Zetetic Astronomy Earth Not a Globe

Zetetic Astronomy Earth Not a Globe

Notes on The Author

SAMUEL BIRLEY ROWBOTHAM, (1816–1884) was an English inventor and writer who wrote Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe under the pseudonym “Parallax”. His work was based on his decade-long studies of the earth and was originally published as a 16-page pamphlet (1849), which he later expanded into a 430-page book (1881). According to Rowbotham’s method, which he called Zetetic Astronomy, the earth is an enclosed plane, centred at the North Pole and bounded along its outward edge by a wall of ice, with the sun, moon, planets, and stars only a few hundred miles above the surface of the earth.

Rowbotham started out as an organiser of an Owenite commune in the Fens, where he first observed the strange phenomenon on the Bedford level that led to his theories about the earth. Following allegations of sexual misconduct he reinvented himself as an itinerant lecturer under the name Parallax. He took a little time to learn his trade, running away from a lecture in Blackburn when he couldn’t explain why the hulls of ships disappeared before their masts when sailing out to sea. However, as he persisted in filling halls by charging sixpence a lecture his quick-wittedness and debating skills were honed so much that he could “counter every argument with ingenuity, wit and consummate skill”.

When finally pinned down to a challenge in Plymouth in 1864 by allegations that he wouldn’t agree to a test, Parallax appeared on Plymouth Hoe at the appointed time, witnessed by Richard Proctor, a writer on astronomy, and proceeded to the beach where a telescope had been set up. His opponents had claimed that only the lantern of the Eddystone lighthouse, some 14 miles out to sea, would be visible. In fact, only half the lantern was visible, yet Rowbotham claimed his opponents were wrong and that it proved the earth was indeed flat so that many Plymouth folk left the Hoe agreeing that “some of the most important conclusions of modern astronomy had been seriously invalidated”.

In 1861 Rowbotham was married for a second time to the 16-year-old daughter of his laundress and settled in London, producing 14 children, of whom 4 survived. He was also alleged to be using the name “Dr. Samuel Birley”, living in a beautiful 12-roomed house selling the secrets for prolonging human life and curing every disease imaginable. De Morgan refers to him as S. Goulden. He patented a number of inventions including a ‘life-preserving cylindrical railway carriage’.

His book Zetetic Astronomy – The Earth not a Globe appeared in 1864. His lectures continued and concerned citizens addressed letters to the Astronomer Royal seeking rebuttals for his claims. A correspondent to the Leeds Times observed that “One thing he did demonstrate was that scientific dabblers unused to platform advocacy are unable to cope with a man, a charlatan if you will (but clever and thoroughly up in his theory), thoroughly alive to the weakness of his opponents”.

The Earth Plus 5%

The Earth Plus 5%

Fabian was excited as he once more rehearsed his speech for the crowd certain to turn up tomorrow. He had always wanted prestige and power and now his dreams were going to come true. He was a craftsman working with silver and gold, making jewellery and ornaments, but he became dissatisfied with working for a living. He needed excitement, a challenge, and now his plan was ready to begin. For generations the people used the barter system. A man supported his own family by providing all their needs or else he specialised in a particular trade. Whatever surpluses he might have from his own production, he exchanged or swapped for the surplus of others.

Fabian was excited…

Market day was always noisy and dusty, yet people looked forward to the shouting and waving, and especially the companionship. It used to be a happy place, but now there were too many people, too much arguing. There was no time for chatting – a better system was needed.

Generally, the people had been happy, and enjoyed the fruits of their work.

Market day was always noisy and dusty…

In each community a simple Government had been formed to make sure that each person’s freedoms and rights were protected and that no man was forced to do anything against his will by any other man, or any group of men.

This was the Government’s one and only purpose and each Governor was voluntarily supported by the local community who elected him.

However, market day was the one problem they could not solve. Was a knife worth one or two baskets of corn? Was a cow worth more than a wagon … and so on. No one could think of a better system.

Fabian had advertised, “I have the solution to our bartering problems, and I invite everyone to a public meeting tomorrow.”

