Not a New Doctrine

Not a New Doctrine

TO MANY OF YOU, THE IDEA THAT THE ANGLO-SAXON-GERMANIC-SCANDINAVIAN NATIONS ARE THE ISRAEl of the Bible is startling, because you have not heard it until recently; and you wonder, why haven’t I heard this from the beginning? But deep students of the Bible have known it a long time. During the centuries when other empires were dominant, general knowledge of the Israel identity would have been premature, for It would have aroused the jealousy and hatred of these other empires before we were strong enough to deal with them; but since we have come to national maturity, the knowledge has been available to those who cared to learn the truth. There have been a number of books on this subject, such as “The Lost Ten Tribes”, by Rev. Dr. Joseph Wild, published in 1883, “The Fullness of Nations” by Aldersmith, of London, published in 1889; “Lost Israel Found” by Edward Hine, published in England in the 1870s; and the many brilliant books written by Professor Totten of Yale University, published in the 1880’s and 1890’s. But I want to tell you of a lecture given before the United States Congress.

It  was by Rev. F. E. Pitts, of Nashville, Tennessee, in which he identified the United States as the land of re-gathered Israel, and the scene of much of the final War, the so called Battle of Armageddon, as pictured in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Since 1855, Rev. Pitts had been lecturing on this subject across the nation, resulting in this invitation to speak before Congress.

Noah’s Flood Was Not Worldwide

Noah’s Flood Was Not Worldwide

AMONG THE MANY MISTAKEN AND UNSCRIPTURAL NOTIONS, commonly taught in nearly all churches, is the idea that the flood mentioned in the Bible, covered all the earth. It states everybody on earth was drowned excepting Noah and his family, who escaped death by being in the ark. Many churches have firmly insisted the Bible says this, when there is ample proof the flood was not worldwide. With this teaching the churches have destroyed the faith of multitudes of people. They have made atheists or agnostics out of hundreds of thousands of people who might have become active Christians, if they had only been taught the truth about the Bible.

In Genesis chapter 6, we read that Yahweh found the people so corrupt He regretted He had ever created them, so He decided to wipe them out by a flood. He warned righteous Noah of the coming flood and told Noah to build a great boat, or ark, in which he and his family might find safety and where they might preserve a few of each kind of the animals from that area. Genesis chapter 7 tells how Noah received the final warning the time was now at hand and he should move into the ark. Then it says, according to the King James Bible:

Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea

Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea

IN THIS LESSON WE SHALL STUDY THE HISTORY OF TWO INDIVIDUALS, from the time they are mentioned in the Bible and after any record of them in the Bible has ceased. These two individuals are Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, who are well-established historical characters, in addition to the mention of them in Biblical records.

In our Bible, the only reference to Nicodemus in found in the gospel of John. It is a surprise to find Nicodemus is also mentioned in the Jewish Talmud. There is also the Book of Nicodemus, which was written some time during the first three centuries A.D. None of the early Christian writers, before 250 A.D. or 275 A.D., mention the Book of Nicodemus at all, although later it is extensively quoted.

There was a period of several centuries in which people thought they had to help Yahweh, He couldn’t get along by Himself. These people were eager to make as many converts among the pagans as they could. In those days, as well as now, people were greatly impressed by miracles. Remember how the Jews were constantly demanding that Yahshua perform miracles, just to show them that he was more than just an ordinary man, before they would take Him seriously. Yahshua always refused these demands. He performed many miracles but only those that had been prophesied in the Old Testament, that He would do. These prophecies were mostly in Isaiah. Yahshua would not perform like a clown for the amusement of the Jewish population.

The Miracle of The Origin of Our Race

The Miracle of The Origin of Our Race

THOSE WHO HATE TO BELIEVE OUR ISRAEL IDENTITY DOCTRINE like to snarl at us, “Ah, what’s so special about the White Race, anyway?” They like to close their eyes to the fact that all civilization existing in the world today is the product of that race: what the dark peoples have was taught to them by us. But I want to take up this challenge, and show that there is something very special about our Race, altogether aside from our abil­ities and accomplishments: that the very origin of the true Israel of God, the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Germanic and related peoples, was in itself a miracle from the hand of God.

You will remember that God first made His promises of a marvellous future to Abraham, telling him “I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.” (Genesis 13:6) “My covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations;” (Genesis 17:4) “And I will estab­lish My covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee in their gen­erations for an everlasting covenant” (Genesis 1-7:7), and told how these nations would be a blessing to all the earth.

