Story of The Four Wise Men

Story of The Four Wise Men

WE TURN TONIGHT TO OUR STORY OF THE 4 WISE MEN, and we call attention to the second chapter of Matthew. We read that when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the King, behold there came Wise Men from the East of Jerusalem, saying, where is HE born King, in Judea? We have seen His Star in the East and have come to worship Him. Yes, there were Wise Men out of the East, and I want you to know that these men were Aryan’s, all of them. They were tall men, white men, they may have been bronze from the sun and from their travels, but they were white men. They were the sons of Yah, the Magi. And there were 4 at the time of Christ, and their order goes back to Ancient Times.

For Enoch, the seventh from Adam, was a most Holy man, and he desired to serve the Most High God. He was a man of great riches and great strength. His flocks were many and his household strong. God sent for this man Enoch and one day a great Chariot came from the heavens and men knocked on his door, Angelic Hosts and they said: “The Great Yah has summoned thee to come into His presence. Tell your family good-by, close up thy shutters and come on board,” and this is exactly what Enoch did. In the course of time and in the records of time and tradition we see what Enoch did as he went into the Presence of the Most High God and was taught by Archangel’s. He was taught the Mystery of the Signs of the Zodiac, and the Gospel message of the Star’s, their formation and their meaning. He was taught the Sign that would mark the in-coming Christ, THE MESSIAH that would emerge as God Himself out of His Household, and out of His Family. To redeem His Household, His Family from their transgressions, and to prepare the pattern of His Kingdom.