYAL TO HER MONARCHY’S, most ancient origins. However, the Queen has favoured the multi racialists, and turned her back on the more conservative and loyal, true White Britons. It is therefore no surprise to learn that the British monarchy is today surrounded by Jews and Jewish influence, and that Prince Philip also has Jewish blood.

In 1851, Alexander, son of the Grand Duke of Hesse – that same family who raised the Rothschilds to power and hired out their subjects as mercenaries to fight the American colonists in their revolt against George III of England-contracted a morganatic marriage with the daughter of a wealthy Polish Jewish commoner who had grown rich as a supplier of arms to the war ministry. Since she had been baptized a Christian, the family permitted the marriage, and revived an old family title for Alexander and his Jewess. The title was the Count of Battenburg. This was the beginning of the Battenburg line.

The Hesse family later , made Alexander Prince o f Battenburg, and his eldest son by his Jewish wife was Prince Louis of Battenburg. Prince Louis came to England to join Queen Victoria’s Court, where he became an Admiral of the British Navy and a personal friend of King Edward VII. During World War I, because of the German propaganda, he decided to disown the German side and changed his name to Mountbatten, and he also received an English title, Marques of Milford Haven. His son, George, who bore the same title, was best man at Queen Elizabeth’s wedding to Prince Philip and led a very free and easy going pleasure loving existence which earned him no small reputation.

Oracles of God The Urim and The Thummim

Oracles of God The Urim and The Thummim

THIS SUBJECT ‘THE ORACLES OF GOD’ IS A TREMENDOUS SUBJECT OF GREAT SPIRITUAL POWER. The Oracles of God of course, contain the vital truths that the MOST HIGH has for HIS Household, HIS Race, HIS People. The Oracles of God are the things HE tells HIS people or instructs HIS people in, including areas vital to the laws of God for the Kingdom in the hands of administration of HIS people. The areas of the Oracles is a definite spiritual revelation. All of the things which God says are not necessarily Oracles, but the deep and vital spiritual truths, the areas of spiritual law, and the areas of instruction for conquest over the enemy are Oracles of God. Therefore, we turn over to the book of Romans, chapter 3, and here the translation is not necessarily accurate, but we read: ‘What advantage then hath an Israelite?’

The word translated here is Jew, but it is very erroneous because in the days when Oracles were first bestowed, they were never bestowed on anyone but Israelites, never on the Jews. Because in those days there were none called Jew, although they did refer to the hill country people as Yehudin, who came in to confuse the House of Israel. ‘Thus, what advantage then had an Israelite? Much in every way (chiefly because) unto them are committed the Oracles of God.’

One Sat on The Throne

One Sat on The Throne

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT WE FIND IT IN THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS. For here on the Isle of Patmos we find John, for the name of Jesus the Christ. John had declared his name YAHSHUA, and the Jews because they were afraid of him, and afraid of the numbers in the church had exiled him to the isle of Patmos for the name of THE LORD. And as John was in meditation on the Lords Day suddenly as though he heard the sound of a trumpet, because of the volume of the sound he heard the great cry: I am Alpha and Omega, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

And John turns at the sound to behold from whence it comes, and he sees standing before him a magnificent spectacle. He sees one alike unto the form of a man with the radiant effulgent Glory of the Shekinah emanating from his head, until he was brighter than the sun.

He saw from the garments around HIM a radiance, and around about his head this shown as though it was a crown, with all the scintillating diamonds of an aura of all the colours which was in the spectrum in the days of rain. And when John saw this he fell on his face, for he was in the presence of the Most High God. And he heard the words: “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, I am the Lord GOD ALMIGHTY” And John fell forward upon his face. THE LORD said: come on John, when you were my disciple, and we walked the shores of the sea of Galilee, you were not afraid.

You have nothing to be afraid of, for I hold the keys to death, to hell, and the grave. There is absolutely nothing for you to fear, for nothing can hold you, for I am YAHWEH, YAHSHUA, I resurrected from the dead. I established that I alone am God, and now this, ONE, God is now speaking to you. So arise, and John arose to views the Majesty of His God. And she was given the vision of things to come to pass in the areas of the Church, here he was instructed by God.

On Earth as it is in Heaven (Two)

On Earth as it is in Heaven (Two)

WE TURN IN OUR THINKING TO OUR SUBJECT TODAY WHICH IS ‘ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN,’ with the realisation that there is no subject less dealt with. No word used as completely with the promised reward. Yet, perhaps, with less knowledge on the part of the Clergy. For we have been taught to pray from the very beginning, as He taught His disciples to pray in that 5th chapter of Matthew, ’Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, IN EARTH as it is in heaven.’ How little do men know about heaven. How little they remember. And how little have they had recorded for them concerning this subject. Tho there has been an Orthodox promise that has gone out to those that constitute the church, from one end of Christendom to the other, that by obedience and behaviour, by being good, according to the normal standard which is placed before them, in what to do and what not to do, and in what to believe and what not to believe, and what you must do for this is the route to heaven. Therefore, having completed all these requirements, the major proposition before them is to live within these requirements all their life and then they die and shall go to heaven.

Now, this is a very complete promise upon the average church and Ecclesiastical leaders and the average church doctrine has included this. It would seem that since all the goals of man generally speaking, must be therefore just to get to heaven, then more should be said about it and more should be said concerning this. But I do not see the great emphasis on this getting ready to go to heaven. Isn’t it a strange thing that in the ministry of Christ, and all of the things which we find taught to us in the Old and the New Testament, that they spend very little time in teaching you the responsibility in getting ready to go to heaven? They did not tell you that the reason why you are here was just to get ready to go to heaven. But they did say something else. Jesus said that the reason why you are here is that you are to do the work of the Kingdom. That you are the children of the Kingdom.

On Earth as it is in Heaven

On Earth as it is in Heaven


OUR FATHER WE COME INTO THY PRESENCE TO WORSHIP YOU IN SPIRIT and in truth. We are happy that you have unveiled to us, through the course of Thy Spirit, an awareness of who we are and from whence we came. Make us to know that we are thy household in the earth, that we are thy family, and Ye have established with us thy covenants.

Make us to know that the spiritual centre of the nations of thy Kingdom, which have emerged out of thy house hold, is thy church. And that this is a living institution that could carry out the activities that you have ordained. And that you will never permit it to be silenced, but that you will always raise up those who say; “Thus saith the Lord.”

We are thankful Our Father for all that has been wrought for us by the magnitude of thy person. That which we could not accomplish for ourselves, an acceptable atonement. The manifestation of thy Grace as unto us, as you have restored thy people unto those things which has been promised. To the realization that you are giving back to us everything that we had lost through violation of divine law. That thy glory shall exist through out all ages. We are happy that heaven is thy throne, and the earth is thy footstool and that you have given unto us in this area of inheritance and opportunity to demonstrate that the powers of darkness shall not be triumphant.