Abraham had 8 sons; but God told him that only his son Isaac was to be the ancestor of the promised line, called by God to become His people, saying, “In Isaac shall thy seed be called” Genesis 21:12), and My covenant will I establish with Isaac.” (Genesis 17:21) Not only was Isaac, our ancestor, specially selected by God, but his very existence was a miracle. Two parties are necessary for the birth of all other children—a father and a mother; but the birth of Isaac required three parties: his father, Abraham, his mother, Sarah,—and GOD.

Merchants of Babylon

Merchants of Babylon

THE LAST TIME WE STARTED STUDYING THE MATTER OF THE BEAST AND THE MARK OF THE BEAST in the book of Revelation, we saw that this curious beast had the characteristics of four different animals. This was really a repetition of the series of beasts, which Daniel had seen. These, like Nebuchadnezzar’s image, were prophecies of four great Gentile world empires, which would rule the then known civilized world, one after the other.

The book of Revelation looks farther into the future than Daniel did, it points out something. Remember Daniel’s last beast was the Roman Empire, which was finally broken up and came to its end. The book of Revelation goes beyond this point and shows us that the same forces, which were operative in these four successive empires, the same dominant satanic leadership which made them all of similar character, are operating even in our own day. It also shows us, by its many references, what it calls great Babylon. The forces that made Babylon the outstanding one of these ancient civilizations, so far as a purely materialistic culture lacking all spiritual values made Babylon the most advanced of all.

Nevertheless, because of this complete lack of any spiritual understanding, it was a satanic organization. Long after the old city of Babylon had fallen, the same forces, the old Babylonian economic system which absolutely governs us today, the old political ideas, the old Babylonian religion, are still operative even in these days.

Before we go any farther with this study of the beast, which is starting the final exercise of complete economic control and which we are beginning to feel tighten down on us even today, there is more information we should study to identify these forces. Our churches have gotten nowhere identifying this problem. This is usually because they persist in misidentifying the people, races and forces involved. The result of this is a mixed up mess.

The Bible doesn’t bother recording incidents, which were of no importance after their own day. The Bible records those things, which will be of lasting effect. It was never intended that any portion of the Bible should be something good for a matter of a few years, then obsolete, and no longer useful.

As Paul said in I Corinthians 10:11, “Now all these things happened to them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the end of the age is come”. So the information you find in the Bible are the forces that are still operating. True, a particular king the Bible mentions doing this or that, is long since dead. However, his modern day successors are still carrying out the same policies and still getting the same evil results.

Words of a Prophet

Words of a Prophet

IT HAS BEEN A PRIVILEGE to translate this very important book, a book with a clear message from a prophet of the Almighty God to his people. As the reader will learn, Nicolaas (Seer) was a simple, humble man who had no formal education, being able only to read his Bible, with great difficulty.

All Biblical quotations used in the text have been taken from the King James Version, except where specifically marked ‘Good News Bible’ The old Afrikaner Seer was known in South Africa during the previous century… As a Prophet from God.

Nicolaas (Seer) van Rensburg was a modern Nostradamus if ever there was one. He became a legend during his lifetime and was one of the most remarkable characters that ever lived in South Africa and his prophecies were well known during 1899 until his death in 1926. During the Second World War the then Prime Minister of South Africa General Jan Smuts prohibited the distribution of the Seers prophecies,

Nicolaas Seer van Rensburg not only foretold the future of South Africa, but also that of Europe, America and England. Before his death in 1926 he predicted that ethnic violence will explode worldwide after the turn of this century and start World War Three. It is a chilling experience to read in this book about his predictions of this coming war when armies of the world will use terrible ray’s that will sow death and destruction and soak the earth in blood. He describes events on the battlefield of the world in such detail as though he himself had been an eyewitness.

Here are some of the prophecies he made from 1899 until his death in 1926:–

The release of Nelson Mandela by ex President De Klerk

A black government will govern South Africa.

The atomic disaster on April 26 1986 at Chernobyl.

The divorce and death of a beautiful English Lady, in an accident that would be mourned by the whole world.

Not long after her death, the Lady on the Throne will also disappear.

Asia devastated by Tsunami.

Terrorist attack on England (London first).

England will suffer terribly, when World War Three is at hand

Japan will be destroyed by earthquakes — no one will survive.

The astonishing prophecies, in this book, are of great importance, not only to South Africans, but also for the people of the Western World.

Adam Vosloo

Man and Beast

Man and Beast

ON THIS PROGRAM, it has been our custom to frequently review current events in detail, because these show the fulfilment of Bible prophesies in our day. However, in covering the subject I now want to discuss, I shall not have much occasion to list these events in detail and this for a definite reason. There are times when it is not so important to count every bead on the string, as it is to see whether they are all strung on the same string. When you learn that, you will know where to look for the next bead. My purpose is to show the existence of certain definite principles, which govern the events which we see happening, as these principles have governed them for thousands of years.

