Our Eternal Heritage

Our Eternal Heritage

AS WE TURN TODAY INTO OUR WORSHIP SERVICE, we find that all Christendom is worshiping in the area of Psalm Sunday. Some churches are passing out pieces of palms, and the Catholic and Episcopal churches would call your attention to the fact that this is Palm Sunday. And as we observe also these areas of Palm Sunday then we want to point out to you that pageantry and such is not often mentioned when we are given just the bare facts in the scriptures. But every man is taught of God. For God makes this declaration that “I am thy maker and thy husband”, speaking to your race. HE says, ‘I am YAHWEH of hosts and this is my name. I am the redeemer, I am the holy one of Israel. I am also the God of the whole earth.’ And therefore HE says, ‘All thy children shall be taught of YAHWEH. Great shall be the peace of thy children. No weapon ever formed shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee, thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their righteousness is of ME, saith the LORD.’

Thus, He hath taught them and it became essential that they be grounded in His Word. They have been taught that God would become embodied in the earth. And in the areas of this we again turn to this declaration to the Virgin Mary that she would have a child, and this would be a holy child. And we remember that this was in six months of the time that Elizabeth a cousin of Mary was told that she also was to have a child. And this child would be a tremendous child, and he would be a prophet before the Highest.