Strategy of The False Prophet

Strategy of The False Prophet

TONIGHT WE ARE SPEAKING ON THE STRATEGY OF THE FALSE PROPHET. And we tonight are in a very serious situation here in these United States. It is very important that we understand just what we are facing at this time. This is a great nation of God’s Kingdom, and this Kingdom is very clearly outlined in the scriptures as a very important part of God’s plan. For His Kingdom extends thru out the universe, and this Kingdom in earth is a most important and vital factor. If you understand this Kingdom in earth, then we know what we are here for. And when I am speaking about what you are here for, I am talking about your race. We have talked about the pre-existence with the Father, and what God has said about you, and said this before the world was framed – that you were with Him in the days of His creation and even in the days of the creation of this solar system.

But now we are faced with a lot of events that are now transpiring which require a lot of understanding. This is required so that we might know what to do under these circumstances. Never in the history of this nation have we had a week like the one we just passed, more with violence and the evidence of anti-Christ than any thru which we have passed. This past week the Supreme Court rendered its decision of evil. It demonstrates that these men are not fit to sit upon the high court of this nation. It also demonstrates that we have drifted far by acquiescence to this evil by which these people represent. Remember, my friends, that when we became a nation in 1776, we were a nation of God fearing colonies that had been established by men of vision and of courage, who had faith in God. We know today that all of our Jewish co-hosts are trying to downgrade our founding fathers.