The Lost Lemuria

The Lost Lemuria

IT IS GENERALLY RECOGNISED BY SCIENCE THAT WHAT IS NOW DRY LAND, on the surface of our globe, was once the ocean floor, and that what is now the ocean floor was once dry land. Geologists have in some cases been able to specify the exact portions of the earth’s surface where these subsidencies and upheavals have taken place, and although the lost continent of Atlantis has so far received scant recognition from the world of science, the general consensus of opinion has for long pointed to the existence, at some prehistoric time, of a vast southern continent to which the name of Lemuria has been assigned.

The history of the earth’s development shows us that the distribution of land and water on its surface is ever changes of the earth’s crust, elevations and depressions of the ground take place everywhere, sometimes more strongly marked in one place, sometimes in another. Even if they
happen so slowly that in the course of centuries the seashore rises or sinks only a few inches, or even only a few lines, still they nevertheless effect great results in the course of long time have not been wanting in the earth’s history.

During the course of many millions of years, ever since organic life existed on the earth, land and water have perpetually struggled for supremacy. Continents and islands have sunk into the sea, new ones have arisen out of its bosom. Lakes and seas have been slowly raised and dried up, and near water basins have arisen by the sinking of the ground. Peninsulas have become islands by the narrow neck of land which connected them with the main­land sinking into the water. The islands of an archipelago have become the peaks of a continuous chain of mountains by the whole floor of their sea being considerably raised.

“Thus the Mediterranean at one time was an inland sea, when in the place of the Straits of Gibraltar, an isthmus connected Africa with Spain. England even during the more recent history of the earth, when man already (misted, has repeatedly been connected with the European continent and been repeatedly separated from it. Nay, even Europe and North America have been directly connected.

The South Sea at one time formed a large Pacific Continent. and the numerous little islands which now lie scattered in it were simply the highest peaks of the moun­tains covering that continent. The Indian Ocean formed a con­tinent which extended from the Sunda Islands along the southern coast of Asia to the east coast of Africa. This large continent of former times. So later, an Englishman has called Lemuria, from the monkey-like animals which inhabited it, and it is at the same time of great importance from being the probable cradle of the human race, which in all likelihood here first developed out of anthropoid apes.

Lectures on Ancient Israel (1-3)

Lectures on Ancient Israel (1-3)

THE following Lectures are intended to prove, that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who is verily a God of truth, is fulfilling His word with regard to the multitudinous seed,—the many nations to come of the house of Ephraim; and that as truly as He has accomplished His purpose, in giving the One Seed, Christ, to come of the house of Judah. These nations have, from the begin­ning, been in a state of training for their high and important destiny, that of sheering forth the praise of Jehovah, who is the God of Nature and of Provi­dence, as well as of Redemption, and whose wondrous wisdom is manifest in all.

The author holds, with many modern students of prophecy, that the prophecies must he literally fulfilled; and that Judah must mean Judah, and Israel mean, literally, Israel. At the same timer he agrees with those who apply, to these Christian nations, many of the prophecies respecting Israel: believing, as he does, that these nations have not merely come into the place of ancient Israel, but are truly the seed of Abraham according to the flesh—are of the so-called “lost house” of Israel—the leading tribe of which was Ephraim.

These nations have been brought forth at the time, and is the place predicted: they are the modern nations of Europe,—and especially those of Saxon race, whose glorious privilege it now is, to preach the gospel for a witness unto all nations ere the end come. how the promised aced have come to be sown in these countries, is accounted for in the latter part of the course; but the author earnestly requests a careful perusal of the first six. Lectures, as it is upon the Scriptural foundation there laid, that his after conclusions chiefly rest.

These he has supported by proof, as various in kind, and great in quantity, as, he trusts, will be requisite to substantiate the truth of the view he has been led to entertain. The plan of the Lecturer has been to look on the subject in all points of view: but especially in the light of God’s word. In that light would ever rejoice to look upon all around him, upon the world and its inhabitant, man; And the wondrous course of God’s providence, which all hath had respect to His people of Israel,–of whom He hath said in truth, “I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away.” Even after they were seemingly cast away, the God of ,Abraham still declared, by his prophet Jeremiah,—
“I am a Father to Israel,

Labensborn Popular History as Sex (Eugenics) Fantasy

Labensborn Popular History as Sex (Eugenics) Fantasy

The reality of Lebensborn was far removed from the Hollywood-style fantasy. Here, two student nurses bottle feed infants at one home. Student nurses were carefully screened for they too, like the mothers, had a lofty duty to the nation to fulfil Actually most mothers preferred to breast feed as long as possible to prolong their stays at the comfortable Lebensborn facilities. Expectant mothers were provided with fresh fruit and vegetables, chocolate and real coffee. They had no duties except to keep their rooms neat and provide for the health of their offspring and were encouraged to take strolls for exercise through the broad lawns and gardens surrounding many of these country homes

Law-Grace or Lawlessness?