This was the Government’s one and only purpose

Book 12 Appendix Joan of Arc

Book 12 Appendix Joan of Arc

Book XII

Joan of Arc

IN CONSIDERING THE HISTORY OF THIS EXTRAORDINARY YOUNG WOMAN, it particularly deserves to be remarked, that we have only one contemporary author (Monstrelet) who gives an account of her. All the after writers have added something to what he relates, in order to embellish their history. Monstrelet was one of the retinue of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, and had himself seen this girl. But he is extremely reserved in what he says, he never gives his own opinion, and the reason is very evident. For Joan making her ap­pearance when the Duke of Burgundy was in alliance with England, Monstrelet, with all of that party, did not believe her inspired.

But as he wrote not his chronicle till after the Duke was reconciled to King Charles, he thought it not proper to combat in his writings the general opinion of the French, who were then his master’s friends. On the other hand, as probably, in changing his party, he had not changed his opinion of Joan, he took care to say nothing, to make it thought he was under the same prejudice with the rest of the French. It seems therefore that Monstrelet may be taken for a guide, who whatever his opinion was, has said nothing to render him suspected. He never says either that Joan was, or was not inspired.

The same author has inserted in his chronicle a letter written in the name of Henry VI to the Duke of Burgundy, to acquaint him with what passed at the trial and condemnation of the Maid of Or­leans. This letter might be justly suspected of partiality, if the facts it contains did not, for the most part, agree with the records of the trial mentioned hereafter.

We have a third means which is both the amplest and most consi­derable, namely, Joan’s examination and answers, of which the fa­mous Stephen Pasquier has given us the particulars. Pasquier says, he had Joan’s original trial four whole years in his hands, and what he has related was faithfully extracted. But we must carefully dis­tinguish what Pasquier says as of himself, from the records of the trial. He was so prejudiced in favour of Joan, that he could not help being angry with those of his countrymen who did not believe her inspired.

He says, they were worse than the English, and ex­tremely injurious to the honour of France. So, considering only his private opinion, he may be said to have justly rendered himself suspected to one of the parties. But the trial itself is an original piece beyond all suspicion, since we find there word for word, Joan’s own answers to the articles she was examined upon.

Book 12 Reign of Henry VI

Book 12 Reign of Henry VI

Book XII

HENRY V when within view of his end, seemed to have been taken out of the world, by a par­ticular direction of Divine Providence, which is sometimes pleased to stop the best concerted undertakings, when just on the point of accomplishment. The peace of Troye not being yet firmly settled, and the Prince who was to mount the throne, but an infant of nine months, every thing seemed to occur to take from the English the hopes, of seeing the two kingdoms of France and England united under a King of their na­tion.

On the other hand, the noble qualities of the Dukes of Bedford and Gloucester, brothers of the deceased King, encouraged the most timid. How great soever the loss might be, it was not thought irre­parable, since the valour, experience, and wisdom of these two Princes, enabled them to support the new King’s minority. Instead therefore of being disheartened at so terrible a blow, they showed, by proclaiming young Henry King of England, and heir of France, that they were determined to maintain what the King his father had so gloriously established.

The Duke of Gloucester had governed the kingdom by the title of guardian, ever since the Duke of Bed­ford his eldest brother attended the Queen into France. But this dignity being inconsistent with a King actually present in his kingdom, ceased the moment young Henry was proclaimed. It is true, the late King had ordered upon his death-bed, that during his son’s mino­rity, the Duke of Gloucester should be Regent, or protector in England. But this was not a sufficient war­rant to exercise that important office. The Parliament’s confirmation was also requisite. For that, and some no less urgent reasons, the council speedily summoned a Parliament for the 9th of November. Till the two Houses should settle the form of government, during the King’s minority, the council, whereof the Duke of Gloucester was president, issued all necessary orders for whatever would not admit of delay.

Previously to the meeting of the Parliament, died King Charles VI. at Paris, the 21st of October, having survived Henry V his son-in-law, but fifty-five days. His death entirely changed the face of affairs. It was not doubted that the Dauphin would take the title of King of France, and exert his utmost to procure the possession of a crown, which he deemed fallen to him by the death of the King his father. Whilst Charles VI was alive, many of his subjects thought it their duty to obey him, without enquiring, whether what he did was conformable to the laws, and beneficial to the state, because, their oath to him was not conditional.