For ages, it was well understood by everyone that various nations and races had certain characteristics, which usually would be demonstrated in the actions of these people. National and racial policies and conduct developed out of national and racial character. There were, of course, the rare exceptions and these, a certain type of mind seizes upon as proof that there was no general rule. “The exception merely proves the rule.” Similarly, we can note that among crows, one bird in every 38 million is white, an albino. But this only emphasizes the rule that all of the other 38 million crows are black. Therefore, reasonably consistent conduct can be identified as the rule, notwithstanding an occasional exception which surprises us when we find it.

Lost Foundations

Lost Foundations

MOST CHURCH GOERS WILL SAY THAT THEY BELIEVE THE BIBLE, but the question is, WHAT BIBLE?  If pinned down to specific answers, they will discount the Old Testament about 90%.  They are sceptical of its history, they give no credence to its miracles, they know only utter confusion as to its prophecies and they reject its laws as being repudiated by the New Testament.  For their beauty of language, they will accept part of the Psalms, those which are not “controversial”, which could not offend even the most wicked, but they reject all the others which sternly call the Christian to the duties he wants to evade.  Ask them “What else?” and they can point to nothing.  They will, however, say that they are “New Testament Christians.”

Well, what about the New Testament? Challenge them to produce from it the basis of their faith.  They will confidently assert several doctrines, but be hard put to find the source of them in the New Testament, but they were told that these are Christian.  In fact, no one can find certain of these doctrines in the Bible, for the real author of a number of doctrines now being taught as Christian is not Matthew nor John, not Mark nor Peter, not Luke nor Paul, but KARL MARX.(Son of a rabbi, note added.)  Some of the most monstrous evils of the age, cancers which have recently sprung up to attack the very existence of our civilization and our Race are World Government ruled by Pagan and Satanic powers.

Destruction of the White Race by integration and mongrelisation, are now being taught by many in the name, falsely taken, of religion. They are being taught as a so called “Christian duty” to destroy everything that has made us great and brought civilization to the world and in its place to enthrone in power everything evil and debasing, against which we have had to fight throughout the centuries.  Only a rejection of the Bible can account for this, for it does not really come out of the New Testament.  Its real purpose is to destroy the laws given by God.

Looking For The Lost Heirs

Looking For The Lost Heirs

HAVE YOU EVER STOPPED TO QUESTION THE INTENSE HATRED there is in the world for white Christians? The written intention of our heavenly Father Yahweh is expressed in His prayer when we pray, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

In keeping with this, is Yahshua’s statement that Yahweh’s servants have been on earth for thousands of years? The first of Yahweh’s people was Adam. When Yahweh couldn’t find a mate from among all the races then existing on earth, he made a mate for Adam out of one of his ribs. This servant race was and is to be the servants of Yahweh on earth, until every knee shall bend at the feet of Yahshua, our coming King.

The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is about one race of people Israel, in the Old Testament and also the New Testament. The enemies of our Christ hated him, and still do, with such a bitter hatred, they broke every then existing law to have Him suffer and die upon the cross. We know that this crucifixion could only happen because He had come to die for us, that we might enjoy eternal life with Him.

The bitterness of the slayers of Yahshua has never ended and they are just as determined now, as they were two thousand years ago, to destroy Christianity. These anti Christ Jews want to keep the family of Christ in constant ridicule.

The white race has been kept in darkness about their status and destiny on earth. Let’s look at the facts of the Bible as they show up in history. We then challenge you to examine the facts, as we present them to you from the Bible and history.

Like All Other Nations

Like All Other Nations

THE OLD TESTAMENT AND THE NEW EACH TELL EXACTLY THE SAME STORY: there is as much Christianity in the Old Testament as in the New, but people whose religion is too shallow to make any study of it have always overlooked this both 2,000 years ago and again today. There is the same firm insistence upon the national message in the New Testament as in the Old but again shallow religion fails to see it.

When Jesus Christ first came they were not willing to receive Him as Savior or Redeemer because they would not accept the whole message, but only the national half of it. The Pharisees of today’s churches are just as wrong: while they now accept the half concerning personal salvation they reject just as contemptuously the national half, and this error will be as disastrous as the other. When Jesus Christ returns He will not come again as Savior of the individual, for that work He has completed (as He said upon the cross. It is finished). He is coming as King of a very real kingdom upon this earth and it will not do to reject Him again, to deny Him His crown and meet Him only with a cross.