Law-Grace or Lawlessness?

(The contents of this booklet are based on two lectures under this title, given by the author at Open-Bible Fellowship, Belfast during September 2001)


As we commence our study into this vital topic let us read a portion of God’s Word:

PSALM 19:7-11 “The law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean enduring forever: the judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than Gold, yea than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. More over by them is thy servant warned and in keeping of them there is great reward”

I want to make two statements right from the outset of this message.

(A) I believe that the success and progress of the Gospel in the days that are past, was in direct proportion to the extent that God’s holy law was preached, proclaimed and given its proper place, and also the extent to which its purpose was understood.

What passes for Evangelism and Revival today makes no lasting impact upon our society because the Law of God has been neglected or even cast aside.

Joseph of Arimathea Came to Britain

Joseph of Arimathea Came to Britain

CHRISTIANITY ARRIVED IN KHUMRY-WALES IN AD 37, in “the last year of Tiberius”. This is attested by the official historians of the Church of Rome, Cardinal Baronius, the Vatican Librarian, writing around AD 1530, and Cardinal Alford (Griffiths) – as well as by the British monks Gildas (Aneurin y Coed Aur), who lived AD 540-600, and Nennius, who wrote circa AD 800.

Later writers had to be very careful as Christianity officially arrived in Eastern England in AD 597, with Austin-Augustine of Canterbury, who converted the immigrant Saxons and Angles. Yet Austin met with seven British bishops in AD 600 at Aust in the west of Britain, on the Severn estuary. Pelagius, a British monk, had denied the doctrine of original sin as developed by Augustine of Hippo, arguing instead for free will. This was in the early AD 400’s. Before that, three named British bishops had attended the Council of Sardonica in AD 347 and three more the Council of Arles in AD 314. The Roman Empress Helena was, we believe, a Christian and a British Princess [see More 2]. Earlier still, King Lierwg (known to the Romans as Lucius or Luke) had corresponded with Eleutherius, Bishop of Rome, around AD 178-180, as Christian to Christian. All this is in the official Church records. There is also a record of there being archbishops in London from the second century AD [see More 1]. So Austin did not bring Christianity to Britain, though he did bring Roman Catholicism.


Killing The English

Killing The English

IN April 1945, Dr. Raphael Lemkin (an adviser on international law to the former League of Nations) provided an important review of the primary techniques of genocide, as employed by the Nazis. Those techniques included: the partitioning of previously unified countries into administrative regions to destroy political cohesion; attacking existing cultural structures to weaken national resolve and obliterate former cultural patterns; the use of schools to poison the minds of vulnerable children; the undermining of the spiritual and communal foundations of the established Christian church; the promotion of pornography, alcohol and gambling to create moral debasement within the national group; the destruction of the industrial infrastructure and economic independence of the country; and (most especially) the use of various means to reduce the existing population, and the birthrate, of the targeted native people.[1]

Such techniques closely parallel those of the Marxist Frankfurt School. And both originate from the same malfeasant philosophy of forcing extreme and un-consented social change, by undermining the existing homogeneity of a sovereign country. It is a political process that accrues power by inciting hatred towards others – and thereby providing to itself, and to its supporters, a self-serving and perverse justification for the perpetual discovery of ‘others’ requiring elimination.

In the decades following the Dr. Lemkin report, a covert form of genocide has been developed as a single, ‘progressive’ political doctrine – but one which still retains the core techniques, as outlined above. Although ‘progressivism’ is an ideology that promotes itself as ultra-liberal and tolerant, an arguably more apt description (given the globally redefined, racist hatemongering) is ‘progressive-Nazism’.

Kill The Best Gentiles

Kill The Best Gentiles

The purpose of this book is to present to WHITE YOUTH factual information conventionally suppressed or distorted by the mass media, and denied them by schools and universities — which are forced to promulgate the Marxist line or lose their government subsidies. Appearing throughout the text are quotes from world authorities whose credentials appear in the bibliography. Upon reading TOB SHEBBE GOYIM HAROG! (KILL THE BEST GENTILES!) you will understand that — despite loud protests of denial — an age old CONSPIRACY does exist to destroy Western

Civilization. At this moment we are engaged in a deadly war with the HISTORIC ENEMY to determine whether or not our Nation will endure. We are losing that war because an Iron Curtain of censorship has descended over the landscape abrogating the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Without Freedom of Speech our system of government cannot function.  The hour is late. You and your family are in grave danger. We will present the FACTS then discuss what actions must be taken.
Best wishes,
James W. von Brunn

Jews, and Jews in England

Jews, and Jews in England

HERE is a book which caste aside all prejudice, and with authority, real learning and research, gives us a picture of the Jews as a people, especially in their relations to this country. When the World is seething with uncritical anti-Judaism and equally impassioned and uncritical apologies for the Jew, we are in need of a calm, dispassionate and authoritative review of the Jewish question as it affects us in England. It can safely be said that until the appearance of this volume no such work was in existence in the English language. The conference on the settlement of Jewish refugees at Evian is no mere academic matter. It is a burning question affecting, by the numbers of exiles we receive into this country, the very growth of our national character as well as the immediate employment of our own countrymen. We cannot assume an attitude of censure or approval toward the countries where anti-Semitism and racial distinction are officially recognised until we have knowledge and authority for our yardstick. Bitterness is being aroused on both aides, but knowledge and authoritative judgment are not heard.