Symbols of Spiritual and Political Activity

Symbols of Spiritual and Political Activity

WE ARE TURNING THIS AFTERNOON, TO THE SIGNS OF GREAT SPIRITUAL AND POLITICAL RENAISSANCE IN OUR SOCIETY. We are coming to one of the most important periods of our history. And this is a good sign that there is an awakening in our nation and a bending away from the policies of the left to the right and the great number of people who are coming out of their sleep and being heard audibly through the land. Some years ago, it was hard to find such voices lifted up on freedom, that would have any following or who would listen to them. But today you discover that across this nation there has started a great spiritual stimulant. That from one end of the nation to the other, people are concerned about their nation and its course.

They are concerned by decisions made by leaders and by Presidents, and from Cabinet levels down. They are concerned about policies which do not work out according to the promises of leadership. And they are beginning to suspect that there is a great underground evil in this situation. Experts who have meditated upon this problem and have studied it, have long known the source of degeneration and great problems in many countries. They have long known what was wrong with these United States. But these were the experts and they spoke to themselves. And when they sought to bring this knowledge to the people of the nation, they were referred to as ‘RADICAL or Fanatics or Extremists. And I know that today you are well aware of the use of the word ‘Extreme.’ For in the semantics of the opposition who seek to wage war against God’s Kingdom, its nations, and its race, and its faith, they are seeking today to make the word ‘extreme’ to be one which is looked down upon with ridicule.

Supporting The Power of The Unseen World

Supporting The Power of The Unseen World

WE ARE DWELLING IN A PERIOD OF TIME IN WHICH THERE IS A TENDENCY due to the growth of materialism which has been used as mental warfare against God’s Kingdom, to over look the supernatural powers and Divine force that is directed into the areas of human existence, for the development of Divine purpose. In fact, there has developed such a technological age because we have developed so many of these things out of what we think to be merely scientific investigation, that many do not recognize that this vision and this understanding comes to a race and to a household which is directly related to the MOST HIGH. We do not always recognize that all of the great visions and technological developments would be found among the offspring of the MOST HIGH GOD, and the Household that HE established in the earth. These patterns of science and developments do not come out of Asia, or out of Africa. But all of the areas of scholarship which is produced in our time, which has within it the great accumulation of knowledge and wisdom, only moves through the channels of vision and inspiration.

We as a great nation, are in a time of trouble. All of the great Christian nations of the world are in a great time of trouble. And our struggle for survival is a complex one. The reason for this is that a great number of people do not know that a battle for their minds has been going on for some time, and the concepts of the world order round about them that is made proper by constant repetition, is actually a dangerous design which would destroy their civilization, blot out the vision and the wisdom and plunge the world into an era of controlled darkness in the hands of Lucifer.
Let me point out to you that the great Christian nations of the world have been entrapped already.

Subtlety of Satanic Control

Subtlety of Satanic Control

AS WE DISCUSS THE SUBTLETY OF SATAN, it is most important that we understand things in this hour. Never has their been a greater struggle to capture the minds of God’s household. This is however not something which has never happened before. The biggest area of trouble that your race was ever aware of and got into was this struggle to attempt to capture the minds of your race. Remember that Eve was deceived, and we are told that the Serpent was more subtle, than all of the Beasts of the field.

It is important to remember that in allegory in which the book of Genesis is written, that when it talks about the Serpent being more subtle than any Beast of the field, it is quite obvious that we are not talking about the serpent as a snake, even though he might be beautiful in his colours and graceful in his form. The fact remains that it was known that this was a title in all understanding and wisdom as the emblem of Lucifer, who was one time known as Star of the morning. He was a great and mighty Archangel with great power thru out the Universe. And in his rebellion against the most high and in the great struggles which followed we discover that Lucifer was defeated by Michael the Archangel. In this sphere of the Solar system and the milky way which fell into his grasp as he fell into earth where defeated he made his headquarters.

Thus we have these words in scripture and we find them referred to in the Book of Revelations, and especially in the 12 chapter of Revelation. And we find that Lucifer ‘son of the morning’, although a fallen Angel has these other names. It is saying that he is referred to as Satan or the devil, and it is referring-to one and the same, this fallen Archangel.