The author is widely learned in his subject: he is able to give an objective account on which to form a judgment. He has gone in to the origins of the Jews and traced the persistent common factors in their character from pre-Christian days until now. He shows that by ridiculing the much-abused Word “race” you cannot dispose of the Jew as a persistent ethnic and psychological type. He assesses their qualities as fairly as their defects from the Gentile point of view. He weighs the evidence of their activities throughout England and Europe. He does not burke the problems of diluted blood either in Jew or Gentile. In particular he traces the influence of the Jews upon our national institutions and customs in recent history. He shows us how so many things have changed before our eyes without our knowing it. In this sense the book is as important for knowledge of ourselves as it is for a true assessment of the Jews.

No man who wishes to arrive at an honest understanding of this all-important question can afford to disregard this volume.

Jews and Blacks

Jews and Blacks

What explains continued Jewish support for black causes long after blacks have unequivocally turned against their erstwhile ally? Or, in modern psychobabble, “Why does she still stay in the abusive relationship?” Moreover, how might this Jewish co-dependency be undermined? Is there a handy twelve-step program for this disorder? Given that the entire contemporary civil rights political agenda (affirmative action and related “colour sensitive” evils) might collapse into a mere nuisance without Jewish money, brains and dynamism, these are hardly trivial questions.

The Historical Record

To begin with, let me read into the record two facts as one submits court documents. Exhibit A is the Jewish contribution to black well being. This monumental bestowal properly requires a massive tome. Jews have already assisted as prominent leaders and financial benefactors. The Julius Rosenwald Foundation virtually single-handedly bankrolled the NAACP’s Legal Defence Fund (Rosenwald’s generosity likewise once helped educate 25 to 40% of Southern black children!). Decades back the Jewish philanthropists Jacob Shiff and Felix Warburg were similarly munificent. More than half the lawyers and freedom riders assisting Southern black civil rights activists during the 1960’s were Jewish. Martin Luther King, Jr., James Farmer, among many others, all relied on Jewish advisors (and Jewish gelt [money]). The Jewish Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Congress, and the American Jewish Committee (among numerous other Jewish organizations) have been “movement” stalwarts. Elected Jewish leaders have uniformly been pro-civil rights, while ordinary Jews are the most racially liberal demographic group. The Wall Street Journal recently noted that nearly all high-ranking black executives worked in Jewish run corporations. And on and on. Perhaps only Israel has drawn more fervent support in the pantheon of Jewish causes!

Exhibit B is wretched black anti-Semitism. The facts are again plain–even Ivory Tower academics admit it. Repeated national polls show blacks more anti-Semitic than whites, even when statistically adjusting for socio-economic status. A 1992 survey revealed that blacks were often twice as likely as whites to endorse anti-Jewish stereotypical, e.g., Jews favor shady business practices or have excessive economic power. More telling is explicit Jew-hating permeating black popular culture. The virulent anti-Jewish messages of Public Enemy, Professor Griff and other rap artists evidently do not offend black audiences judging by the millions of records sold. Damning Jewish Ghetto merchants (even long after they have sold their stores) is apparently an honoured black tradition. That both Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan have risen to respected mainstream figures among ordinary blacks (and NAACP, as well) despite praising Hitler’s killing of six million Jews speaks louder than any poll.

Independent Proof Jews Behind Race Mixing

Independent Proof Jews Behind Race Mixing

In order to understand Jewish thinking on this matter, one must first recognize that the Jews are a very unique people.

The Jews are bound to one another by three different means— which no other people in the world have in common.

1. The Jews have one religion—Judaism!

2. The Jews are of one nation—Israel!

3. The Jews are of one Race!

Race is defined as a group of people who have inbred with their own kind for centuries and exhibit like features and characteristics. Thus the Jews of today are a tight-knit race, and highly conscious of the great gulf which separates them from White Christians.

Gentiles do not have even the basic rudiments of unity existing in Jewry. We are of many different churches, different nationalities and from divided language groups of Europe. Feuds, wars, jealousy and hatreds have always divided our White Folk.

This division has made it easy, for a skilful and highly organized Jewish minority to dominate us.

If anyone is in doubt about Jewish control over our daily lives, let them check on who owns all the stores on Main Street. Find out who controls the three T. V. Networks. (Sarnoff heads NBC, Paley (Palensky) heads CBS and David Goldenson heads ABC.)

Check who controls Hollywood, or which racial group controls many of the giant combines buying controlling interest in thousands of formerly Christian owned companies in America!