Strategy of The False Prophet

Strategy of The False Prophet

TONIGHT WE ARE SPEAKING ON THE STRATEGY OF THE FALSE PROPHET. And we tonight are in a very serious situation here in these United States. It is very important that we understand just what we are facing at this time. This is a great nation of God’s Kingdom, and this Kingdom is very clearly outlined in the scriptures as a very important part of God’s plan. For His Kingdom extends thru out the universe, and this Kingdom in earth is a most important and vital factor. If you understand this Kingdom in earth, then we know what we are here for. And when I am speaking about what you are here for, I am talking about your race. We have talked about the pre-existence with the Father, and what God has said about you, and said this before the world was framed – that you were with Him in the days of His creation and even in the days of the creation of this solar system.

But now we are faced with a lot of events that are now transpiring which require a lot of understanding. This is required so that we might know what to do under these circumstances. Never in the history of this nation have we had a week like the one we just passed, more with violence and the evidence of anti-Christ than any thru which we have passed. This past week the Supreme Court rendered its decision of evil. It demonstrates that these men are not fit to sit upon the high court of this nation. It also demonstrates that we have drifted far by acquiescence to this evil by which these people represent. Remember, my friends, that when we became a nation in 1776, we were a nation of God fearing colonies that had been established by men of vision and of courage, who had faith in God. We know today that all of our Jewish co-hosts are trying to downgrade our founding fathers.

Story of The Four Wise Men

Story of The Four Wise Men

WE TURN TONIGHT TO OUR STORY OF THE 4 WISE MEN, and we call attention to the second chapter of Matthew. We read that when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the King, behold there came Wise Men from the East of Jerusalem, saying, where is HE born King, in Judea? We have seen His Star in the East and have come to worship Him. Yes, there were Wise Men out of the East, and I want you to know that these men were Aryan’s, all of them. They were tall men, white men, they may have been bronze from the sun and from their travels, but they were white men. They were the sons of Yah, the Magi. And there were 4 at the time of Christ, and their order goes back to Ancient Times.

For Enoch, the seventh from Adam, was a most Holy man, and he desired to serve the Most High God. He was a man of great riches and great strength. His flocks were many and his household strong. God sent for this man Enoch and one day a great Chariot came from the heavens and men knocked on his door, Angelic Hosts and they said: “The Great Yah has summoned thee to come into His presence. Tell your family good-by, close up thy shutters and come on board,” and this is exactly what Enoch did. In the course of time and in the records of time and tradition we see what Enoch did as he went into the Presence of the Most High God and was taught by Archangel’s. He was taught the Mystery of the Signs of the Zodiac, and the Gospel message of the Star’s, their formation and their meaning. He was taught the Sign that would mark the in-coming Christ, THE MESSIAH that would emerge as God Himself out of His Household, and out of His Family. To redeem His Household, His Family from their transgressions, and to prepare the pattern of His Kingdom.

Storming The Ramparts of Mental Capacity

Storming The Ramparts of Mental Capacity

FROM THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE HISTORY OF OUR RACE IN THE EARTH, we have been engaged for the consciousness of man. We as the children of the Most High God have a different origin from any other people upon the face of the earth. The offspring of the Most High sent into the earth by the process which he has ordained, the embodiment of his children in the Adamic household makes probably the most important phase of human understanding concerning our origins and our destiny, and the necessity of understanding of what the bible teaches, and what the words of inspiration not found in this bible, but are also scripture in the word of God have had to say about our being transplanted from heaven to earth.

For this is what God did, he established his household and the seat of his kingdom in earth. Brought forth his issue in the Adamic race and ordained that they should occupy the earth and build his kingdom. And that this kingdom coming down thru his posterity, by his foreknowledge he had written in the heavens as the ‘Lamb’s book of Life’ written before the foundation of the world. This a flowing stream of people the embodied household of the Most High in the earth. The only way to carry out his responsibilities in earth was to dwell in bodies of flesh, like the people of earth dwelt in. That they might use the mentality of such an occupation to transfer in a working order, the program of God’s kingdom which was an enlightening spiritual force.